

@iluvpcy / iluvpcy.tumblr.com

even with broken wings, together we can fly higher
Anonymous asked:

do you have and could you post that pcy gif from nаture republic or something where he purses his lips (but not the glitched one)? thank you sjsjfkf

this one ?


honestly i think the existence of beauty apps and snapchat filters that completely alter the shape of one’s face is probably doing a fuckton of damage to everyone’s attitudes towards ourselves & perception of beauty

like it’s one thing to be inundated with a ton of magazine ads and instagram posts with heavily retouched images of beautiful people all the time, like that’s gonna do a lot of damage on its own

but this stuff especially- constantly seeing images of your own face remodeled to the point where it doesn’t even look human- really fucks with your perception of your own face. to the point where the more you use these filters and these apps, the more your normal face looks unattractive and abnormal. like i know people who won’t send snapchats to other people unless they’re using one of those filters where your chin is right underneath your mouth and your nose is barely visible!

it’s just so damaging, and for all the talk i see about magazines and makeup i’m surprised there isn’t more concern regarding this shit

yep. its even being reported. theres a bunch of articles on it if you google “snapchat dysmorphia”. 

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