@impxled / impxled.tumblr.com


hallo. moving blogs to @iimpaled this one will be archived. :) will be super selective in following back as it’ll be a semi-active blog. i wish i had time to be on like i used to but i just .. don’t. it’s not entirely a bad thing because life is good. :) hope everyone is doing well! blog is still a super work in progress.


hallo. moving blogs to @iimpaled this one will be archived. :) will be super selective in following back as it’ll be a semi-active blog. i wish i had time to be on like i used to but i just .. don’t. it’s not entirely a bad thing because life is good. :) hope everyone is doing well! blog is still a super work in progress.


hallo. moving blogs to @iimpaled this one will be archived. :) will be super selective in following back as it’ll be a semi-active blog. i wish i had time to be on like i used to but i just .. don’t. it’s not entirely a bad thing because life is good. :) hope everyone is doing well! blog is still a super work in progress.


hallo. moving blogs to @iimpaled this one will be archived. :) will be super selective in following back as it’ll be a semi-active blog. i wish i had time to be on like i used to but i just .. don’t. it’s not entirely a bad thing because life is good. :) hope everyone is doing well! blog is still a super work in progress.


hallo. moving blogs to @iimpaled this one will be archived. :) will be super selective in following back as it’ll be a semi-active blog. i wish i had time to be on like i used to but i just .. don’t. it’s not entirely a bad thing because life is good. :) hope everyone is doing well! blog is still a super work in progress.


RULES.   bold the ones that apply to your character !   tag your friends ! TAGGED BY. @upshuring winky face hey bby :D TAGGING. @anyone


absent-minded  |  abusive  |  addict  |  aggressive  |  aimless  |  alcoholic  |  anxious  | arrogant |  audacious | bad liar |  bigmouth  |  bigot  |  blindly obedient |  blunt |  callous | childish |  chronic heroism  |  clingy  |  clumsy  | cocky  |  competitive  |  corrupt  |  cowardly  | cruel | cynical |  delinquent  |  delusional  |  dependent  |  depressed  |  deranged  |  disloyal  |  ditzy  |  egotistical |  envious  |  erratic  |  fickle | finicky  |  flaky  |  frail  | fraudulent  |  guilt complex  | gloomy  |  gluttonous  |  gossiper |  gruff  |  gullible  |  hedonistic |  humorless  |  hypochondriac  |  hypocritical |  idealist |  idiotic  | ignorant |  immature  |  impatient  |  incompetent  |  indecisive  | insecure | insensitive  |  lazy |  lewd |  liar | lustful |  manipulative |  masochistic |  meddlesome  |  melodramatic  |  money-loving  |  moody | naive |  nervous  |  nosy  |  ornery  |   overprotective |  overly sensitive  |  paranoid  |  passive-aggressive  |  perfectionist  |  pessmist  | petty  |  power-hungry  |  proud |  pushover  |  reckless  |  reclusive  | remorseless  |  rigorous  |  sadistic  | sarcastic |  senile  | selfish  |  self-martyr  |shallow  |  sociopathic  | sore loser |  spineless  | spiteful  |  spoiled  |  stubborn |  tactless  |  temperamental |  timid |  tone-deaf  |  traitorous  | unathletic  |  ungracious  |  unlucky  |  unsophisticated  |  untrustworthy  |  vain |  withdrawn  | workaholic


a new DENNIS was needed, this one was perfect, pliable. this place, this asylum she did things to your mind. to your psyche. the variant circled, a terrestrial shark, teeth glinting in the bare bones light that hung from the ceiling.  though it had not been planned, THE GROOM now intended to keep this one for his own.   look at you, wallowing in your own filth. disgusting slut, a mess completely. not even worth my time ..as you are. the insults came easily, fluid. just as they did with dennis, the promises of life ever lasting under his protection. 

the one that got away? preposterous. NO ONE escaped THE MAN DOWNSTAIRS. the thing, the horror that lay in wait. now he stood, LOOMING over the other from behind. oh we need to dress you up before you can go out, look pretty for the others. have them give chase! but the true lady that you are, the ultimate woman, the WIFE knows her place. knows not to touch or be touched; unless it's by her husband. fingertips graze along the nape of her neck, nails caked with dirt and blood and gore scratch lightly along the pale flesh. 

tear them apart only to put them back together. i'll teach you to sew, to fix what was broken. wouldn't that be lovely darling? we can create the perfect family. stitch our life together piece by piece.  first i need to break you. words whispered along the shell of his ear. you have to be strong, a woman simply must ENDURE.  now, tell me this is what you want.


from beneath lowered brows, eyes slide upwards towards the voice. head tilting, lips thinned into a line. murkoff, disgusting FILTHY rapists. COWARDS. all of them. but he was stronger now, the medically unsound cocktail of drugs he was forced to take in reformed his body. larger, more powerful but not quite where he was supposed to be; not fully evolved. not yet.

slim, barely there brows rose at the inflection of the word enlightenment. intriguing to say the least. though he felt a twinge of.. something.  please, call me eddie. mr gluskin was my f-father. the other stammered briefly then continued.  quite well thank you. though i have to say it's rather impolite not to introduce yourself in person ..doctor.. ? assuming this man WAS a doctor, considering the blade almost rehearsed way he spoke. i'm sure i was chosen by the cooperation because i'm an exceptional learner. despite my .. past, they have done their best to cure me as well. i do believe i'm almost finished walking that path and ready to begin anew. the lies tripped off a tainted tongue as easily as the truth would have.


arboria institute of new age learning, sounded rather inviting than mount massive. the man-made monster had been transferred for unknown reasons from the bowels of the grotesque asylum to this futuristic haven. or so he thought. perhaps the doctors would be as foolish as those that had worked on him previously. cooperate, tell them what they want to hear was his plan, at least until he could get his hands on one of them. so badly did he want fingers to sink into pliable flesh, reshape it. REMOVE it.  they couldn’t possibly be any worse than the mount massive staff.. jack booted fucks .. the words were muttered under his breath. mauled brow raised, the room he was being held in was sparse to say the least. for now, the variant waited with incredible patience. 


senses heightened moved throughout the obstacle course quite easily and despite his size there was minimal noise coming from the variant. darkness shrouded him and he was comfortable within those confines; content to never leave the constructed slice of heaven. this entire ordeal was his reward for doing what god had intended man to do;  find the perfect woman, settle down and have a family. though he had yet to achieve such a thing, it was only a matter of time before it happened. there was a deadened silence and out of that came an explosion of sound as the man-monster lifted a sewing table and heaved it across the room. trying to startle the little minx from her hiding spot no doubt.   i have to say you've evaded me for quite some time. the game, the CHASE is getting quite tiring. come out now and perhaps i won't punish you too severely. the saccharine sweet tone was no more, left behind and replaced with annoyance, ANGER brewing just below the surface. the incredible temper that seethed beneath a skin deep facade threatened to overflow. movement, though minimal caught his attention. reaching up fingers brush along a low hanging light, one that cast a faint ugly glow about the cellar and the variant tipped it, the shadows came to life, breathing, THROBBING as the bulb began to sway. trying to disorient his prey. it's almost time for us to become one, reunited. darling you can run but where will you go?  a brief pause, the unnatural sounds of the asylum herself began to thrum. screaming off in the distance both pained and excited. floor boards creek uneasily, pipes groan from being overworked and THE GROOM began to sing. tell me that it's true! tell me you agree ..i was meant for you ..you were meant for me. soft, haunting.  silence once more, uncomfortable and ongoing and then the massive variant loomed over the other. there you are! voice loud, thunderous and EXCITED.

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