
back like a vertebrae

@dumbhero / dumbhero.tumblr.com

(kris) | currently padanposting | 21 | he/him, bun/buns/bunself, fae/faer | bugs, dunmeshi, wrestling, and furries ❤ | i ask the universe to be kind and it says 'i am only as kind to you as you will allow.' | started t 3/3/2021
hey! i'm val, i'm a trans woman, DJ, and a writer living in the UK and im reaching out bc i need to raise money to stock up on hormones!

i've been out of hormones for a few weeks now and i'm trying to raise £200 to buy 2 vials of estrogen and a blocker for emergencies

I currently can't afford to pay for it myself as i'm currently on benefits and haven't been getting much DJing work lately (though it should be picking up soon i hope!) anyways, if you could help out and/or share this i'd really really appreciate it, thank you for reading! ☣️ payp*l: paypal.me/vmclaren368 ☣


Hello , I hope this message finds you well. My name is Sahar from Gaza. I'm reaching out to seek your assistance in sharing the link to my fundraising campaign among your followers. Currently, I am the sole provider for my family as my husband is injured. Here is the link to my campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-mohammads-family-escape-gazas-devastation Your support in spreading the word about our campaign would mean a lot to me and my family. Thank you for your kindness and understandin


Of course I’ll share it, may Allah protect you and your family inshaAllah

Sahar and her husband Mohammad are trying to evacuate Gaza with their 4-year-old daughter. Mohammad is currently injured due to Israeli air strikes. Their fundraiser is low on funds, at only about 16% of their goal. It is legitimate, so please do not hesitate to donate and share! Time is precious in Gaza, let’s all do whatever we can to help Sahar’s family.


An incomplete list of things that employers commonly threaten that are 100% illegal in the United States

  • "We'll fire you if you tell others how much you're making" The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 specifically protects employees who discuss their own wages with each other (you can't reveal someone else's wages if you were given that information in the course of work, but you can always discuss your own or any that were revealed to you outside of work duties)
  • "If we can't fire you for [discussing wages/seeking reasonable accommodation/filing a discrimination complaint/etc], we'll just fire you for something else the next day." This is called pretextual termination, and it offers your employer almost no protection; if you are terminated shortly after taking a protected action such as wage discussion, complaints to regulatory agencies, or seeking a reasonable accommodation, you can force the burden onto your employer to prove that the termination wasn't retaliatory.
  • "Disparaging the company on social media is grounds for termination" Your right to discuss workplace conditions, compensation, and collective action carries over to online spaces, even public ones. If your employer says you aren't allowed to disparage the company online or discuss it at all, their social media policy is illegal. However, they can forbid releasing information that they're obligated to keep confidential such as personnel records, business plans, and customer information, so exercise care.
  • "If you unionize, we'll just shut this branch down and lay everyone off" Threatening to take action against a group that unionizes is illegal, full stop. If a company were to actually shut down a branch for unionizing, they would be fined very heavily by the NLRB and be opening themselves up to a class-action lawsuit by the former employees.
  • "We can have any rule we want, it's only illegal if we actually enforce it" Any workplace policy or rule that has a "chilling effect" on employees' willingness to exercise their rights is illegal, even if the employer never follows through on any of their threats.
  • "If you [protected action], we'll make sure you never work in this industry/city/etc again." Blacklisting of any kind is illegal in half the states in the US, and deliberately sabotaging someone's job search in retaliation for a protected action is illegal everywhere in the US.
  • "Step out of line and you can kiss your retirement fund/last paycheck goodbye." Your employer can never refuse to give you your paycheck, even if you've been fired. Nor can they keep money that you invested in a retirement savings account, and they can only claw back the money they invested in the retirement account under very specific circumstances.
  • "We'll deny that you ever worked here" not actually possible unless they haven't been paying their share of employment taxes or forwarding your withheld tax to the government (in which case they're guilty of far more serious crimes, and you might stand to gain something by turning them in to the IRS.) The records of your employment exist in state and federal tax data, and short of a heist that would put Oceans 11 to shame, there's nothing they can do about that.

Reblogging for US followers.


Image ID:


Being a trans woman in Nigeria is a constant battle for survival. I'm seeking help to overcome these challenges and survive with dignity.

I'm seeking help with HRT meds, feeding, and living basics.

Your support means the world to me

GOAL: $600

PayPal: @angelsaxis




My partner died last year and now I broke my foot and I haven't had a paycheck in over a month.

Please help me with my rent.

I'm terrified of losing the home we poured so much love into. I don't want to be homeless again.

RIP the love of my life, the best person I've ever met.

1994 -2023

venmo: @tuckervcxz



Nobody tells you that the "shy quiet awkward boy to confident beautiful woman" pipeline has a stop at "shy quiet awkward woman" and that you have to keep going.



This is an ammendment to an already existing Californian law to prevent minors from purchasing items that are illegal to sell to minors, including alcohol, porn, tobacco, fireworks and the like. You can take a look at the most recent text here

Now, whats wrong with that ? It's important to protect minors!! Which is absolutely true!

However the issue here resides in the fact that websites selling such products will require adults to submit their ID to access their websites and purchase what they want.

And with data breaches being more and more frequent recently, this is a recipe for disaster.

It could also target sites such as Patreon, Fansly, Onlyfans(etc) which, people already submit their credit card to buy what they want already.

This would give a huge blow to Californian businesses and have **a ripple effect on the Internet in the US since a lot of tech companies are within California.**

There needs to be a better privacy law before any age verification bills can be actually effective and properly protect minors and privacy for everyone.

Remember the UK age verification bill ? Minors are already in danger because of having to show their ID due to data leaks.

There are also many other issues with AB3080 that you NEED to keep in mind too :

No guarantee of personal privacy when submitting for Age verification when purchasing and ID protection after purchase. Who handles the ID? What ensures it is not held indefinitely, putting it at risk of a potential data breach?

The definition of what defines “harmful to minors” is too vague and overly broad to interpretation and could be abused and exploited in case of a political party change in California.

The 1/3rd provision is another over reach. Who will define what is porn? Are sales defined as direct sales or links to another site? It’s too broad and can be abused.

Fiscal impact has the potential of a loss of online sales tax revenue and drive businesses out of California.


Use this to contact your reps, it’s fast to use and there is a script for inspiration.

Find your reps:

Send faxes to your reps with this:

Make sure to emphasize this will be bad for the economy of California, especially since California is ona tight budget this year.

If you try to contact them and it doesnt work, that must be because you’re not in Cali, that's ok, as you should sitll make posts about this using the tags #AB3080 and #NoOnAB3080

Please also note, notorious anti-LGBTQIA religious groups are behind the authoring of the language of this bill, primarily NCOSE & EXODUS CRY.



in one of my agriculture classes we had a guy come in who was like "now we all know that roundup causes cancer, but if I sell someone roundup, I can sell them 6,000 gallons of roundup whereas another guy who is just in it for the money can sell them 9,000 gallons, so there is a lot of opportunity to make a difference"

paraphrasing, but "now we all know that roundup causes cancer" is pretty much verbatim

@ankewehner He was basically saying that "someone who is sustainability-minded can make a difference selling Roundup by selling somewhat less Roundup."

Kind of a "work within the system" type of thing.

The thing is.

Monsanto (now owned by Bayer)'s official stance on Roundup is that it does not cause cancer, so hearing someone say the words "now we all know Roundup causes cancer" and then argue that getting a career selling Roundup can be Good—because someone has to sell Roundup, and it might as well be you—was pretty jarring.

Roundup's days are numbered anyway because weeds are evolving so rapidly to resist it and other herbicides.

This guy had a lot of other glowing endorsements of the USA agriculture industry, like "Being a farmer means you're constantly just praying for something bad to happen to your neighbors, because that's the only way you're going to survive" and "The further you get into the industry the more deeply dysfunctional it gets" (paraphrasing as closely as I can from memory)



My name is Mohammed .. I am a sixth year medical student at GAZA

I was supposed to graduate THIS year. 2024 was supposed to be the year my dream came true. The finish line was so close and I could taste it. It was what I dreamed about.

Help me to complete my dream . I was able to evacuate from Gaza to Egypt seeking safety and to find an opportunity to continue my education and I want to save my family. They are still trapped in a tent in Gaza ,Although it breaks my heart to leave. I have no other options. I need your help. Gaza is a wasteland ,me and my family no longer have a home. They really want to escape from this Genocide and Evacuate from Gaza.

This is my gofundme link :

Please consider donating and sharing..every donation can help and make a difference.

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