
Creative Charms


Witchling. Writer. Bi. Poly-ish.
For the Witch Mommies 👩‍👧‍👦💗
  • Enchant their favorite blankey with sweet dreams.
  • Enchant their teddy (or favorite toy) with protective energy.
  • Stir their oatmeal clockwise to invoke good energy and bless with a happy day.
  • Stir soup counter clockwise to banish sickness.
  • While you’re at it with the oatmeal, sprinkle some cinnamon in it for its abundance in magickal properties. (And peanut butter for the yumminess factor)
  • Plant rose bushes near their swing set to promote protection.
  • Walk barefoot in the grass with them to allow them to connect with nature.
  • Name the neighborhood squirrels and the trees they live in to teach them that everything is connected with each other.

'Seasonal Employment Spell'

I just did a deliciously simple little spell for my upcoming job interview. Very few ingredients and simple to do. I’m gonna call it the ‘Seasonal Employment Spell’ just 'cause the mixture of spices smells like fall 💛 

 My intent with this spell is to ace an interview that I have coming up this week. I want to stand out from other applicants and communicate easily with the interviewer. Also to enjoy working at the new spot and be successful! Here is what I used… 

  • Pinch of allspice for good fortune, especially with money. 
  • Pinch of cinnamon for money as well. 
  • Turmeric to add a beautiful yellow hue to aid in communication and good, happy feelings. 
  • Pyrite for confidence and business success. Alternatively you can use 3 pennies!
  • A tea light candle. 
  • Olive oil. 

Mix the spices in a small bowl and add just a couple of drops of olive oil. I used my fingers to mix the spices and the oil in a clockwise motions focusing on my intent while imagining a glowing golden light around my 'altar’. 

 I took the candle out of its little metal holder and rubbed the oil all over it. The spices combined together with the oil make the candle look coppery like a little penny! Return the candle to its holder. I place 3 small pieces of pyrite (or pennies) around my candle and light that baby up while really focusing, meditating, and visualizing my intent. I continue focusing until I felt happy, successful, like I got the job already! I visualized enjoying work too. Let it burn until it’s done. 

I plan on carrying the pyrite with me to the interview :) I will let you all know how it goes!


✨ Cleansing in Witchcraft ✨

Cleansing is a way of removing negative or unwanted energies, spirits, and imprints from an object or a space. There are a number of simple rituals and actions that are done to cleanse. You can do as many or as few as you like, and create your own cleansing methods/rituals. 


  • Brush your hair, morning
  • Ritual baths
  • Dancing singing
  • Visualization 
  • Drinking a tea designed to cleanse


  • Brush your hair
  • Open the windows, let the new air come in and the old air out 
  • Light a candle
  • Playing a song you associate with cleansing
  • Ringing wind chimes
  • Wetting your hands in salt water and flicking the water through the area
  • Visualize light and colors, and manipulate the energy away


  • Ring a bell through an area
  • Smoke cleansing / cense (not smudging)
  • Waft incense smoke around
  • Burn herbs, such as sage, rosemary, bay leaf, etc
  • Spritz lemon-infused water around, or salt water
  • Light a candle
  • Sprinkle salt or eggshell pieces in the windows and doorways
  • Use a besom to clean the negative energies out of the air like cobwebs
  • Wave a branch of a strong-scented herb through the area, such as mint
  • Toss a pinch of salt or herbs in the door ways and window
  • Touch each corner of the room and say a short prayer over each


  • bury in a salt bath
  • if water-compatible (not soluble, won’t react poorly, etc), let sit in a moon or salt water bath
  • pass through smoke
  • incense
  • rainwater, mist, snow, etc

Poems for Beginning Witches

Masterpost for the complete series of poems so far, designed to aid learning for beginning witches. Most are theory, and a one or two are conceptual. The reason for this masterpost is that they’re all poorly tagged

  1. Moon Phases
  2. Color Magic
  3. Water Magics
  4. Charging Objects
  5. Herbs
  6. Fire (element)*
  7. Quartzes*
  8. Witch Tools*
  9. Divination*
  10. Kitchen Witchcraft*
  11. Air (element)*
  12. Tea Magics*
  13. Salt 
  14. Wheel of the Year (Sabbats) requested by @fish-egs
  15. Cleansing (an area) requested anonymously
  16. Calling Circle requested by @dragonrhapsody
  17. Spell Types requested anonymously

*with thanks to @lazywitchling, who helped inspire the second wave!

If there is something you would be willing to see in poetry form, send me an ask or drop me a message! As of 10/3/17, I am all out and no more are queued. 


Poem for Sabbats

Samhain begins the witches’ new year, and now Winter soon is here; the leaves fall, the harvest is done, so call your ancestors and let’s have some fun. 

Yule is the longest night, and signals the return of light. Everything is newly remade, and we wait for darkness to fade.

Imbolc we clean, cleanse and prepare for what the Spring may come to bear. Light the candles, light the fire, and build in yourself what does inspire. 

Ostara comes and Spring growth arrives, and all the Earth is truly alive. Winter is over and in it’s stead we bless our homes and our covensteads. 

Beltane, the fine May eve, we thank our gods for fertility. Bless the growing harvest and romance as we eat, drink, sing, and dance.

Litha is the longest day, the sun at it’s brightest but soon will fade. The Earth’s bounty is at it’s top, and abundance aids our spells nonstop. 

Lughnasadh, Lammas, both names are fine, herald the advent of harvest time. When fear and uncertainty are about, we ward our homes and both in and out. 

Mabon is a balance of seasons, where darkness and light remain within reason. The last harvest is called and the Summer is done, we give our thanks and farewell the sun. 

As every cycle begins once again, the wheel spins ‘round and we greet grandly Samhain.

Requested by @fish-egs. Thank you! :)


Laurel’s Easy Sabbat Planning Guide

For all of the witches who struggle with Sabbats sneaking up on them, here is a guide to help whip up an easy celebration so you never have to miss out on Sabbats again!

A Sabbat is a seasonal festival mostly celebrated by Pagans and Witches. Sabbats are like any other holiday, except these are normally celebrations of the changing of the seasons, or the “turning of the wheel.” Each person will celebrate each Sabbat differently, as each season is completely personal to you.

⛤ The First Step

The first step I recommend to planning a Sabbat celebration is to figure out exactly what the Sabbat is to you. Figure out how you feel about the sabbat and what you naturally associate each one with. This can take some time to work through, especially if you are new to sabbats or if you tend to avoid nature at all costs.

⛤ What to ask yourself:

- What does this Sabbat mean to you? - What is the Earth doing right now? What does it look like outside your window? - What is in season (this includes foods, herbs, flowers and decor)? - How do you feel this time of year? How does this particular Sabbat make you feel? Is this normal? - What sort of things make you feel “witchy” or connected to this Sabbat? - Why is this day special to you?

⛤ Things to Do:

- Perform a ritual. Rituals can be as elaborate or as simple as you want them to be. Sometimes all you have to work with is a tealight candle and a week old pack of cookies.

- Cook. Some of us feel connected to the world around us when there is food involved. After all, it’s not a party unless there is food. Try out a new recipe with in-season foods, or make your favorite comfort food dish.

- Go outside. The easiest way to celebrate the changing of the seasons is to go outside and experience them. Even if it’s a short walk (because not many people want to go for long strolls in the dead of winter), take a moment to step outside and experience nature and observe what it’s currently doing. If you are able, plan a day trip to somewhere special or new to explore.

- Decorate. Nothing gets me in the holiday (or Sabbat) spirit like decorating. As a child decorating for Christmas was the best because that was the only time we put up decorations. Now, as an adult, I use whatever I have handy to decorate for every Sabbat I can to make me feel more festive.

- Offerings. If you work with spirits of deities, you may wish to put together some sort of offering for them when you celebrate. This can be food, special rocks or flowers from outside, or something you’ve made yourself.

- Spells. Sabbats are prime times to do spells for me. The spells I cast are reflections of the coming season and what I want from them.

- Crafts. There are a ton of different little projects for Sabbats floating around on the internet. Get creative and make something! If you are on a budget, make something with what you have, or modify a craft to include what you have. I like to make something new each year for the Sabbats (it’s an easy way to get “decorations” too!)

- Divination. Nothing says celebration like a good old fashion look into the future. Choose any form of divination that you’d like and do a reading for yourself. 

- Journaling. Sometimes the easiest way to celebrate and connect is to get into your own head. Let the Earth inspire you. Stare out a window (or sit outside if you can) and just watch what happens around you. Let it inspire you to create. Journal about your own feelings, write a freestyle poem or sketch and paint what you see.

⛤ Creating a Ritual

Not all rituals have to be long and elaborate. Some of my favorite rituals are just sitting around in sweatpants with a hot cup of cocoa and my journal, reflecting on the season and my life. Ask yourself these questions to help piece together how a ritual would be best done for you.

- What am I celebrating? How can I celebrate this? - Who am I worshiping? - How much space do I have? - How much time do I have? - Why am I celebrating this Sabbat? - What do I/can I buy for my celebrations?

The important thing for Sabbats isn’t how grand your ritual is, it’s all about gaining something from it, whether that be a nice warm fuzzy feeling or a great insight into your life. 

⛤ Reflection and Meditation

After each Sabbat day, I find it helpful if I reflect upon what I did that day and how my celebration went. This is when I do most of my journaling, but you don’t have to write anything. You can simply sit and rest and meditate on the day if you wish. Use this time to unwind.

- What did I do today? How do I feel about it? - What ideas do I have for next year? - What did this year’s Sabbat teach me? - What was my favorite part of today’s celebration? - What was my least favorite?

Happy Celebrating! ~L <):)


Celebrating Samhain for New Witches

First off, welcome to the Witchy Family. We’re proud to have you.

Samhain (Halloween), is one of the most important celebrations for a witch. It’s many things rolled into one and has many different cultures mixed into it. But we’re going to keep this simple.

One of the main things we do on Samhain is remember and honor the dead. Especially our family and friends who have gone on. This is not morbid in any way. It’s very natural and believe me when I say, the dead appreciate it.

A few simple but nice ways to celebrate are:

1. Choose a spot to create an ancestor altar. Decorate it with photos of your deceased family members, write down their names if you have no photos, place skulls around, candles etc. Also water or juice in a cup (wine if you’re legal and no one will get into it) and sweet breads as offerings. Colors normally associated are black, red, orange and purple. But go with your gut as always.

2. Get together some food like cheese, fresh bread, lunch meats etc. Whatever yo will eat. Put out two plates. One for you and one for the spirits. Fill up their plate and sit with them eating your meal in complete silence. This is known as a “dumb supper”. Once finished, simply take their food outdoors and leave it sitting on something off of your property. The animals will eat it. Never just throw away an offering.

3. Set aside a small bowl with opened candies just for any wandering spirits.

4. Go to a cemetery and leave small flowers or treats on the oldest and most worn graves plus those of any family or friends. Be polite. Speak to them like you would if they were there with you.

5. Safely make an outdoor fire (please have adult supervision if you’re a minor) and feed small food items into the fire for the spirits. Tell spooky tales and also share memories of your deceased loved ones.

Have a safe and magical Samhain/Halloween.


Samhain will be here before you know it. Sometimes referred to as “The Witches New Year” it is, not only a time that’s believed to be when the veil between our world and the afterlife is at it’s thinnest, but also a time to reflect on the past year and look to the future.

Let this spread be a guide as you prepare yourself for the cold and dark months ahead. 

Card 1 : Your Past

This card represents all you’ve learned and experience this past year (since last Samhain). Let this be a reminder to you of how far you’ve come.

Card 2 : Your Future Love Life

Will you have one? Is it important? What should you be focusing on in your relationship in the new year? These are all questions that this card can answer for you.

Card 3 :Your Future Work

This card will represent your career for the coming new year. Whether this be to help you figure out any doubts you have about a new career path or promotion, or if how you can better improve your current work ethic / attitude. Let this card help you figure out where you’re trying to head [in your career] in the new year.

Card 4 : Your Present

What are you still dealing with right now? This card will help you better understand where you’re at in this moment so that you’ll better understand how to get to where you want to be.

Card 5 : Your Future Self

Let this card be a guide for your coming new year. Allow it to represent where you need to be in the future, as far as self and self-love goes.

**feel free to print this out and add it to your tarot journal, BoS, Grimoire or whatever sort of notebook system you use**


🎃Ways to Celebrate Samhain👻

 Samhain is the celebration of the final harvest and the honoring of the deceased that is celebrated on October 31st. 

👻 Hold a dumb supper to honor the deceased. Invite your family to join and honor your loved ones who are gone. 👻 Make an altar, offering, prayer, or something special to honor the deceased or to honor the holiday 👻 Prepare for the winter by stocking up on herbs and powders and throw away old, unusable tools 👻 Decorate in red and black colors, pumpkins, cornstalks, apples, and candles around the house and on an altar 👻 Visit and tend to the graves of relatives 👻 Now is the ideal time to do any spirit work as the veil is exceptionally thin 👻 Do a divination reading to gather insight for the upcoming months 👻 Make a bonfire and share stories of late loved ones with your family and friends 👻 Take the time to embrace nature before winter wilts the plants 👻 Harvest any herbs or goods from plants and properly store them away or use them in a spell 👻 Now is a great time to do reflection on the self spells, spirit communication, and change spells 👻 Write in your grimoire or book of shadows and write down your magical goals that you want to achieve by the end of the year 👻 Dress up in costumes and have fun with friends! Enchant some of the clothing to make the night more fun! 👻 Do some crafts, such as carving pumpkins, making witch ladders, and making candles in cauldrons 👻 Make food for your friends and family and bless the food with their consent for good health and luck for the rest of the year 👻 Play with an ouija board with friends or use a pendulum by yourself to talk with spirits

Happy Samhain!🎃


subtle witch tips for the fall 🍁

( with some links for elaboration ♡ )

🍁 gourds and pumpkins make for lovely altar decorations, and spell ingredients

🍁 jack-o-lanterns burning with herbs sprinkled inside for candle spells

🍁 scarecrows are good poppets for binding fears

🍁 fallen leaves can be used in spells, intent varying from each type of leaf

🍁 hot chocolate and flavored coffee can be used as subtle potions 

🍁 when the cold drains you, you can ground/meditate with your coffee

🍁 scented candle jars are often on sale, and are lovely for simple spells

🍁 when a brisk wind rushes past you, you can cleanse with it

🍁 anything pumpkin spice can be used for protection and homey love


🍀 🍄A summary of the Sabbats 🍄🍀

When I was a baby witch, it was really difficult for me to understand the Sabbats and the wheel of the year. To help all my baby witches, I made a short summary to make it easier. 

🎄 Yule (Date: on the winter solstice, dec. 20-23) 🎄

This is the Sabbat for celebrating rebirth. Many people celebrate it similarly to Christmas, with gift giving, feasting, and wreath making. People will often kiss a consenting partner under a sprig of mistletoe for good luck.

🐏  Imbolc (Date: feb. 2) 🐏 

This Sabbat celebrates the return of spring. People make corn dollies and set them in a basket next to a symbol of masculinity. Many Witches will clean out their homes during Imbolc.

🐣 Ostara (Date: on the vernal equinox, Mar. 20-23) 🐣 

This Sabbat celebrates the coming time of fertility. Egg decorating is common during this time.

🔥 Beltane (Date: May 1) 🔥

This Sabbat focuses on fertility. Many Pagans choose to conceive children at this time (or just to enjoy themselves sexually with a partner). Beltane festivals are often high energy, with plenty of dancing and bonfires. 

☀️ Litha (Date: on the summer solstice, Jun 20-23) ☀️

A Sabbat for celebrating the longest day of the year, as well as for mourning the shortening days after. Some Witches burn bonfires or light candles to represent the Sun.

🌾 Lughnasadh (Date: Aug 1 -> 1 day before my birthday!) 🌾

I love this Sabbat but I’m not able to pronounce this name :). This is the first of the three harvesting Sabbats. There are festivals of grain and bread. People make gingerbread men during this time.

🍁 Mabon (Date: on the autumnal equinox, sep. 20-23) 🍁

This is the second of the three harvesting Sabbats. Witches give thanks to the Earth and the harvest. Celebraters will make and drink wine at this time.

⛄️ Samhain (Date: nov. 1) ⛄️

This is the last of the three harvesting Sabbats. It is also the festival of the dead. The veil is at its thinnest at this time. Witches will sometimes hold a big feast during Samhain.

Feel free to contact me if you have more questions!




SABBATS (Masterpost)

Sabbats mark the passage of the sun, representing the cycles of life and death through The Wheel of the Year and the Triple Moon Goddess. There are eight of ‘em in total and to be perfectly honest, they can be a little tricky to grasp at first because their names and dates vary depending on your path and your location in the world. This is because of the difference between the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres. See, The Wheel of the Year originated in the North so, in the Southern Hemisphere, most people advance Sabbat dates so that they match up with the natural seasons and their meanings. For example, while a Canadian Pagan like myself would be celebrating Samhain in chilly autumn, an Australian Pagan would be enjoying a nice late spring day celebrating Beltane.  However, there are some in the South who still celebrate with the original Northern dates.

The Sabbats are split up into two different groups called the Greater Sabbats and the Lesser Sabbats. The Greater includes Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lammas because they fall on dates that represent high energy in its season. The Lesser Sabbats are Yule, Ostara, Litha and Mabon because they fall on the equinoxes and solstices marking the changes of the four seasons on Earth. Below is a simplified list for now and over the next couple of posts I’ll be covering each in greater detail, STARTING with Imbolc just because it’s right around the corner for me! (•̀ᴗ•́)و 

  1. IMBOLC (IMBOLG, CANDLEMAS, BRIGID’S DAY) northern hemisphere date is February 1-2 southern hemisphere date is July 31/August 1
  2. OSTARA (SPRING EQUINOX) northern hemisphere date is March 20-23 southern hemisphere date is September 20-23
  3. BELTANE (MAY DAY, NOVEY EVE) northern hemisphere date is May 1st southern hemisphere date is October 31/November 1
  4. LITHA (SUMMER SOLSTICE) northern hemisphere date is June 21/22 southern hemisphere date is December 21/22 
  5. LAMMAS (LUGHNASADH) northern hemisphere date is July 31/August 1 southern hemisphere date is February 1-2
  6. MABON (AUTUMN EQUINOX) northern hemisphere date is September 20-23 southern hemisphere date is March 20-23
  7. SAMHAIN (HALLOWEEN / ALL HALLOW’S EVE) northern hemisphere date is October 31 southern hemisphere date is April 30/May 1
  8. YULE (WINTER SOLSTICE) northern hemisphere date is December 20-23 southern hemisphere date is June 20-23

If this is a topic that interests you, follow along or turn on notifications to keep track!


For Blessed Brigid

I feel Her. The Woman. Surrounded by flame, engulfed by fire. It bounces about in Her gilded eyes, and shadows dance between Her silver lashes. The forge with which She crafts Her tools gently blows a shimmer of copper upon each of Her chestnut tresses . Her iron hands dip into the well water, which merrily ripples betwixt Her fingers as She blesses it with Her healing warmth. Her feet, the brightest bronze, glide across the Earth below, each toe an extension of Her elegance. She holds the sunrise in Her smile. The bird’s morning song flits gayley past her blessed lips. Oh, those lips! To have those lips placed upon my fallen head in perfect love, with the softness that only a most ethereal being could possibly possess. To have a kiss from those lips would be truly divine.

I am enraptured. I am entranced. I am rendered helpless, speechless, cowless in Her presence. 


Hot apple cider, magickal woman style. 🍎❤️

Some kitchen witchery for you guys tonight! This is what I use to make hot apple cider. It is my FAVOURITE autumn/winter drink and it’s perfect for any meals you make for Mabon. Super uplifting and comforting! I will list ingredients and their magickal benefits here.

Pure unpasteurized apple cider - you can make this yourself but I just buy it from a local family owned apple orchard that I love supporting.

Whole Allspice - Allspice is associated with the fire element so it is physically warming as well as mentally uplifting and healing.

Cinnamon sticks/ground - Cinnamon is also associated with the fire element. Warming, uplifting, healing, promotes love. It is also known to enhance the male libido (😉)

Nutmeg - Increases clairvoyance, and clear sight. If a beverage with nutmeg is shared between you and another person, it encourages romantic love.

Apples are associated with love, fertility, marriage, and beauty. Oranges are said to bring joy. Coincidentally all of the spices I have in this recipe are great for money and love spells as well! 😊

🍎1L unpasteurized pure apple cider Put in pot, on low heat on the stove 🍎Cut a medium orange into slices and put slices into the cider 🍎If using cinnamon sticks, you can just read put these right into the cider. If using ground, put the cinnamon, nutmeg and whole allspice into a tea bag or infuser and put into cider 🍎Leave on low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally and serve!

Not only is this super delicious but it makes your house smell AMAZING!

Enjoy friends, blessings❤️🍎


if a teenager is at your door and they are wearing a costume!! please give them candy!! they are still in it for the halloween spirit and it honestly no different from a little kid in a costume. they are just as excited and happy as all the other lil tykes and dont you dare tell them they are “too old for trick-or-treating” because that will literally break their hearts and that’s not cool.

Its getting close to Halloween again so I just thought I’d reblog this again

And if “don’t be rude to teenagers over a stupid jawbreaker” isn’t enough for you, consider 

  • You can’t tell how old a kid is just by looking. I’ve known multiple 5th graders who were taller than I am, and I’m 25 years old. With their faces hidden by masks, you won’t be able to tell they’re elementary schoolers, but they still are. 
  • Lots of older siblings are expected to take their younger siblings trick-or-treating, and they only get paid in candy. 
  • You don’t know if that teenager is developmentally disabled. 
  • You don’t know if that teenager spent most of their childhood in a hospital or sick and has never had the traditional trick-or-treat experience before.
  • You don’t know if this is that teenager’s first Halloween in America, and they just want to experience a piece of American culture.
  • You don’t know if that teenager ever gets candy any other day of the year. 
  • You don’t know if that teenager has eaten anything at all today. 

And those are just things I can think of off the top of my head. 

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