
Buggy Brained


They/Them | 21 years and counting | Commissions closed | I run the Lockefell Library acc

On the outside I’m a big fella, but on the inside? It’s just cockroaches all the way down baby


An informational comic I drew last year for my Comics 2 class, reposting it to my new account (had to jump ship from the old one unfortunately) with some minor grammar changes and learned my lesson in adding watermarks! Happy early pride :)


i have this disease called i will open your message and get distracted and forget to reply and then the notification will be gone so i will not have replied for ages and you will think i am ignoring you but. i am not. it’s incurable


I know I posted about it before but I felt awkward so I deleted but...if there is anyone willing/able to help I would greatly appreciate it

I guess I'll also go into more details this time, but I don't want it to sound like I'm trying to get pity or anything. But my mother passed away suddenly last month and it's really turned my life completely upside down. It was upsetting and honestly a bit traumatizing for various reasons I won't get into and some that are obvious. We also were already not in a great living situation but now I'm having to stay with my father and his gf and their roommate and that's been a whole can of worms on it's own and has brought up a lot of guilt and feeling like a burden. I'd really love to be able to get a little bit of food and some drinks without having to be a bother to them so... I'm offering a commission slot in return for a $25 d.oordash giftcard since I'm not currently able to receive money in the usual ways

Examples under the cut

I'd also be willing to take a d/ominos gift card of the same amount, since that'd give me both food for a few days and something to drink


A lot of sentiments I see online about "just standing up for yourself" fall apart when considering that a common consequence of "standing up for yourself" is losing a key part of your current support network. It's hard to tell someone to stop being transphobic to you when you carpool with them to work, and it'll get a lot more expensive without them. Can your budget tolerate that cost, or is it the expense that stretches you too far? It's hard to tell someone that they need to be more polite to you when they're the one who helps walk you through legalese. Can you find someone else to do it for you, or are you left floundering? It's hard to tell someone to stop being sexist to you when they're the one writing your reference letter. Do you have someone else who can be your reference, or are they the only one whose letter would be accepted?

In order to be able to stand up for yourself, you need to be able to bear the potential consequence of that person leaving. You need to either have redundancy in your network, or be able to pay for what they did for you. Safety is about more than if someone will hit you.


✨ Please reblog the polls to make them reach out to as many people as possible, but KEEP IT SPOILER-FREE to make people listen to the music with an open mind 💖 Artists and titles will be revealed after the poll's conclusion, check the original post for an update! ✨


It’s the Basic Ball!

A ball for the rest of the LGBT-cuties.

—A Black Lady Sketch Show 1x02


That “Bitch he’s not eating he’s at work” has me flatlined


this sketch cured my depression i don’t have to go to therapy anymore i’m uplifted and seen and felt and heard and held


“can straight men be romantically and sexually attracted to men?” sure, I’m not a cop

you know what I do when someone’s identity makes no sense to me? I go “not my business.” and find something else to care about

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