
Sauntering Vaguely Downwards

@generalherasyndulla / generalherasyndulla.tumblr.com

29 years old /she/they pronouns/queer/white Hello I'm Cassandra and I am a nerd who enjoys obsessing over fiction and memes.

I'm not like Mad at anyone who does this and I'm obviously not in charge of how anyone else tags shit on their own blogs, whatever, but it's always bummed me out when my sex Ed posts get reblogged and tagged with 18+, minors dni, etc. personally I actually very much want teenagers to learn about their bodies and safer sex but I guess I'm just the guy who wrote the thing.

by and large I am not an angry man but once I watched a fellow sex educator present to a room full of college students and, upon being gently challenged by one of the students who objected to them describing sex as something that happens between adults, said with very palpable disdain "I don't want to talk about kids fucking." and I was so angry about it that I made myself nauseous.

not just teens, either. every couple years I give up my Sundays for a few months to teach sex ed to 4th-6th graders, unpaid. and I don't do it because it's always fun or easy or great for my health, I do it because those are human people with changing bodies and feelings who deserve to have someone who gives a shit take the time to talk honestly with them so that they might make less painful mistakes later.

ah, this has gotten notes. now we begin a game of Is Someone Going To Call Me A Pedophile For This.

It's appropriate to tell very small children (3-5) who asked where babies come from that sex is something for consenting adults only

When they are approaching teenage years it's appropriate to tell them "hey, I know teens have sex. This is how to be safe and also how to avoid the spread of misinformation"

I will never forget being 13 and having another girl confidentially telling me you couldn't get pregnant if you drank a coke and ate poprocks directly after. Because I was educated about sex ed I was able to correct her

That girl was already sexually active btw

Teens are horny and they need information to be safe

Heck part of the reason I didn't have a lot of ill advised sex as a teenager was because I was educated and I really didn't want to get pregnant or an STD.

I still did stuff but being educated on the risks, even with using condoms and being on birth control, made a massive difference in what I actually did

Add in the list of warning signs of abusive relationships and advice for how to communicate about sex/relationships and place boundaries that I found on BDSM websites and I promise you without that knowledge I would not be in the healthy and happy relationship I am in right now. I would have had a bad time and made a lot of bad decisions and choices

(ETA: Having a lot of sex isn't inherently ill-advised. However I know myself and my hometown and my issues. I personally would not have made good choices without the education I had. Particularly if I hadn't found the BDSM resources which taught me that sex was good and that I should only have sex I would enjoy rather then sex that made me feel bad as a person. As opposed to the teaching at school to value my virginity above all else)

So yeah, it's important to talk to teenagers about sex.


One of the many weird things about depression is that it retcons your life. Not only are you lying in bed feeling like a piece of shit and that everything is awful, but you start projecting those feelings back along your own time stream - you start low-key believing you've always felt this way, that nothing good has ever happened, or if it has it happened a long time ago.

On January 1st of last year I decided to start keeping a tally of good days and bad days, because I stopped trusting my brain to report on that accurately. I expected to come and look at the tally when I was depressed and go "oh, I had a good day only a few days ago. this hasn't always been like this."

What I didn't expect was that the process of asking myself whether a day had been good or bad would radically shift my perspective on what a bad day was and what a good day was. On the very first day, when I'd achieved nothing and had felt sad and slow all day, I went to put a notch in the Bad Day column before stopping myself:

wait, i thought. has today actually been bad? not bad enough to write it off. i played rummikub online with my partner. i drank some water. i had a long bath. no, today wasn't a bad day.

And so I put a notch in the Good Day column and went to bed. The next day I did the same thing, and the next day, and the next day. Just the process of going over my day every day meant that I found at least one good thing that happened every day. I had a good meal. I went to the pub and was around people, albeit quietly. I went for a walk. I saw a duck. There were days where truly awful, terrible things happened, but even on those days there was always something - even if the something was a simple as We Were There For Each Other or We Reminisced.

On December 31st I put the final tally down. Not a single day had been so bad that I could justify writing it off as a bad day. The bad day column was completely empty.

I'm still depressed, occasionally deeply, but I think I have more perspective. Depression is a physical feeling, and an emotional feeling, but even without trying *something* comes along every day that makes me glad I'm here despite that feeling.


This sort of thing is coming from the same place as my "write down three things per day that went right" method for getting out of depressive states.

The thing I find depression does is moves your mental "Overton Window" - it makes it so much easier to spot the miserable things, the horrible things, the annoying things, the things which went wrong, and it takes time, effort and above all practice to figure out how to shift your frame of reference back in a less negative direction.


“the worst they could say is no” true but while they are saying it they very well could hit me with force lightning like palpatine. From star war


Israel has done what we all predicted and warned about. Simple, pure evil. They pushed Palestinians by carpet bombing everywhere till they all had to go to the least bombed place (No, Rafah was never completely safe. They were bombed there, too, to a horrific degree), and then, after cramming what nears a two million civilians with about 600 thousand children, they are asking them to leave... to where?! Nowhere. They are just saying leave. So then, when they kill them all, they can say 'Oh, we warned them'

It was all predicted, and no one did a thing

Rafah is now the most densely populated place in the world, with a population of about 1.5 million and prehaps more in 64 km2. About 25 miles squere.

25 miles squere

A marathon is 26 miles straight. You can at least run through Rafah in length once and in width twice and pass the 1.5 million Palestinians. That's how crammed it is. With no where to run


They will destroy nature and call it saving the planet.


Joshua Trees are a weird thing that stayed since the last Ice Age. They're on the decline anyways because no mega mammals eat their seeds and pop them out else where anymore. Hasen't been one around in over ten thousand years but still they persist. Sometimes they thrive in small areas and other times they die out.

Then California decides fuck the Joshua Trees and destroys four thousand of them.

Fuck California. Joshua Trees provide shelter to hundreds of different species.


People asking if there is anything that can be done, YES.

There is a group trying to get this halted but they need to be boosted!


watched some video about a shitty kid yesterday and caught myself thinking "my god the kids these days are out of control" and praise the Lord I immediately reflexively scolded myself like "you were exactly this stupid when you were 13, stupider probably, here's a memory of you doing and saying something so completely terrible because you were a kid and kids don't know better" you cannot let up your vigilance even for a moment, you must constantly fight against age related conservatism and never stop internally interrogating your reactions


The greatest tragedy of Among Us is making friends and then accidentally disconnecting before you get to say goodbye

I just... I wound up hosting for a bit, and a player by the name “Dad of 3” came in to join my game

He was... well. Clueless is an understatement. When I say he has no idea what was going on, I mean the second round he was in he SLAMMED the alarm button and said “my screen said imposter what does that mean”

It means you’re the bad guy this time, dad,” We explained. “But next time try and keep it secret, okay?”


The next round, he killed another player right in front of me and immediately self-reported.

“I got my first kill,” he said.

Good job, dad!” we all replied. “You’re getting it”

He was so proud, next round, when he helped us catch the killer. And we were proud for him. He was trying so hard.

His kids showed him the game, he said — “Look dad a meme” — so he was playing it for them.

What’s sus” he had to ask. “Is it inappropriate?” “No dad. It’s short for suspicious, because suspicious is a lot to type.” “What’s gg?” “It means good game” “ok. Thank u. gg”

Two rounds later, he slammed the alarm again. “My map looks different,” he said. “There are buttons on it”

That means you’re the bad guy again, dad. You push them to sabotage us. Try it out”

We spent that round watching Dad of 3 gleefully pop in and out of vents at random and press all the buttons just to see what they did

Have you killed anyone yet dad?” “No. It feels strange.” “It’s okay. It’s just a game. You can kill us if you want to practice.”

He was trying so hard. I don’t know if he’d ever even played a video game before, but he was trying so hard to understand this thing his kids enjoyed, and my little group of strangers was doing our best to help him get there.

I’m so proud of that random father’s effort, and I’m proud of all the other players who were so willing to help him learn.

Then out of nowhere he was gone. Mid-round, Dad of 3 vanished to a bad connection, and I’m legitimately sad. I’d hoped we’d get the chance to play a round for real, and I’d have liked the chance to wish him luck and say goodbye.

But since I can’t do that, I’m throwing this into the void: I hope you have a nice time, Dad of 3, and I hope we were able to help you learn so you can have fun with your kids.

Good luck out there, buddy.

Daybreak says hello.


need people to see this i feel insane


I said “beatboxing puppy” on a call with my boyfriend and he responded “NOO DONT PUT ME IN AN UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENE”

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