@knightlaws-blog /


Hey  ,  it’s  been  a  while !!  as  you  all  can  see  ,  I’ve  lost  my  Jim  muse.  I  am  now  archiving  this  blog.  I’ve  tried  coming  back  but  the  muse  just  isn’t  there  anymore.  You  can  find  me  on  my  Steve  Rogers  if  you’d  like  to  interact  and  write !!  It’s  been  lots  of  fun  writing  in  the  Gotham  fandom  but  it’s  run  it’s  course  for  me.  See  ya  on  the  other  side  ;  if  not  ,  I  wish  you  all  the  best.


"A few holes in the head give the madness more space." (( helloooooo o: ))


The clarity in his headspace was SURREAL , a peace that he hasn’t known in a long time.  The push and pull of right and wrong and in between had disappeared with only one light that burned bright.  It’s the end of the tunnel , without the TRIVIAL CONFLICT of where the line was that he couldn’t cross.  It didn’t matter , those small details didn’t matter  ---  not when there was such a SINGULAR , BURNING FOCUS on what he wanted most.


    Are you threatening me ?!?!  The low growl that EMERGES from his the back of his throat is not much different from one of an animal , crouching as muscles bunch to attack RIGHT BEFORE the tension in the room explodes.  If not for the virus , self restraint would have been possible for him...  not anymore.  Hands grab her by the shoulders , SLAMMING her into the wall , eyes flashing wildly from blue to black and back to blue.  The best thing about it was that he didn’t feel anything , only THE RAGE of a calm headspace.

♞. @battedvalkyrie ・˙ * ❰ DARK RP STARTERS

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