
Aw, you think I'm hot


Maxwell | he/him Just a nerd with a love for Thomas Sanders @maxiemoo01 on AO3

Some days I just don't look at fandom and let things be

Other days I wanna stick fandom into a jam jar and shake it vigorously until it learns to chill the fuck out for two seconds


Hey, okay, does anyone remember that post about the abbreviation of Sanders Sides? As in, we use “ts sides” and not… anything… else….? Because I’ve seen the other abbreviation again several times, it made me very uncomfortable, and apparently, a bunch of people don’t realise why it’s an issue to use it… and that post explained it better. I can’t find it though, so let’s be short:

“SS” is the abbreviation for the Schutzstaffel, literally “Protection Squadron”, a military organization under Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Nazi Germany, then in the entirety of occupied Europe, during WWII

Please don’t use it when you’re talking about the Sides, or the vids in general? There had been a huge deal made out of it in the beginning of the fandom (I know, I was there) and the fandom as a whole had settle on “TS Sides” for short. Could we all use it?

I get that not everyone has a big knowledge of the stuffs that happened in Europe, mostly because a bunch of you come from the US, but, as a half german half french person, I react strongly when I see the abbreviation. And I don’t think I’m the only one who’s uncomfortable with it? It’s okay, you didn’t know, let’s just avoid it?

this post is old but I still see SS used a lot! and I see it used by well meaning people but Honeslty I’m a Jewish history nerd and when I see SS even with context I will think about Nazis so please use something else!!!

(Also if you do see it don’t attack ignorant yet well meaning people! a friendly “hey SS has Nazi history try X” is the better idea imo)


I'm bored so I'm gonna summarize each of the sanders sides episodes but badly

thomas: meet me! that's the happy me (:D), that's the dramatic me (;P), and that's the serious me (:U)

thomas: h

patton: why cant you function you dumb slut

thomas: h

virgil: shut up and look at my massive dick

thomas: you're literally me

virgil: yes and???????

thomas: look at this cool list of things I'm gonna do this year!

logan, roman, and patton simultaneously: that's bullshit

virgil: sweet party time look at my Massiv-

thomas: shut up put it away

janus, backstage: D:

thomas: I wanna talk about disney

roman: yeah!

virgil: me too

roman: unyeah!

thomas: guys I was in a Disney show!!!! :D

roman: *has like 3 strokes at once*

logan: also clickbait is Good, Actually

thomas: h

patton: FUCK YOU

logan: FUCK YOU

thimas: why dont you just fuck each other and then this problem will be solved jfc

patton: be gay do crime

patton: *commits arson*

thomas: guys I'm big lonely :(

virgil: so are we bitch you ain't special

thomas: guys I dont have a plan for this

logan: LARP time

thomas: what

logan: shut up

thomas: okay guys I'm gonna ask you questions

logan: we're literally you, shouldnt you know the answers already


thomas: first question

roman: I Have Self Worth Issues

thomas: sorry I didnt hear you what was that

roman: I Have Shelf Worm Tissues

virgil: FUCK YOU

logan: ID FUCK YOU

virgil: what

logan: what

thomas: youtube is dumb

logan and roman: yeah!!!!

patton: bitch you dumb too, get your ass back in clown school

thomas: I miss my friends time to hallucinate

virgil: literally just call them im begging you

thomas: I wanna be a cartoon

janus, yelling from backstage: get on a plane, break into cartoon network, and harass butch hartman you twink ass simp

thomas: I think I will get on a plane, break into cartoon network, and harass butch hartman because im a twink ass simp

thomas: hehe granola go brrrr

logan: u dumbass slut

patton: where the fuck is virgil

roman: idk probably sending dick pics to remus

thomas: who

roman: nothing shut up. bitch

thomas: bro where were you

virgil: sending dick pics to remus cuz Obviously none of you wanted them

thomas: bro, I want your dick pics sometimes tho

virgil: bro......

thomas: okay we're bros now right

virgil: bitch I'm quirky, #notlikeothergirls

roman: anyway its Queer Eye special edition time step the fuck up kyle

thomas: :(((((

virgil: open your mouth!!!! johnny johnny!!!!!!

patton: ahh *from his mouth spill years upons years worth of stale Fruity Pebbles*

logan: close your fucking mouth

logan: *gets buried in stale Fruity Pebbles*

roman: you know what a good idea is. call him

virgil: that's a terrible idea you dumb fucking walnut now help me find logan

thomas: oh shit there he is

logan: patton you're a baby bitch

patton: in my entire defense fruity pebbles arent the worst

thomas: sleeby sleeby time


thomas: guys Joan's gonna hate me

virgil: have you tried showing them your dick

janus: not yet but I'll add that to the list right under tax fraud

thomas: who the fuck are you

janus: your mom

roman: Logan you're a bitch

logan: actually according to my calculations and extensive research uh Fuck You

roman: gladly

logan: wait

thomas: logan we made you a jam


roman: I like jam too

thomas: roman with all due respect shut your whore mouth

thomas: guys is clown school really what I should be doing with my life

patton: ok Thomas just relax I just need you to close your eyes for a second while we redo the initiation

logan: what ????

patton: *starts chanting in latin*

thomas: virgil can we just like. cuddle or something

virgil: shut up its halloween you know what that means

thomas: *sigh* dick pics?

virgil: My Massive Dong Gets WHIPPED

thomas: guys look at this cool spicy as hell callback

patton: *slaps it out of his hands* Thomas you are frankly a Disgrace

janus: what the fuck did you just say

patton: I Said What I Said!!!!!!

janus: lovely so in the 5 seconds I have been standing here I have created a 500 slide PowerPoint on why you are, in fact, a dumbass little stinky Bitch

patton: roman tell him off for me!!!!

roman: *crying* off

roman: guys I have self esteem issu-

remus: *bitch slaps him into a coma* virgil why have you been ignoring my texts

virgil: cuz you're stinky that's why

logan: everyone calm the fuck down

remus: *slaps logan*

thomas: gasp!

logan: *slaps remus*

thomas: GASP!

thomas: hrgh

roman: you're so whiny okay geez I Guess we'll watch frozen *rigs vote*

logan: literally nobody wants to watch frozen

roman: I cant believe you guys are making us watch this *presses play*

logan: stop then??????

roman: what a stupid movie *turns volume up*

logan: jesus lord give me strength

thomas: I'm a dumbass whore

roman: yeah

janus: yeah

logan: yeah

patton: hulk smash

janus: I'll hulk smash your ass if you dont shut the fuck up

patton: actually about that

thomas: boy spotted

virgil: what do we do

roman, softly but with passion: FUCK

virgil: not helpful but I'll keep that in mind


Roman Stan Bullying Time: Creativitwins edition

If you write creativitwins angst/fluff, are you

A. An only child who’s lonely and wish they had the companionship of a sibling

B. A sibling who has been seperated from their sibling(s) from whatever reason (Moving to college, divorce, etc.)

C. A sibling with shitty sibling(s) that they wish they had a better relationship with


D. A sibling who has a pretty good relationship with their sibling(s), but you can’t be completely open with them and you’re afraid of hurting them


Bonus points if you’re either the golden child who fears they won’t meet the expectations given of them, or the black sheep who is disappointed in themself and fears they’ll never be good enough

I’m D and the black sheep… How dare you call me out lol


Wait if his eyeshadow turns purple when he’s happy does this mean he hasn’t been happy the whole series?

Guys if his eyeshadow turns purple when he’s happy DOES THIS MEAN-

I personally think that the eyeshadow means that he’s openly expressing the entirety of his happiness for the first time. 

Like he’s been happy before, but he didn’t express it as much as he wanted, and pushed down the emotion to a certain extent. For example, when Patton makes jokes, he used to cover up his mouth to stop himself from laughing. He limited how much happiness he showed then. 

And in the most recent episode, for the first time, he freaks out and squeals just as much as Roman does when he gets excited. He’s openly showing his happiness and expressing everything that he feels. 

Other people may interpret it differently, and I may be wrong, but that’s kinda how I thought of it. He’s been happy before, but now he’s showing it. 


Are you saying

Are you saying our baby feels comfortable around them

Catch me crying in the club

yep! around Roman and Thomas at least, he’s fine with being happy and excited openly, which I think is a really nice development for his character. I definitely think they will mention the purple eyeshadow/dive into it more through future episodes.


I kinda think the purple is like...EXCESSIVE happiness and excitement. This isn't just normal happiness or even being really happy or relieved, we've seen that before (like when patton comes back in CLBG or roman wakes up in DWIT). His eyeshadow turns purple and shiny when he's ECSTATIC, and I just love that not only WAS he that excited, but that he was comfortable enough to show it. In short, I love him.

I don’t know if maybe Thomas and Roman were too caught up in their excitement to mention or say anything about it but they make no mention of it so, perhaps they’ve seen this before? We the viewers only get to see Thomas and the sides usually when something is wrong, that there is a problem that needs fixing. I was talking about this rough theory I have in a discord with friends so I’ll just copy and paste it here. It still needs some episode rewatches to flesh out more but I like it so far;

Ok so, since his acceptance, have we ever seen Thomas, and by extension, Virgil... happy? The excitement for the call back does not count because he was trying to force himself to forget the wedding date. I don’t think he has been. (In response to above, we’ve seen brief moments of relief or a flash of laughter from a joke but nothing that wasn’t easily brushed away by the remaining, looming problem at hand)

Especially in recent episodes. What if the purple is how he is when it’s a different kind of anxiety, an excited anticipation and nervousness rather than dark dread and fear? We saw it rapidly switch between the two, after Thomas made the awkward tweet and when Thomas asked if they were really ready for this

Virgil was literally pushing Thomas to happy stim, to walk around, to flap. We all know that kind of anxious energy of just being too excited, too happy, that we just gotta move ourselves somehow

What happens when we feel anxious? For me it feels like a dark cloud or shadow hangs around me, dampening things down. But when it’s an excited sort of anxiousness, leading right up to the start of a con or something I’ve been anticipating it’s a more vibrant sort of nervous energy that leaves me buzzing and moving around constantly to try and get the energy out. It literally feels colorful to me

The black eye shadow, what if its just the absence, the draining, of the purple that’s more meant to be there?

That’s kinda what I was thinking at first too. Let it be know I value and cherish every single addition to this post but I felt that just a stifled snicker wouldn’t count as true joy like we just saw.

When Roman woke up in DWIT for example, Virgil was beyond relieved, but was that the same as this unfiltered giddiness? Not really.

It plays into what another addition to this post said, by @itriedandimtired :

That exact quote has been floating around in my head since it was brought to light again. It like what this last addition is saying, that eagerness, that good anxiousness (not that the one is inherently bad. I mean com we had two whole videos talking about how it can be good)

But idk dudes I’m not a skilled theorist here. I’m just having mad fun watching all these points of view collide and coincide.


Actually Thomas said in an instagram DM with someone that Virgil also represents the "butterflies in your tummy" anxiety as well and that his eyeshadow being that color was showing that he was using that side of his anxiety opposed to the "oh my gosh somethings wrong" kind of anxiety!!!


So based on POF, Roman sank out and left all the other sides behind to go sulk. In this asides, him and Virgil both talk about lying and try to get Thomas a date with honesty and work together.

So does that mean after POF, Roman just went “scREW YOU GUYS IM GONNA GO HANG OUT WITH VIRGIL AT LEAST HES NOT A SNAKE” and Virgil was just like “Oh hell yeah”

Roman really did say

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