

@silence-of-the-jams / silence-of-the-jams.tumblr.com

ao3: so_splendiferous / certified Bangtan Trash
Anonymous asked:

can we talk about minjoon bc their friendship is so cute 😢

we can ALWAYS without fail talk about minjoon …they’re so whipped it’s kinda hilarious (but also incredibly cute) bc they’re always just. like. standing there, staring at each other, making Major heart eyes while smiling so fucking wide

annie (@/hobies) has made some incredibly soft gifsets of minjoon earlier today n i cried bc wow they really think the other is the cutest huh ..

it’s a really cute n beautiful relationship (but also jimin recently tricking joon at one of the concerts… . a brat)


Hi! I've read some of your pics on ao3 which are so good! I was just wondering do you have any minion fic rec? There is barely any out there and I really want minjoon. Have a nice day, hope you keep up the writing!


Why, hello there! Thank you so much, I’m happy to hear that you liked my fics. It really means a lot! As for fic recommendations, minjoon specifically, I have A BUNCH I can list! But you can always check out my ao3 for some too, there’s a lot more that I have bookmarked. :)Lovely, Dark, and Deep by monbon (pretty much all of their fics are awesome)Oh I Wish I Was a Kissin’ Tree by misspamela (another great writer, I’d recommend all of their stuff too)Of Dogs and Men by @anon451 (there are two parts to this one, and I absolutely loved both of them, plus all of their other works too ;D )But I Want It Anyway by ameliabedelias (so good, so sweet!)Wait Time: 70 Minutes by @ginforink (adorable, made me smile the whole time!)Azul de Amanecer by littera (this one is an OT3 between Jimin, Namjoon, and Taehyung, but it’s just so good I have to include it)I’m sure there are others I may think up, but those are ones that really stick out to me! Hope you have a nice day too, I’ll work hard to write something again soon :)

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