@dumortain-adam / dumortain-adam.tumblr.com

π‘³π’π’π’Œπ’Šπ’π’ˆ 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏, 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 π’…π’†π’—π’Šπ’ π’Šπ’ π’Žπ’†

As you celebrate pride month, I hope your pride extends to queer individuals in Palestine, Sudan, Congo, Haiti, and all queer individuals whose pride is often forgotten while they are facing extermination and genocide, often their identities are preyed upon and erased from the narrative. Celebrate them by demanding the freedom and the liberation of their people.


Did you know there's a rule that the maximum amount of felonies a person can be convicted of is 34, and the law was signed in by joe biden? For more information google "trump biden rule 34"


It makes me sad that most people around me are so unbelievably burnt out from work and life that they are just truly emotionally unavailable and don't even wanna use their energy for anything beside going out partying once a weekend

It's like watching friends who you've seen be silly and have deep talks work jobs to the point of stress where they are incoherent and respond to messages like legit 6 days later and not in a rude way but genuinely they don't have the mental capacity to do shit anymore

Working jobs and paying bills shouldn't take everything out of people to the extent it really does

Even when I'm off work and I had a shorter shift most of the time I truly have nothing left in the tank after the combo of emotions and physical labor


supporting palestinian armed resistance is a must. absolutely imperative. theres no halfway about being for a free palestine and freedom of palestinians. not fighting back is a death sentence and not supporting them fighting back is you siding with the oppressor but quietly & hoping you can wait it out until theyre all killed and displaced by israel so you can go back to not caring again. fuck all that. fuck everyone who condemns people fighting back against usamerican imperialism and its rotten settler colonial extensions in the world. fascism will fail and palestine will be free inshAllah


The problem with this website is that you so called anti-establishment USamerikkkans don't hate United States of America enough

You think the bad things happening right now is due to the bad people residing on top of the government not because the United States is a fundamentally broken colonial project

You still think the US can be fixed if the right people are on the helm but you are wrong..the project is over. It needs to end. The US is a nightmare that needs to end now.

It cannot be fixed, it cannot be reformed. Get this in your head or we cannot be friends.


i may not be gods strongest warrior but there is all sorts of bullshit that he makes me deal with and i hndle it not very well usually


reminder that donating just a few $ to gofundme campaigns actually helps, you don't have to donate huge amounts if you don't have the funds, every little bit is useful. give $10, $5, even $1. it all adds up. don't scroll past because you think you can't help. help in your own capacity. donate a dollar. share and speak up.

here are a few gofundme links that still need a lot of help

If everyone who reblogs this post donates $5 (which I now know is the minimum you can donate on gofundme) to at least one of these, think about how fast we can help them all reach their respective goals

Since I made this post less than 24 hours ago we've collectively raised over $2000, and a lot of those donations were in the amount of $5-10. Keep sharing and keep donating. There is strength in numbers, and if those in power won't help we still have to do what we can. Small numbers add up. Thank you all for doing what you can. It does make a difference.


list of GFMs for families trying to evacuate gaza

making a list of all of the fundraisers of people who have reached out to me directly on here in order to have them all in one place. all of them have either been vetted by other users or i verified them personally by checking their other social media accounts (like twitter or instagram) to confirm. everyone here definitely needs support, a lot of their family members are injured or in need of medical care that is not available in gaza. i am also linking their tumblr accounts so that you can follow them to keep up with their campaigns.

Ezzideen Shehab - his tumblr was banned but his close friend and campaign runner is @boshradaoud - €15,489/32,500

Haya Orouq - @haya-orouq19 - $45,400/55,000 (USD)

Nesma Ahmed - @nesmaah - $12,056/45,000 (USD)

Hala - @hlabarka22 - $3,677/50,000 (CAD)

Sahar El Tibi - @eltibisahar - €2,020/30,000

Haneen Atya Altalla - @haneenatya - $23,555/70,000 (AUD)

Sujood Odeh - @sujoododeh - Β£20,818/50,000

Fatma Bassem - @fatmabassem - $16,139/40,000 (USD)

Donia Tanani - @doniatanani - €67,973/100,000

Nozha Emad - (Donia's sister) - €1,644/18,000

Said Tanani - (Donia's brother) - €31,575/50,000

Abdullah Haniya - @amhdes90 - $2,704/47,000 (USD)

Amal Abushaban - @amalabushaban - €5,510/50,000

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