
WWE And Twilight Obsessed


Dean Ambrose, Baron Corbin, and Finn Balor are my main guys, but they're all pretty fantastic. I'm kind of in love with Nick from New Girl and I'm definitely in love with Robert Pattinson. I'm cold hearted, dead inside, and I can't stop talking about wrestling, deal with it.

“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

not even risking that shit

scrolled past this, re-evaluated my life, then SCROOOLLLED back up and hit the damn reblog button. 

Last comment same thing. Sorry to the next person who sees this. I just can’t risk it. I have things I need to do before my life becomes hell. Lol

man i fucking hate yall who tf put this up knowing damn well we all gonna reblog it im heated im really sick af bout this 

I don’t play that shit lol sorry


Sorry everyone


If only if only the woodpecker sighs the bark on the tree was as soft as the sky why the wolf waits below hungry and lonely he cries to the moon if only if only



this post followed me to Facebook and im sooo annoyed!

It’s been a MINUTE since I’ve seen Madame Zeroni, fr fr





Not tryna fuck up any of my planetary Returns~

One time I didn’t and I was broke for like a month but the next time I seen it I rebloged it and a bitch just got 500 out the blue and a 20 gift card


Now that I’m a Library Clerk, I am becoming more aware of what books are popular in my community. And apparently Amish Romance is a genre? Like every day I have to check in or out an Amish Romance. Just last week. We were registering a new member and her first question was where do we keep the Amish Romances. Our answer was we don’t keep them separate them as their own section but you can find a lot in the Romance Paperbacks.

I, need cover art???


my celebrity crushes range from “I find this person attractive” to “I will now watch every dumpster fire of a movie they have ever appeared in for even five seconds” with very little in between….


Thank you clam man

Reblog the encouraging clam man to boost someone’s motivation. You know you wanna.


encouraging clam man is always there for me in my time of need. may he be there in yours as well.


One time I worked as a personal assistant for this rich dude. He was pretty ok for like. A dude w more money than I can rlly comprehend? Anyways a part of his assets was this grain processing plant; idk what they actually did I just ran errands for the dude n made sure he wasn’t bothered from big money decisions basically. Glorified coffee bitch? Anyways we’re working one day and the workers catch this random lady like??? Taking bags of whatever the hell they kept in the plant. We’re getting ready to call the cops, I’m getting anxious, and the boss…….. tells them to let her go. He tells her she’s allowed to take only what she can carry in her own arms. So she scrambled off with the bag of wheat or corn or whatever ???? And the crews super confused and the boss goes “do not stop her from getting what she can carry” & so that happens again like once a week for the next few months. I find out she’s actually an immigrant and a widow? Living with her dead husbands mom. She’s been stealing to feed her mom in law. Anyways eventually one day she like. Approached my boss. In his office.

And like a month later I was given an invitation to their wedding it was extremely fucked up my boss married a lady who was a wheat thief

Classic bible story


In the Twilight universe, “vegetarian” vampires have golden eyes from drinking animal blood, a more ethical source than human blood, which would give them red eyes. It has also been established that a diet of human blood makes vampires physically stronger. So, if the Cullens wanted to become stronger without jeopardizing their morals, could they consume mosquitoes instead? How many mosquitoes would they have to eat to survive? Since mosquitoes drink from both humans and animals, what color would their eyes be? Orange? In this essay, I will

on average an adult has about 4.5-5.5 liters of blood circulating in their body. a female mosquito, when completely full, can hold up to 0.001-0.01 milliliters of blood in their abdomen depending on the species. if we take the average of both (5 liters & 0.0055 milliliters), it would take around 909,090 mosquitos to equal the amount of blood in a single human. although there isnt an exact number of the entirety of the mosquito population, we can use fermi estimation. there is about 57 million square miles of total land area on earth, while say 50 million square miles are habitable for mosquitos. with a rough of estimate of 1 mosquito per 50 square feet (overestimate due to area and time of year). after multiplying the numbers and fixing the units, there is a rough estimated 70 quadrillion mosquitos. theoretically, if a vampire lived in a mosquito dense area, such as brazil, indonesia, malaysia, thailand, etc, and could sustainably hunt around a million mosquitos to fill themselves every time they needed to feed, there would be enough mosquitos to survive on due to their large population and fast reproduction.

This is honestly everything I have ever wanted thank you for your contribution to the cause

Hey guys I think I figured out why vampires can turn into bats


I just remembered a mildly disturbing story I think you’ll like: When I was in middle school this guy I ~kinda~ knew walked up to me, shirt held up to his chest as a makeshift bag. He kneeled down in front of me, silently unzipped my backpack, and poured at LEAST a dozen oranges into it. He came back a while later to collect them. I’ve never understood what it all meant.


There was a guy at my school, Christian, who collected bananas. Every day in the lunchroom, he’d take as many as he could get. He never ate them. He kept them in a bunch of brown paper bags until he had roughly thirty bananas (this took a few days). He would then leave them somewhere in the school - usually on a teacher’s desk or outside the office. Occasionally on people’s doorsteps.

The lunch lady was forbidden from giving Christian bananas. He always got them anyway. If they wouldn’t sell him one, he would steal them and leave the money on the counter. He wasn’t technically breaking any rules so he never got in trouble but the teachers were furious.

He dressed in a banana suit for Halloween.

I don’t know what became of Christian but when I see bananas, I think of him.

when i was in 8th grade, every single day i would steal spoons from the cafeteria. i’d take like 8 spoons a day and by the end of the school year i had two backpacks full of spoons in my closet. on the last day of school i came to school with all my spoons and threw them everywhere i went, and when the final bell rang i emptied the backpacks down into the main stairwell as everyone ran out. a friend of mine who still goes to this school says they still find spoons scattered around to this day.

middle school is a lawless land where both angels and hellspawn fear to tread


game: has any kind of elemental based fighting system

me: apply pokemon logic

To be fair Pokemon element logic is rooted in normal logic.

yeah, everyone knows a wrestlers biggest weakness is the local pigeons


go outside and try to suplex a bird

tell me how bug resists fighting

go outside and try to suplex a bug

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