
Dear Heart, It’s Me

@jaskiersbard / jaskiersbard.tumblr.com

Megan. 26. Autistic. Trashmouth. Reblogs (mostly) queued.

People who criticise Beauty and the Beast, usually do it over the complaint that it romanticised Stockholm syndrome and how the message of the film is trying to encourage women to stay with abusive men.

Excuse me?

Give me one scene where Belle tolerated the Beast's anger, where she wasn't angry, upset or afraid because of it. Belle left the moment she got the chance, only changing her mind when the Beast saved her life, but even then she didn't take any of his shit. Belle was kind but she wasn't a doormat, and it's that kindness that prompted the Beast to be kind in turn and try to change and be a better person. And while Beast might have changed in part with the hope that Belle would break his curse by falling in love with him, she never knew about the curse at all. It wasn't used by the Beast as some bargaining chip or sad backstory. Did people forget that he let Belle go, fully intending to stay cursed forever, if it meant he could help Belle save her father?

Belle never fell in love or chose to excuse the Beast's anger or the way he treated her and her father initially.

Belle fell in love with someone who was trully trying to be a better person, who took interest in her and the things she enjoyed, and who put her needs before his own when it came down to it.


The thing about fantasy worldbuilding is that verisimilitude and the rule of cool are not enemies. Someone who looks at a pod of flying whales and asks "what do they eat?" is not being a spoilsport – they're engaging with the premise. There are any number of much more serious objections to aerial megafauna than lack of any obvious role in a trophic web that could have been raised if they just wanted to shoot the idea down; a person who wants to know what the flying whales eat is all but explicitly yes-anding the idea. Sure, you might not have an answer at your fingertips, but acting like it's unimaginative for them to have asked is a really fucking weird way to react.

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