
My Life, My Rules

@angelofame / angelofame.tumblr.com

gif maker, photoshop player, fanfiction writer


You know what bothers me the most about how little coverage the Australian fires are getting?

I could mention that 18 people are now dead, several are missing and over 1000 homes are lost. All at the start of a new year. +3 million hectares of land is gone. People feel a little bit of empathy, maybe they'll reblog this or give it a like, but they'll give it no second thought.

But if I were to make a post just solely about the fact that 500 million animals have been killed in these fires, including 30% of all koalas meaning they're close to being functionally extinct, people would share the fuck out of it. They would start GoFundMe pages, they would guilt people into reblogging shit with the classic, "if you don't reblog this you don't have a heart." You know that trope yeah?

You all fucking shoved posts about the Amazon fires down our throats. "Oh but they were deliberately lit on Native land." You don't think we understand that? Do you know that is exactly what's happened here? As a woman of Aboriginal descent, do you get how upsetting it is for me to watch my country burn? To watch my friends houses burn to the grown whilst they're left to flee to the beach in hope's of not being burnt? Do you know how upsetting it is to think that the house that I grew up in probably won't be standing in a couple days? All because the RFS are not allowed to backburn because of politics. Politics who don't understand a single fuck about anything that is happening.

Every night I have to try my hardest not to break down in front of my family because I am so upset and so angry about this whole situation. Men and women are out there fighting this fire, missing out on time with their family, time at work meaning they can't afford to feed their family either, they miss out on holidays too.

My brother was sent on a strike team up to Sydney for Christmas. He almost didn't make it back for New Years, even when he got home, he was so tired to go out so him and I stayed at home and played the PS4. And what makes me angry is that some families out there don't see their brothers come home, their sons, their fathers, their sisters, mothers, daughters.

Because people are dying.

And no one other than Australians give a single fuck!

Canberra currently ranks at number 8 for worst air quality in the world right now. The elderly in nursing homes are being evacuated and have nowhere to go. People were jumping in lakes, were swimming out into the ocean to get away from the fire as it started to burn the beach.

And what does our Prime Minister do?

He arrives at fire impacted towns, in a nice and expensive 100k BMW, to give his thoughts and prayers. Not aid, not water and food, not money. But thoughts and prayers.

"I'm sure he's just tired."

"No, no. He lost a house."


How more insensitive can the fucker get? This isn't a Prime Minister. This is a disgrace. May I also mention we are in our worst drought yet but "we" just sold 409 million dollars worth of drinking water overseas.

I am begging all of you by this point. Please, help out our victims of fire and drought. Donate to whatever causes you can, search the internet, I'm sure there are plenty out there. Donate packs of water, toiletries, food that doesn't spoil, socks, sleeping bags, anything.

Every small gesture you do makes a big impact on somebody who lost everything.


The Lion with the Raven Wings Chapter 4

In a world where soulmates recognize each other on their marks, two souls find each other due to a common course.

Cullen joined the Inquisition because he wanted to help, to redeem himself. Not in his wildest dreams, he would have ever imagined he would meet his soulmate. Raven just wanted to prevent further bloodshed, not be the Herald of Andraste nor meet her soulmate in the middle of a war.

Can they help become each other the best version of themselves and prevail together, or will they both shatter at their own insecurities?

A Soulmate AU


If you have missed the previous chapter,s you can find it  here


The first time he witnessed her dismounting far away from the others, he thought nothing of it. The second time he didn't pay it any attention. The third time he found it odd. The fourth time he believed that it had something to with her companions, especially with the Qunari. This theory proved wrong when he saw the two of them animated talking in the tavern.

After that, he kept wondering what motivated her to mount and dismount away from the others. Then he noticed that she gave the stable a wide berth.

From then on, he kept observing her interactions meticulously, searching for the cause of this strange behavior.

He had the epiphany one day as he was grooming Maximilian, his own horse, outside the stables. He planned to bring him to the fields behind Haven later to let him roam.

He saw Raven out of the corner of his eyes, leaving Harrit's station. She bid the men at the forge farewell. She then turned towards him.

A smile began to form on her face when she saw him. But before it was the smile he was used to from her, it froze. Her face turned white. She took a step backward, fear evident on her face.

This was the exact moment Cullen realized she was afraid of horses. And it probably didn't help that Max was a big black stallion. He took Max reins and led him into the stable. 

Cullen made sure his horse was taken care of as quickly as possible, but since Max didn't like any of the stable boys, Cullen had to do all the work. Usually, he savored to do it, but not today.

Raven was long gone when he left the stables. While he was walking to her cabin, he was formulating a plan on how to help her. So that she at least could be near a horse or at least in the nearer vicinity of one.

He had a solid plan, at least Cullen thought he did when he reached Ravens cabin. He knocked on her door.

He didn't have to wait long till she opened her door. Her face was still pale, and she wouldn't meet his eyes. She seemed as she was ashamed.

"Can I come in?" Cullen asked. She nodded and stepped aside to let him in. 

After a moment of uncomfortable silence, "I am sorry you had to see me like ..." "I am sorry to intrude on you like..." they both started at the same time.

They both fell silent immediately. Cullen cleared his throat. "If it's okay with you, I would like to begin." She nodded, embarrassed.

"First of all, it is okay to be afraid of something. This is nothing to be ashamed of." She opened her mouth, but he cut her off with a shake of his head.

"I am not finished. I got to know you a little bit in the last few weeks, and I've come to the conclusion: You had a bad experience with horses. And I would like to rectify that. I know you love animals, and I think it pains you to be afraid of them. So I want to help you if you want to that is. I am not pressuring you, but I think you would benefit hugely if you could overcome your fear. Be it to ride one or be near one without the need to run immediately." He looked her directly in the eye. "I won't think less of you if this fear proves too great to overcome, but I believe you can. All I ask is you try."

The next day, Raven met Cullen at the gate of Haven, and they went to the fields together. As they drew nearer, she saw horses running around the paddock, grazing. 

She was still some distance from them apart, but her fear seized her. She froze. 

Cullen stopped beside her and pointed at something in the middle of the herd.

"Do you see the foals? Their age ranges from a few weeks old to short of a year." The little ones chased each other, weaving through the adult horses, using them as obstacles.

Two ran at breakneck speed next to each other. Suddenly they bumped into each other so that both went tumbling down to the ground. Raven moved instinctively closer, ready to help if the need arose.

But both sprung up, shook their fur, and continued racing.

Cullen led her to a pasture a little further. A lonely chestnut brown horse was grazing there.

"This is Mara," Cullen explained.  Mara padded towards him when she heard his voice. "She knows I always have a carrot for her."

He sat his backpack on the ground. Then he closed the remaining feet to the enclosure and climbed over the fence. Mara greeted him by nosing at him.

"She is a sneaky one." Cullen laughed. "Always hungry." 

He pulled a carrot from his pocket and presented it to Mara on his flat palm. She immediately snitched it up and started munching.

He beckoned Raven to come nearer to the fence.

"She won't hurt you. First of all, there is a fence between you and her. Second, she is very friendly. My sister used her to teach a lot of children how to ride. Third, my sister trained her personally, and my sister is an excellent horse trainer. And last I am here, and I promise if she acts out, I will throw myself between you."

She nodded. Her fear was strong as ever, but Cullen was right: Mara didn't seem to be dangerous. She let Cullen scratch her neck and muzzle. And Cullen was here. And the few weeks she had known him, she learned that he always tried his hardest to keep the promises he gave.

She took a step forward, and when nothing terrible happened, she took another. 

"Can you give me the backpack?" She swallowed hard. Then she took a deep breath. She bent down to pick the bag up. Then she crossed slowly the area which divided her from the fence.

She realized that when she looked directly at Cullen, it was easier to go nearer the horse. Finally, she stood right before the fence.

Mara stretched her neck towards her and regarded her with a curious look. Then she bent her head towards her.

Raven stood stock still when Mara sniffed at her hair. And then she felt soft lips tickling her cheek. This triggered not fear as Raven would have expected. Instead, it caused a delighted giggle from her.

Mara's lips were very ticklish. Raven knew at that moment that maybe she wouldn't be able to trust all horses, but in time this horse could be her friend, and she knew she had Cullen to thank for that.


This is the Baby Money Yoda, reblog in the next 60 seconds of seeing this to receive a blessing from our green bean prince.

And I just got paid!


The Lion with the Raven Wings Chapter 3

In a world where soulmates recognize each other on their marks, two souls find each other due to a common course.

Cullen joined the Inquisition because he wanted to help, to redeem himself. Not in his wildest dreams, he would have ever imagined he would meet his soulmate. Raven just wanted to prevent further bloodshed, not be the Herald of Andraste nor meet her soulmate in the middle of a war.

Can they help become each other the best version of themselves and prevail together, or will they both shatter at their own insecurities?

A Soulmate AU


If you have missed the previous chapter,s you can find it  here


Cullen was the first to arrive at the war room the next morning. The next ones to appear were Leliana and Josephine. They were quietly whispering to each other. Then Cassandra barged into the room.

The last to arrive was the Herald. Her face was bare again. The others looked at her, stunned, except Leliana, of course. The spymaster knew probably already about the uniqueness of clan Lavelan. While asking, "Do I have something on my face?" Raven ran her hand over her face to check for dirt or food residue.  

"No, Herald, it's just that ... your face...?" Josephine tried to politely ask the question of, "Where is your vallaslin?" Cassandra blurted out. "Oh, that..." And then she told them the same story she had told him the evening before.

After she had enlightened them about the history of her clan, they continued with the meeting. It was decided that Raven would meet mother Giselle in the Hinterlands. Cassandra, Varric, and Solas would accompany her to the Hinterlands. Soon after the meeting had ended, they set off to their destination.

Cullen, hours later, was watching the recruits fight. He walked from one group to another: correcting and criticizing and sometimes demonstrating how to do it better.

Rylen, his second in command, stood beside him.   "The recruits show great promise." "They are not a hopeless case." Cullen agreed. "But most of them have a long way ahead of themselves, till they are ready for a real fight."

They began to strategize how to train their soldiers best when suddenly a strange weight landed on Cullen's shoulder. He turned his head to the right and looked into the amber-colored eyes of an owl.

"Maker's breath!" Cullen exclaimed. The tawny owl hooted back as if to greet him. Cullen tried to dislocate the owl through moving his shoulder back and forth. When tath didn't work, He tried shooing it away with his left hand.

But the owl seemed not to care. Instead, it snuggled closer to Cullen's ear. The sound it gave off at the moment reminded Cullen of a purring cat but with owl sounds. 'What a strange owl.', he thought.

There was one more thing he could try to get the owl of his shoulder. Carefully he placed both his hands on the plumage at its side. When it didn't react negatively, he gently grasped the owl and equally gently lifted it from his shoulder.

The owl hooted protestingly but didn't do more than that. Cullen set it down on a nearby tree branch where he hoped it would stay or fly off to somewhere else. Fly off it did, but not in the intended direction.

It landed on his shoulder, again, this time on his left. Rylen, who had watched the scene with a bright smile on his face, burst out laughing.

Cullen turned his irritation from the animal, which abused him as a seat to his second in command. Then Cullen took note of the absence of the sound of clashing swords and bashing shields.

With the promise of punishment in his eyes, he turned towards his soldiers.  He seized up every last one of them, daring them to move the corner of their mouths upwards.

Nobody moved a muscle; nobody wanted to be at the receiving end of the commander's ire.  

"Continue the training!" he finally barked. The owl hooted soothingly at him.

Raven and her companions were pretty busy. They met with Mother Giselle, spoke with Master Dennet, liberated a fort from bandits.

Cullen got the news that they would be arriving back at camp soon a week later. The past week he and the owl had come to an understanding. The owl was allowed to reside on his shoulder during the day. She - Adan had told him that the owl was female - would mostly rest there and was off hunting in the night, when she didn't sit next to him on his cot. If she, in return, delivered messages for him.

She had gone so far as in bringing him his quill or other little things if he needed them. His soldiers sometimes looked strange at him, but they were mostly used to it by now.

He was walking through the gate when he saw the group with the Herald arrive back at Haven. The owl sat on his shoulder, dozing, having just got a share of his meat.

Raven dismounted a bit apart from the others, patted her halla on the neck before she walked towards him. She was a few feet away from him when her facial expression changed from delighted to sour.

"You traitor," she hissed. "I was worried about you. I thought you were hurt, or I don't know dead. No word, nothing, and here you are. Standing as nothing had happened, not a care in the world."

That Cullen was confused would be the biggest understatement at the moment. When she called him a little bitch, he had enough.

"Herald, may I ask what I did to upset you?" he asked evenly.

She looked confused. Then her mouth formed a wordless o as she just realized something before she went beet red.

"My apologies, Cullen, I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to her."

She pointed to his right shoulder, the shoulder where an innocent-looking owl was sitting.

Understanding dawned upon him. "She is yours," he concluded.

"As far as one can be the owner of this stubborn owl," Raven answered, then she turned back to the owl.

"Snowy, can you please get my satchel. I know you don't want to. You have a gorgeous man who tends to you, but if you do that, we can think about shared custody. Deal?" She appealed to the owl. It seemed to work because Snowy spread her wings and vanished into the forest.

"I am sorry if she was a handful. I try to encourage her to leave you alone.", she apologized. "She wasn't a bother. She was, surprisingly, good company...for an owl."

Raven gifted him a bright smile at his words, then waved goodbye.

"So, you made a new friend, Curly," Varric said from behind him.


It's My Follower Holiday Giveaway!!!

With December and the Holidays fast approaching (WAY too fast if you ask me) I thought I would take the opportunity to thank all of my wonderful Followers for sticking with me this year!

December is a super busy time for my family so I sadly won't be able to take or work on any Commissions during that time, but I passed another Follower Milestone so this is my gift to you all!



1st Prize - One HD Digital Rendered Portrait

2nd Prize - One Vintage + Foliage Portrait

3rd Prize - One Simple B&W Portrait Sketch

Giveaway Rules:

1. Must be a Follower. As usual new followers are welcome, but please don't just follow for the contest and then leave after. Main blogs only, contest blogs will be omitted from entry.

2. Like this post for ONE entry.

3. Reblogs count as ONE entry each. That said, please, please, please do not spam your followers.

Contest Closes December 25th. I will announce the Winner's on December 27th so please make sure to check your inbox that day.

Good Luck!


Give my friend some love!! Congrats on another follower milestone, you deserve it and more ❤️❤️

Omg congrats!!! So well deserved my friend!! 💙💙💙


Your art looks really beautiful and congrats  from me as well



Said is dead (Remember that you can use said, don’t use it to less.)

Zen writer ; writing without distractions (Might not be free after a while)

Feel free to add more!

Oh wow. This is amazing!


The Lion with the Raven Wings Chapter 2

In a world where soulmates recognize each other on their marks, two souls find each other due to a common course.

Cullen joined the Inquisition because he wanted to help, to redeem himself. Not in his wildest dreams, he would have ever imagined he would meet his soulmate. Raven just wanted to prevent further bloodshed, not be the Herald of Andraste nor meet her soulmate in the middle of a war.

Can they help become each other the best version of themselves and prevail together, or will they both shatter at their own insecurities?

A Soulmate AU


If you have missed the previous chapter,s you can find it  here


Chapter 2

Raven had been in lots of strange situations. But waking up in chains and with a pounding head was a new one even for her. The first she did, she turned her focus inwards to check herself for injuries. When she was satisfied that nothing was wrong besides the headache, she slowly sat up. She was not surprised to see that somebody had taken her staff, but she was surprised to see a mark on her left hand, which gave off electric sparks.

"Good, you are awake.", someone said from outside her cell. A woman in a cloak came up to the cell bars.  She opened the cell doors and motioned for Raven to stand up. She led her to the adjourning room, where she sat down at a table.


The Lion with the Raven Wings Chapter 1

In a world where soulmates recognize each other on their marks, two souls find each other due to a common course.

Cullen joined the Inquisition because he wanted to help, to redeem himself. Not in his wildest dreams, he would have ever imagined he would meet his soulmate. Raven just wanted to prevent further bloodshed, not be the Herald of Andraste nor meet her soulmate in the middle of a war.

Can they help become each other the best version of themselves and prevail together, or will they both shatter at their own insecurities?

A Soulmate AU


If you have missed the previous chapter, you can find it  here


Chapter 1

A loud explosion roused Cullen from his sleep. In under five minutes, he was strapped in full armor and raced with sword and shield in hand out of his tent. The second he left his tent, he was confronted with a glowing green hole in the sky. At first, it didn't register that the temple of sacred ashes wasn't part of the landscape anymore.


This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual

I love how gay people do it too. Just… really? You’re literally saying the same shit to bisexuals that straight people say to you, and you don’t see the hypocrisy? 

If youre biphobic or hate bisexuals, fucking unfollow me, for serious.


If youre biphobic or hate bisexuals, fucking unfollow me, for serious.

Why is this a thing like really? Homosextual people of ALL beings should understand that you like what you like and if the answer multiple choice then that’s just more love to go around non?


support 👏 or 👏 die 👏


What happened to supporting each other?

just an unfriendly reminder that i’m bi and if y’all are biphobic you can fuck right off

if you don’t respect the bi then you can leave bye


Right. Here is it everything you ever wanted to know about fashion cuts, trends, style, all in one post.

Every example of a trend that existed is list in the above post. So get to know your styles, perfect your image and enjoy mixing trends and different eras together. 😍👌👌


CONFESSION: I always wonder how injured my Inquisitor was when they escaped Haven. Considering the fact the Dragon’s flames threw them back, & then Corypheus threw them against the trebuchet, then they fell down a hole, I figured some bones had to be broken


*taps mic*

Friendly neighborhood student PT here.

Let’s talk about the hits the Inquisitor takes from Corypheus’ attack on Haven.  Basically, the things we see in cut scenes that are canon (i.e. I am not going to address normal, body-weight force falls, even though people can and do break bones in those situations all the time).  Whatever injury the Herald endures as a result of fighting a slew of Red Templars is between you and your head canon :D.  

First of all, without radiographs (AKA the film that comes from an x-ray) we can’t know about hairline fractures, and without manual muscle testing, we can’t know the damage to soft tissue structures (AKA everything that’s not bone).  So, let’s look at the trauma:

  1. Initial blast from the ‘arch demon’ that blows up some red lyrium; the Herald goes flying, lands first on their ribs and then bounces onto the shoulder before rolling to a stop where they are, understandably, quite dazed.  And likely, already in some significant pain.
  2. Corypheus lifts the Herald by the wrist, but it’s not actually a very forceful lift.  I’m going to assume that if a Herald can jump off house-height surfaces and land without too much injury, they are probably OK supporting their own body weight at the shoulder joint.  Think about doing a one-armed pull-up. There is more to say about this, which I will address below.
  3. In the trebuchet throw, the Herald lands on the shoulder already injured (and friend, hope you’re not right-handed) and then has a secondary hit on the neck, with a kind of tertiary head smack (head smack is a technical term).
  4. After the Mulan-esque snow cascade, the Herald jumps down a hole partially covered by wood slats, which are not very forgiving at all as wood is an excellent construction material simply for the amount of weight it can take, and they hit their right lower back.  This unilateral trauma is going to need a miracle to fix (OR A SKILLED PT, AYYYYYYYY).
  5. I’m going to assume, without video reference of the Herald getting up, that because the last you see of them is falling face down, they probably put their hands out to break their fall before still end up landing face down.  We know nothing of the shaft down which they fall, if it’s possible to catch one’s self, and that, despite what movies tell us, without base-jumping material, it’s impossible to create a moment arm large enough to turn yourself in such a short distance. So, they land on their wrists, and then have some rib and face-smacking going on.

Now let’s take a look at the result of those injuries, and the overall loss of function the Herald will likely experience, based on actions of those muscles, and, in one situation, the neck hit.

  1. I’m actually studying the upper extremity right now, and I can tell you that the Herald likely sustained a ruptured coracoclavicular ligament.  The CC lig is responsible for helping lift the scapula when the clavicle elevates.  There are different degrees of blow out, but because we play Dragon Age, let’s assume the worst.  It’s a 3rd degree rupture.  Herald, sucks to be you, but your clavicle is now popping up through your skin like Quasimodo’s hump (only on the front) and you are not lifting that arm. You have also compromised your latissimus dorsi and probably your teres major after that rib fall, if you didn’t completely dislocate ribs from your spine (maybe not since there is a bunch of muscle between your skin and those bones).  But, the lat injury and the shoulder injury mean that even if you could lift your arm overhead, which you can’t, you would not be able to pull heavy things back down. Don’t even get me started on your rotator cuff.
  2. When the arm lifts overhead, it needs to externally rotate from the humerus to fully anatomically flex.  If you do not turn it outward a bit, the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii catches on the Greater Tubercle of the humerus and will not go into full flexion (AKA raise all the way up).  Coryphicus does NOT bother to do this for the Herald, and the arm is clearly still internally rotated.  It’s not likely to cause a huge injury, except maybe straining that biceps tendon, but it sho nuff is uncomfortable.
  3. OK, these are the doozies.  First of all, there is serious aggravation of an area that has already been injured.  If there isn’t swelling, There’s swelling, which is going to create all kinds of stiffness and reduced motion issues.  There may be a fracture at the neck of the humerus, which will still be movable but hurt like the dickens, except now you’re making me talk about the Rotator Cuff muscles (YOU DONE MESSED UP, A-ARON). JK, these are muscles that lift the arm, pull it away from the body (like jumping stars), and pull it behind you.  Haha, you’re jacked.  Think about what that motion looks like in every day life. The neck hit, if vertebrae were not fractured, could still cause irritation in the spinal nerves.  Any time that happens you risk losing function.  LET’S DO IT:  the neck hit is lower neck, so upper thoracic and lower cervical vertebrae.  Herald, C3-4-5 keeps the diaphragm alive, you’re luck you’re still breathing.  Oh, but you know what’s not lucky?  Nerves C5-C8 are the majority of your brachial plexus.  That’s right.  Your arms.  BOTH of your arms. T1 is also there, and you hit that one, too. Let’s skip the rest of the thoracic, which mainly covers your autonomic nervous system (because you’re already in full sympathetic nervous system response: “fight or flight” amirite?), which is working just fine, and your other extrinisic back muscles, which are already screwed up. The part of the head that is struck is clearly the occiput.  But the Herald stands up and looks at Corypheus, so I’m assuming they’re not blind; probably really, really concussed, though.
  4. See latissimus dorsi injury above. Also, that hit could have easily injured part of the external oblique (whose aponeurosis is also attachment for the lats) which is going to seriously impede your ability to turn side-to-side and bend.
  5. After all that, assuming you can still use your arms, landing on the hands/wrists would not necessarily shatter them.  A likely break would occur at the styloid process, AKA the big bump on the outside of your wrist.  However, other fractures are unlikely because we assume you’ve been drinking your milk, have good bone density, and have a stellar interosseous membrane that does its job to transmit those forces up your arm.  Oh, you’ll be sore, Herald, but that is going to be the least of your worries. I don’t even want to talk about your broken ribs or how hard you smacked your head.  Let’s just say when your own body weight lands on rocks under some nice mass x acceleration, you definitely hit hard enough to break stuff.  Maybe punctured some of the soft structures beneath like lungs?  Or heart?  Definitely a possibility. You were unconscious for several hours, minimum.

Basically, the Herald’s ability to lift things with that right arm is super compromised, and their spinal nerve irritation is probably causing problems for both arms.  They have likely broken bones, at the very least sheared some articulations (AKA joints) with serious translation, strained muscles and probably blown some ligaments, which are as important as muscles when it comes to guiding/directing and stabilizing motion of the body.

Me?  This is just me, but I think that Before the Dawn scene likely happened daaaaaaays after Corypheus’ original attack.  The Journey to Skyhold would not have seen any normal Herald jumping on rocks and clip-climbing up snowy mountainsides.  Nor would they have been lifting a gigantic sword a few days later to accept the title of Inquisitor.  They are going to be lucky if they can wipe their own bottom and feed themselves.

This is, of course, assuming that the Anchor does not possess supernatural healing abilities as well.  Who knows?  You know who knows, but we have to find him first.

Reblogging this for the confessor who sent in the confession. Its also pretty fascinating and informative. :-)

As an osteologist with 2.5 semi-related degrees and training in forensic anthropology as well as years of experiencing PT on herself, I can attest to at least the general accuracy and awesomeness of all the above. Also, major kudos to gerundsandcoffee, and thank you for the bone nerd pr0n.

Adding to the nerding out…

Assuming the Inquisitor had any broken bones at all (likely, as fall injuries in which you brace yourself can Fuck You Up - I would know…) they would not be able to walk for days or weeks, depending.

If any bone in the wrist was shattered, Maker help them. I guess when there are mages and Andraste has your back, you’ll be helped out a little more than the average Joe.

Broken bones begin to heal themselves almost immediately, which is why they need to be rebroken and then set if not set fairly soon. If a bone is not set properly first or rebroken and then set, it will heal to look like this (which is not fully healed yet, nor properly set). Even days after a break, the soft tissues surrounding bones repair themselves (pending more serious tears). 

Here’s hoping there was a mage healer around there somewhere, because there isn’t much to do (lacking surgical pins?) for a broken clavicle or rib (as far as I know) nor fingers or toes. In most cases, ribs and clavicles will heal fine (better if you don’t move around all the time), but will never be without a twist, bulge (callus), or off-set line compared to their natural state. 

With modern casts, a broken leg takes about 2 months to heal (depending on severity). Arms, a little less than that (my wrist injury, as a child, was 3 weeks full cast 3 more half cast, and children heal faster than adults).

Fun fact: If your Inquisitor is under the age of 30, some bones are still growing/fusing, and if the growth plate (epiphysis) is broken, could irreparably compromise growth and formation (though maybe not as much in a child).

  • Inquisitor is between 18 and 30: Their medial clavicle (collarbone) is still fusing. Injury area: severe blow to the center of the chest right below throat (if it doesn’t kill you). Result: possible shortened clavicle and resulting muscle compromises (mostly shoulder/chest). 
  • Inquisitor is between 16 and 22: Most limb bones (not already fused) are starting to fuse,also rib heads (by the spine). Injury areas: broken elbow, hip joint, knee area, shoulder joint, outer ankle (that bump, you know the one), wrist, spine, some finger/toe bones. Result: weakened arm and leg strength; foot issues; possible issues with muscles attaching to ribs (anything that can hurt when you breathe), but not severe; possibly shortened fingers/toes.
  • Inquisitor is under 16: Nothing is completely fused, and if the growth plate is broken and a healer can’t fix it, you’re going to be deformed with small and weak limbs.

Naturally, severe injuries to muscles and bones are going to be bad enough as an adult and need serious external help, and even without having the possibility of compromised bone growth (teens are almost “full sized humans” anyway), you’re going to be out of commission for weeks.

Thank fuck for Andraste (and mages).

It got BETTER.  Thanks scriptrixdraconum!!  

Reblogging this because of added input from an osteologist and because bones are awesome.  I love them.  Bones are amaaaaaazing, but setting their breaks is definitely outside of my scope of practice :D.

Also, wanted to add that in my number 2 explanation, I incorrectly said it was the long head of the biceps tendon that would catch.  No, it is instead accurate to say that when the arm externally rotates, it is the acromion process that the greater tubercle needs to clear for full extension.  Perhaps no one else but me would notice that was incorrect, but I accomplished more studying after this, soooo- correction!


The Lion with Raven Wings

In a world where soulmates recognize each other on their marks, two souls find each other due to a common course.

Cullen joined the Inquisition because he wanted to help, to redeem himself. Not in his wildest dreams, he would have ever imagined he would meet his soulmate. Raven just wanted to prevent further bloodshed, not be the Herald of Andraste nor meet her soulmate in the middle of a war.

Can they help become each other the best version of themselves and prevail together, or will they both shatter at their own insecurities?

A Soulmate AU



The legend says that a princess fell deeply in love with a commoner. The king was strictly against this union, so he imprisoned the commoner and sentenced him to death. She cried, pleaded, and begged that he should spare her love.

Unknown to them was that her lover was a mage. One night when she finally could sneak to the dungeon to see him. He performed a ritual that bound them together forever. He vanished the next day, but with the promise that she would find him again and recognize him on the mark, he would bear, which would be identical to hers.

They were said to be the first soulmates.

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