
Permanently Exhausted Pigeon

@ferrosparrow / ferrosparrow.tumblr.com

A nice place to collect some rambling thoughts. Talking to myself in the tags. Scholar, writer, game dev, dumbass. 24 & any pronouns. need a nap.

they should do an MMO where everyone is a shapeshifter and you can go live with animal herds in the wild if you want for a time but you are never entirely one of them, noting that the wild animal npcs partake in behaviors with or make calls to one another that you may not understand the logic of but can try to learn to repeat the musical cadence of. this is true of even the human npcs, whose musical language is the most intricate and complex to learn of all and who will ostracize you readily if you do not use it properly. other players are not marked as players and there is no chat feature. as an elk you may not know if the wolf chasing you is an npc or another player who does not know the same of you, and there is no chat. maybe the players would develop a sort of musical cadence to identify other shifters. no one would like this game and it would not be fun. but i would like it

were you a person? was i one? did it matter?


I can't stress enough how much I miss StumbleUpon


StumbleUpon once sent me to a supercut of Lion King, Lion King 1 1/2, and Lion King II, the main edit being that the scenes of Lion King and Lion King 1 1/2 were interspersed so that they happened in the order they actually happened.

stumbleupon not existing anymore can be directly traced to a dramatic decline in my mental health, I could do a thesis on it.


bestie stumbleupon very much still exists its just called cloudhiker now. i use it all the time.


mini compilation of suggestions from the replies:

The Bored Button - "Press the Bored Button and be bored no more."

Cloudhiker - "Discover the most interesting, weird and awesome websites of the Internet" (not really a rebrand, it's a different person running it but they have the same intention in mind)

Astronaut.io - "These videos come from YouTube. They were uploaded in the last week and have titles like DSC 1234 and IMG 4321. They have almost zero previous views. They are unnamed, unedited, and unseen (by anyone but you)."

Marginalia - "This is an independent DIY search engine that focuses on non-commercial content, and attempts to show you sites you perhaps weren't aware of in favor of the sort of sites you probably already knew existed."


call me a jealous hater but it makes me so mad that i will never ever be able to sleep as comfortably as a little kitty cat, there's too many bones in me!! even at my most comfy i will never get on their level


I was once on a trip with a bunch of friends and family when I accidentally kicked my digital camera into a stream while on a hike. Despite desperate efforts to dry it off the camera stopped working almost immediately. Since I was broke and had a pretty limited knowledge of electronics repair, my immediate solution was to get a shit load of dry rice to try and do the cellphone in rice thing asap.

Fortunately everyone was immediately on board with this mission to try and save my camera so we all ended our hike, piled into two cars, and drove straight to a grocery store where I ran inside and bought four pounds of rice and nothing else. It wasn’t until we were back at the hotel and I was pouring several pounds of rice into a paper bag with my camera that one of the dudes on the trip was like “ohhhhh that’s why we were in such a rush”

YALL. This dude had somehow missed the entire debacle with the camera and had just been going along with the flow in what he assumed was some sort of bizarre uncontrollable rice lust on my part. He literally thought I was so frantic to eat some rice that I ended a hike and made everyone come with me to buy bags and bags of the stuff. I was like DUDE WHY WOULDN’T YOU SAY SOMETHING and he was just like eh I didn’t think twice about it I thought maybe you were just super hungry and we were being supportive 😵‍💫


something was dripping from the live oak. I could hear it but I couldn’t see anything. It sounded like it was raining under just this tree.

Me: Oh this is kind of magical

Google: that’s


would you rather be waterboarded by blizzard game ads or disney movie ads


this image is making me realize fandom wikis are so impenetrable and smothered in ads that I have never actually seen any of the attempts at branding that fandom tries to make with its logo or choice of colors or whatever because I literally don’t have the opportunity to do so on their own goddamn website

this seems like a good opportunity to remind everyone that the Indie Wiki Buddy extension exists, and works on both Chrome and Firefox!

it makes it so that whenever you click on a link to a Fandom wiki, it helps you redirect either to an independent wiki (if there is one), or to a site like BreezeWiki that removes ads, suggestions, etc from Fandom pages so you can actually read them without all the clutter!

reblog to save a life


I feel like if humans swallowed rocks like birds do to help grind up food we'd have so much fun with it.

Can just imagine all the girlies on tiktok going "I know this is a bit controversial but I honestly love using limestone as a gastrolith. Not only can you readily forage it but they are just so pretty when smoothed out after regurgitating them"

and then all the comments would be like " girl 😭 😭 calcite dissolves in stomach acid!! Just use quartz if you want a pretty gastrolith like 💀"

I like this site. Y’all just shotgunning counterfactual timelines


“Never Gonna Give You Up” with every second beat removed


give you up

let you down

run desert you

make you cry

say good bye

tell lie



sometimes when my roommate is using my bluetooth speaker upstairs ill connect to it and interrupt his music to play this and its like a thousand times more effective than a normal rickroll

Here it is, so everyone else can bother their own roommates too

This song is wrong.

It is missing an essential part of itself, yet still resembles the Rickroll. Like a cruel parody.

This is like the cosmic horror of rickrolls.

Rickroll rating: Horrorifying.

oh thx! ^u^


The subtext of monster fucking is romanticizing traditionally undesirable traits and the text of monster fucking is that fangs and tentacles are hot


went to my gf's house for dinner. had her drink the wine her parents offered me in case it was poisoned. needless to say they were impressed by my political savviness and her one-sided willingness to die for me

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