
Your Friendly Nonbinary Librarian

@teenslib / teenslib.tumblr.com

Alex, they/them, Children's Services Librarian in Chicago. I mostly post about books and libraries.

Mrs got me a jumper while back for bday. I wear it loads. Went out in it an ran into ppl who complemented it. Got home and told her that. ‘Yea I got it for you bc its what Gonzo would wear.’ The muppet. Shant recover

Shes right as well. Gonzo would wear it. She had a pic saved on her phone of what she meant an all

Been informed this is not 1st time shes done this but shes refusing to say wich fits are muppet inspired


So listen i have this book coming out in uhhh 10 days and I am Worried about it, because it is a Comedy, and comedy is really hard to market (why????? it's funny pirates, what's not to like??) even when it is, yanno, normal mainstream comedy.

It is even worse when it is Unhinged Comedy That's Mostly Going To Be Funny To People On Tumblr. (For example, the main character being a supreme gremlin made of 90% memes by weight (examples: carries around a bag that is never called anything but his "little rucksack"; has a near-verbatim "stick me legy out real far" moment; talks about his metaphorical "orphan gruel bowl" which is a direct reference to that one Oliver Twist gif) because those are funny to me personally.) Unhinged Tumblr Comedy is difficult because tumblr is not a platform where it is easy to market things to people, because we are generally violently anti-capitalist and LOATHE advertisements and reflexively resist being marketed to for most anything. I LOVE that about this website. Except for right now, because I have bills to pay and a cat to feed. So look, fellow tumblr gremlins, I am just trying to say that if your personal brand of comedy is laughing at the kind of jokes that could only be produced on this hell website, and:

  • you like pirates
  • you're queer and want to read more books by queer authors
  • you want your fictional queer characters to be a hell of a lot more Messy and Unhinged than they often are depicted as being
  • you're interested in seeing a love triangle (M/M/NB) that resolves into polyamory
  • you want books where the hottest character gets to makes Passionate Speeches about rebelling against oppressive institutional regimes like governments and organized religions
  • you believe that capitalism is the most oppressive institutional regime of them all
  • you think it's fun when two characters have been in a 15-year-long relationship where the vibes have been "We're Newly Divorced" nearly since day one
  • you believe that All Cops Are Bastards and want to know what to do when you get pulled over by the boat cops
  • you think the Great British Bake-Off would be improved with weaponry, ritualized bribery/coercion of judges, and elaborate shit-talk

then this book might be for you. Beneath the wall-to-wall hijinks, it is political and it is righteously angry and it is the funniest thing I have ever written (which is saying something, because I have written some funny shit). It's called RUNNING CLOSE TO THE WIND. Here's a picture of it.

If all that sounds cool, you can read a review of it here and the first chapter of it here to see if it as funny as I am claiming it is, and then if you think that it is, you can preorder it here. It comes out on June 11! Ten days from now!

Thank you for letting me market to you for a minute. Signal boosting would be very much appreciated.

I manage to get an eARC of this book (highlight of my year) and can confirm it is absurdly funny. I was half worried my neighbors would call in a noise complaint with how hard I was laughing. Also if you are a fancy books™️ person like myself the broken bonding has a BEAUTIFUL signed edition with painted edges, foiling, the works


Good news: this book IS one of the funniest books I’ve ever read. Comedy is Hard but THIS BOOK is pure comedy. (With a side of horny and heart)

okay, I wasn't sure how I'd feel about this going in, but when I got to "he'd managed to rhyme 'strap-on' with 'denouement`" I had to put my laptop down because I was laughing so hard I was worried I'd drop it

and I sent just that line to my partner, who I'd expect to be much more in the target audience for this kind of Gremlin Story than me, and said "I might have to buy this book."






The links are already there, @jayalaw! :) Right under the cover image. Allstora is the best place to order it if you're in the US, but it's available worldwide at every retailer and in all formats, so feel free to get it from wherever you usually get your books (including your local library)!


This book is so good! And so funny! I had to pause ~20% of the way in because I was laughing too hard 😂

Currently ~40% of the way through and I'm very excited to read the rest

Also, Avra is a terrible little rat man, and I would die for him


Antifa meme dump #5, in commemoration of Antifa International's 10th anniversary. More to come as we continue to dig through the antifa meme vault!


Wait, some nuns of the order of St. Claire in Orduña have been asking the bishop for a licence to sell their pastries at the Derio monastery for 10 years, to no avail.

And they're so fed up they have officially rejected the Pope, archbishops, and bishops, and are now creating a schism inside their order because they're gonna sell those fucking pastries whether they like it or not.

WTF is this fantasy!!!!!

Okay, update.

The Orduña nuns want to be able to legally sell their products to keep their monastery up and running.

They suspect the higher ranks are keeping them without a license on purpose so the monastery has to close down - the nuns be relocated - so the Church can sell it to private companies to turn it into a hotel or use its land. The nuns say this modus operandi has been used in several now-closed monasteries not far from theirs.

They're ready to face excommunion to survive so if that's the actual case, I'm with the nuns.


I've been waiting some days to update this because infos have been contradictory all this week. This isn't as bucolic and anticapitalist as it first seemed, so it'd be nice that this updated version of the post gets reblogged too.

  1. These nuns wanted not only to sell their products, they seemingly wanted to sell the whole monastery of Derio to buy the monastery of Orduña from the Church.
  2. The price was 1.2M€, but the first payment was never made: the nuns couldn't afford it, but they assured the Church they had an anonymous benefactor that would effectively pay for it, and then register the monastery to the nuns and the benefactor themselves.
  3. This last clause was considered sketchy by the Church since nobody knew who that benefactor was, and they withdrew from the selling agreement. The nuns sued for damages asking for 1.3M€.
  4. The Church had some suspicions regarding the identity of this white knight. They thought it was a guy called Pablo de Rojas, who, in a nutshell, is the leader of a tiny cult inside the Catholic Church called "Pía unión de San Andrés" that defends going back to the old lithurgic ways, that there hasn't been a legal Pope since the 50s, that the Catholic Church is too progressive, and that Francoism was amazing. He's also a relative of the nuns' abess.
  5. There's still no confirmation of the benefactor's identity.
  6. The most plausible theory, though, is that Pablo de Rojas somehow convinced the abess to join his cult and bring her nuns with her; the second part of the plan was to buy the monastery to accommodate said cult and followers.
  7. Not all nuns agreed, though. One of them at least immediately left them and went back to St. Claire's order to be relocated. Some nuns of the order from Gasteiz have sued the cultist nuns and reclaimed the ownership of both monasteries for their order since the cultist have publicly rejected the Catholic church.

What a HBO documentary we will have in a few years time!!

I forgot to mention that Pablo de Rojas guy calls himself a bishop although he was formally excommunicated in 2019. He was ordained by a dude that ended up being the first leader of the cult known as Palmarian Christian Church, located in Andalusia.

I swear to you, this shit is as bizarre as it can get.

Pablo de Rojas grandfather was a francoist governor in Andalusia, and his family have big investments in Euskadi real state in recent years. Also he claims to be a prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire and Imperial duke, and supports one of the carlist heirs as king of Spain.

According to the news, he lives in Bilbao.

Yes, he was born into a wealthy family in Jaén (Andalusia) but lives in a +800sqm luxury apartment in the main street of downtown Bilbo.

The dude looks like this if anyone's interested:

He uses the royal we when he speaks, btw.

If this was a movie this would be too camp to be good.

News of the day: the cultist nuns have been sued for running an unlicensed dog breeding center.

I keep updating the drama of the year, season 9:

Today the Archbishop of Burgos has officially become in charge of the cultist nuns' convent by order of the Pope. The Archbishop has banned the entrance and stay of cult leader Pablo de Rojas in the convent, or in the convents of Orduña and Derio.

The nuns now face an ultimatum: with the Church or they'll be kicked to the curb.

While they decide, the Church now fear that since they can't sell the convent to buy the one in Orduña for their cult and have been sued due to the illegal breeding center, the cultists may want to get money by selling the convent's paintings and antiques which legally belong to the Church.

Stay tuned for the next chapter.

BREAKING: Pablo de Rojas has stated that the cult doesn't recognize neither the Pope nor the Archbishop, and that the nuns and himself will remain at the convent.

They all are now officially squatters.

Alright my babies, I know you're hooked on this. I'll serve you the latest news:

From previous episodes we know that the Archbishop was now in charge of the convent, right? And in charge of the bank accounts associated to it, which are now legally owned by the archbishopric. The cultist nuns were like 👁️👄👁️ when they discovered this and said on Insta that their money and donations recieved have been "usurped".

Well, the archbishop sent the new legal manager of the convent over there and what did our beloved sisters do?

"Come back with a warrant 🖕" - they said, and called the fucking Guardia Civil to shake him off.

The Archbishop left the diplomatic path: the cultist nuns have been given two days to hand a set of keys of the convent so the manager can get in. Deadline? TOMORROW (June 9th).

The nuns repeat they don't recognize the Archbishop and accuse him of wanting their convent just to sell it and get money - remember the nuns wanted to sell it to buy another convent, so...?

If they insist on their cultist ways they'll be excommunicated in 10 days, following canon law.

And as for common law, if they fail to hand the keys, the legal process to evict them will start.

**also!!! see that man on the pic with them?? He dresses up as a priest because he's not! He's their spokeperson, childhood friend of Pablo de Rojas, and master bartender winner of several bartending contests:

Me starting to read this post: NUN SCHISM NUN SCHISM YES

Me reading further: We regret to report that the nuns are backed by an admittedly cunty fascist.

Me reading further: NUN ILLEGAL PUPPY MILL?? JAIL.

Me reading even further and no longer knowing what this is about: Fancy Probably Evil Priest-Impersonator, make me a drink. I need one now.


honest to god we've got to start naming the elderly as a vulnerable group & calling their disabilities, disabilities. we sugarcoat and distance these things by only calling them "elderly," "old & frail," etc. most of them are disabled.

too many people completely separate disability from themselves in their mind. it's something that happens to other people. other sad people i don't want to think about. are they really even people, it's too much to bear thinking about that happening to a person... those background characters over there. it would never be me, i can't cope with thinking about that possibility.

this mass denialism of the fragility of the human body (YOUR human body) has created a whole category separate from the disabled - the "elderly." since anyone can join it if they live long enough.. no they can't be disabled. that's scary, and worse it's political. so they are just "old." so what they lost their hearing, their mobility, their heart function? that's just how it goes for old people. as if that's not a person as real as you. as if you wouldn't be devastated if that happened to you today (and it can btw). as if you won't be when it's your turn to be old, and disabled.

simultaneously the disabled are dehumanized as not people, and the elderly are dehumanized as not disabled. so the illusion of disability as separate can be upheld.

think about it. have you genuinely considered how your life will be as an elderly person? not the fantasy version we've built up societally as an old person that gets taken care of. but the reality of becoming disabled. having to rely on others when nobody has the capacity to help you. navigating government programs that are the assistance equivalent of hostile architecture. draining your bank account to pay for care. being stuck at home all day. being stripped of your dignity, agency, and humanity. if that all sounds horrifying, i implore you to start building a better world for disabled people now.

while we're at it, let's start naming pregnancy as a temporary disability too. such a missed opportunity for building empathy for long-term disabilities! we need to make these connections!

I know I've probably mentioned it before but also the elderly care at least in the USA is abysmal. Those who can themselves or with support afford a good elderly care home are going to get fewer, and the way the companies which own these homes treat profitability is not different just because they're handling people's lives. They are constantly cutting services, increasing rent, reducing quality of service, all for people who more or less have to plan around a period of stability. And they're still relatively lucky, because if you can't afford that, you're either on your own or scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of residences. Some places are closer to neglectful hospitals and it's a nightmare to see the conditions. Which I suppose is much of the world now, but even my relatively limited experience with elderly care hasn't been very positive.


the quiet part that no medical professional will ever cop to is that most ppl who work in or around nursing homes/eldery care would rather be euthanized than end up in one. it’s basically old people jail. the abuse is rampant and disgusting. do you know how many times nurses will call ems and go “idk he’s just on the floor, covered in shit. i wasn’t working or anything, and oh idk his name, here’s some papers that probably aren’t him even though he’s got severe dementia. good luck or whatever” ? bc we get similar situations multiple times a day.

the assistance equivalent of hostile architecture.



it's been said in smarter ways by smarter people. but keeping 'difficult' books and topics away from children is incredibly unfair to those kids who Cant escape 'difficult' life circumstances.

why does little timmy, age 7, white, get to avoid knowledge of racism while little timmy, age 7, black, is expected to navigate a racist world while his peers -unknowingly or otherwise- contribute to his trauma about that heinous status quo?

why does little timmy, age 7, csa victim, have to live in a world where he doesn't know that what his parents are doing to him is wrong because he's never heard the language necessary to communicate what's happening nor does he know it's abnormal?

why do kids who have good lives get to have childhoods completely free of empathy or the ability to reach out to kids who are having a rough time? why do the kids who are having a rough time need to remain silent and uneducated about their own pain?

who is helped by a lack of information besides those adults who are already in power?


lots of stories about being possessed by demons and forced to do evil things against your will, not many about being possessed by angels and forced to do good things against your will

I think you could actually write an incredible horror story about this actually

if you get possessed by a demon and start doing evil things, everyone’s immediately like “oh no this isn’t like you, this is so sinister, we must put a stop to this and restore your free will” but if you get possessed by an angel* who’s going to stop you? who’s going to want to stop you? your friends are either going to approve or they’re going to start resenting you and cutting ties…

and I specifically don’t mean this happening to an originally evil or villainous character, just like, a normal person with an average degree of benevolence and selfishness, succumbing to a gradually escalating series of good deeds that offer no pleasure or relief that they never would have chosen


So a while back, I bought a book based on a recommendation by someone and decided to start it last night.

I'm over 80% of the way through it now and it's been an expectedly wild ride considering I'd entirely forgotten what the book was about or what genre it's in.

Not entirely sure how I'd forgotten it's a Peter Pan retelling though.

Considering I haven't read the synopsis for this book, I don't know what count as spoilers but please enjoy some of the notes I made while reading, some with context and some without:

You can probably tell who my favourite character is asdfsfdsdgjdf

The book is Darling by K. Ancrum and I 100% recommend reading it. I really enjoyed going into it completely blind, but I assume most people don't do that but you know.


*if you have a step-dad or similar who is a father figure but not a dad you can answer for, feel free to answer about him instead

This is only about books, for the purposes of this poll I do not care how many magazines, newspapers, etc. your dad reads. Also, for the purposes of this poll, any book that is not a novel is considered nonfiction. Referencing books like manuals, encyclopedias or phone books doesn't count unless your dad reads them cover to cover like some kind of lunatic. Thank you and good night.


friendly reminder it's not "20% of germany" that voted for fascists, or italians that voted for meloni, or france for the far right

it's 20% of VOTERS

so, once again, i am here telling you ABSTENTIONISM is the problem. and it always fucking is.

people who feel demotivated, underrepresented, or adhere to some purity culture where it's the revolution or nothing.

THAT is the fucking problem. you get your head out of your ass and you fucking vote

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