
trying not to have a panic attack at Panera Bread

@goddess-of-trash-blog / goddess-of-trash-blog.tumblr.com


yall im prolly not gonna be active bc safe mode sucks ass thank you guys!! also my Twitter is @goddessof_trash so :0


okay so tumblr blocks posts about lgbt and fucking anything else but doesn't, I dunno, GET RID OF THE FUCKING NAZI/PORN BOTS/BLOGS THAT LITERALLY OBSESS OVER FUCKING SERIAL KILLERS?! I'm just a little bitter right now. :>c @staff can throw some rounds with me


staff is fucking censoring icons????????????


this is literally just a picture of princess bubblegum


hey uh @staff Let me be gay and let me say fuck without getting a restriction please There's a beautiful idea called a blacklist USE IT


tumblr users: let us add pics on mobile! do something about the nazis! stop making useless fixes to things that aren’t broken! tumblr @staff: With Our New Safe Mode You’re Not Allowed To Look At Ducks And Being Gay Is Illegal But You Can Still Look At Genitals Against Your Will

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