with a kiss, the riot starts.

@roseategales / roseategales.tumblr.com

semi-hiatus. sherry. she/they. 20s. bi for bitch idiot. occasional fic writer and gif maker. multi-fandom. 18+ only. icon art by emedeme.

fic rating: explicit, for eventual smut. | chapter rating: teen. | categories (for this chapter): missing scenes, hurt/comfort. | pairing: solavellan. | content warnings (for this chapter): canon typical violence, death, war, discussion of religion and faith. | word count: 3.2K. | alternate link: ao3.

author’s notes: “only a light in this darken'd time breaks.” — the canticle of andraste. | a big thank you to @thebookworm0001​ and @fandombird123for helping me make sure i didn’t botch my intentions too badly. :3 full author’s notes are on ao3.


The howls of wolves drifted over the rolling hills and plains of the Hinterlands, touching the edges of the West Road. A split pack must have been somewhere nearby, trying to navigate their way around the rubble left by the Templars and bandits, rifts and demons, back to each other. With the tremors in the Veil, and the scent of blood and ash heavy in the air, it would have been a difficult task. Still, as he listened to another chorus rise over the camp, Solas hoped they would make it.

The sense that it would be a long night was shared by the Inquisition’s party. After they cleared the Templar encampment, it was decided it was as good a place as any to stop for the night, before resuming their journey to the Horsemaster at dawn. Traps and wards were laid in case of bears or an ambush; but if the rustle within the tents, their horses’ unrest, and six out of ten in their party remaining outside was any indication, night’s cloak provided the opposite of comfort.


the implicit politics of clan lavellan: keeper istimaethoriel is pretty great, actually

the exposure we get to clan lavellan is limited to a few dialogues and the war table operations, but i like what's suggested by the "good ending." the only outcome for the clan other than its wholesale destruction (don't even get me started) is its shift to a position halfway between a that of a regular clan and a group of regimented, politically unified, culturally and theologically traditionalistic city elves. the clan becomes sedentary, settling permanently in/near wycome. it's able to claim formal political power in a region where feudal systems aren't as deeply-entrenched and the sovereignty of individual cities is zealously upheld.

this opportunity is unprecedented, and clan lavellan is uniquely positioned to take advantage of it due to the preparations of its keeper. keeper istimaethoriel has been quietly readying for this sort of eventuality since before the story began, and this strange ending puts her in the perfect situation to implement the political program that's implied from the second she appears in the narrative.


kinda feels like we're dealing with the major ramifications of feminism being digested via enamel pins and tshirts with fun 70s throwback vibes and not as a serious critical framework to reshape our society

the point of this post wasn’t to mock individual people as cringe or stupid for buying pins on etsy, my point was feminism as a movement was astroturfed by capital interests to be an aesthetic and personal identity without a revolutionary character.


Loving the new counterpoint that not only is posting activism, not posting is complicity. Why doesn't everyone with any fame or internet presence immediately release a lengthy but perfectly-worded statement telling us where they stand on every issue? Is it because they're evil??? It must be because they're evil

And then the usual answer is "they don't post online very much". Which is all very suspicious, don't they know everything of importance is done by posts on social media now

Okay I'm going to talk about this for the last time bc currently the stupidest manifestation of this I've ever seen is unfolding, and nothing can top it or explain this phenomenon better

So Amal Clooney was one of the lawyers who advised the ICC to charge Netanyahu with war crimes & issue an arrest warrant. But apparently there was already a backlash over her "not speaking up" which is already dumb, like, as far as I can tell she has no social media, but also she's a lawyer, she can't comment freely on cases, that could literally destroy the case

But she was trending bc people were saying she should be forgiven, for not posting. But also there are people adamant she not be forgiven. Because she should have spoken up sooner. Helping charge Benjamin Netanyahu with crimes against humanity is not good enough, she should have been posting, she needs to be held accountable for her lack of posting while she was, again, serving as a legal advisor on a international humans rights case against Benjamin Netanyahu.

Like when you're at the stage where people ask where a celebrity was, and the answer is "helping arrange an arrest warrant for Netanyahu", and your response is "why was she doing that instead of posting online" I really just have to conclude you think posting online is more important than anything else. Also that your online activism revolves around finding righteous ways to dislike celebrities you have entrenched parasocial relationships with that you rationalize by going "well I obsessively hate them so it's okay". But mostly the Posting Is More Important Than War Crimes Tribunals part


i love you so bad but maybe it wasn't meant to be?

Caitlyn Siehl / in a dream you saw a way to survive by Clementine von Radics / @/inanotherunivrse on tumblr / pinterest / pinterest / unknown / holy ground by taylor swift / "MY NAME" (2021) / Letters of Sylvia Plath / foolish one by taylor swift
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