
@darthstitch / darthstitch.tumblr.com

Her Furryness, Darth Stitch, Evil Blue Alien Half-Vampiric Genetic Experiment. I am a fuzzy blue alien wandering the Internet reading and writing fan fiction. The Blanket Fort is a safe haven for a lot of fandoms - classic and new.


John was a soldier huddled in the trenches facing No Man’s Land, feeling the most wretched he had ever been. He was cold and hungry, overwhelmed with the stench of unwashed bodies and infected wounds, the nearly endless rounds of gunfire and grenade explosions, the screams of the dying.

Sometimes he felt as if he would never again know the taste of bread and a proper cuppa tea, to breathe in air that was not foully tainted by the Enemy’s noxious poisons. Sometimes he felt that they were all under the pitiless gaze of some great Eye, naked in the Dark.

And then he heard an American voice say, “Don’t you understand? This is No Man’s Land. That means no man may cross it.”

And thus, John’s attention was captured by the hooded figure the American was speaking to. She dropped the cloak to reveal armor, that her hands carried a sword and a shield, and she ascended the ladder with steps swift and sure. John would always remember these words, though she herself had never said them aloud, but her actions spoke clear as day:

“I am no man.”

There she stood, a shining figure in the middle of No Man’s Land, facing the Enemy and drawing their fire, beautiful as the dawn, terrible as the sea, stronger than all the foundations of the Earth.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien does not remember how he scrambled up the ladder to follow after her, only that he and his fellow soldiers followed in Her wake, to fight by her side and onwards to victory.


i had three fic ideas.  wrote one.  i still have three fic ideas.  this is not how math is supposed to work.

can this post please back up it’s too close to home


I had five ideas, I wrote two, now I have seven

Listen. They’re called “plot bunnies” for a reason, and it’s not just because they hop around all over your brain demanding attention.


🎶99 fanfic ideas on my blog

99 fanfic ideas~

Take one down, pass it around

137 fanfic ideas on my blog🎶


this post walked into my house and kicked in my ribs


For anyone who ever asked me where ideas come from. They creep in and breed when you’re making something else.


This is ENTIRELY the fault of one Prince of Stories and I can imagine him with his terrifying laughter as he releases the Plot Bunnies upon us.

Anonymous asked:

can you imagine the lilo and stitch scene with nani chasing lilo around the house cause she was being a little shit or whatever but with legolas and gimli? cause i watched the movie a while back and now that's just been stuck in my head for a while now. seriously just search it up on youtube, i don't know how funny it will be to you guys cause i laugh at everything, but i've been in tears for a while now.


I can see it but I am telling y'all that it's gonna be Legolas doing the Stitch role while Gimli is chasing his fine Elvish ass around, bellowing Khuzdul swearwords. 🤣

Anonymous asked:

WIBTA if I asked for customer service from a native English speaker? I have an insurance plan that up until a few months ago was only moderately overcomplicated, by US standards at least. I get my monthly prescription, it's partially covered by insurance, and then after paying out of pocket for it I'm reimbursed for however much it cost thru my employer's HRA. About a year ago I had to switch to a more expensive medication, and learned the hard way that scripts that require a prior auth aren't eligible for HRA reimbursement. I got letters saying so instead of the usual checks, and the claims were listed online as DENIED. They listed cheaper meds I had to try before being eligible for the prior auth that would let me be reimbursed. I switched to one of the cheaper meds, and it worked well enough that I decided to stick with it rather than do another round of Drs appts. I got reimbursed each month like before, and everything was fine for a few months. This month, as I was submitting my claim, I realized that I hadn't actually gotten the last two checks yet. The site says it's normal to take up to 7 weeks, and this was just a bit past that, so I used the online chat function to ask about the delay. Both the unreceived claims were listed normally, unlike the previous claims that clearly said DENIED, so I figured everything was fine. Over the course of an hour, I talked to 3 different people, each of which told me something different – my claim was ineligible, my HRA never covered prescriptions to begin with, my plan had changed without notice, I had to resubmit everything including the original scripts, and so on. I obv can't say for sure, but I strongly suspect none of the people I chatted with spoke English very well, and also having both reread the paperwork a few times and compared previous claims I'm 90% sure they're all wrong. Many of them implied I was looking at the wrong page (nope, triple checked) or that I hadn't actually filed paperwork I was looking at on their site. IK customers can absolutely be wrong about these things, but I swear that's not what's happening here. The money is a pretty big deal, so I can't just let it go either. WIBTA for asking for someone who I know understands what I'm asking and can answer my questions more clearly, in other words a native or significantly more fluent English speaker?


Okay. I have worked in call centers for years, so I'm gonna share:

a. It's possible the people you are speaking to are just fresh out of training and are taking calls for the first time. They are doing their best, of course, but mistakes can and will happen.

b. If you feel that what they are telling you is inaccurate and you have the paperwork to back it up, then politely ask to speak to their Escalation team or their subject matter expert or their supervisor. Just stay calm and polite - yelling or getting frustrated will just fluster that person all the more.

c. Don't ask for a supervisor right from the get go. Most supervisors or managers don't take calls anymore and they're probably going to consult the tenured agents or the ones in the team who are already subject matter experts. There is probably an escalation team and/or process in place who can better address your questions and review your paperwork. It might be a back office so you'll take it to email but at least you'll give everyone time to review your records and your account and get the right answer.


you have been visited by the seven magic dragon balls your biggest wish will be granted but only if you reblog

Couldn’t risk it.


didn’t realize they change colors. now I know o gotta wish.

THIS SHIT IS REAL I GOT THE JOB I WAS NUTS ABOUT BC I REBLOGGED THIS YESTERDAY maybe it’s a coinkidink but it okay just take the necessary steps to achieve what you’re wishing for and YOU CAN DO IT


Follow Ultrafacts for more facts

The picture in the background of the second one

Tama is boss


Sad update everyone, Tama recently passed away… An estimated 3,000 people, including railway officials, attended Tama the cat’s funeral on Sunday, days after she died of heart failure aged 16. [x]

For those who haven’t read articles about it, the local shrine elevated her to a god. She’s now the Eternal Stationmaster and patron god of the station.


Now I’m crying thanks

and a new cat was hired right?

yep! her name is Nitama (essentially ”second tama” or “tama II”) and she served under Tama as an apprentice before being appointed her deputy


she works very hard


Everytime this crosses my dash, I reblog. It is the law.


I’m crying at 11pm over train cats


Nitama, already now a mature cat (born 2010), has a protege named Yontama (fourth Tama, b. 2016).  There is no information available for either the physical befellment or tragic self-disgrace which has removed Santama from contention.

^Nitama majestic, and below with Yontama



a legacy

okay but actually what happened to santama (or sun-tama-tama, which is her name because it’s a pun on santama) was that she was basically sent to train for the position in okayama and they liked her so much they refused to send her back

“Sun-tama-tama” (a pun off of “Santama”, lit. “third Tama”) was a calico cat sent for training in Okayama. Sun-tama-tama was considered as a candidate for Tama’s successor, but the Okayama Public Relations representative who had been caring for Sun-tama-tama refused to give the cat up writing, “I will not let go of this child, she will stay in Okayama.” [25]
As of September 2018, Sun-tama-tama is working as the stationmaster in Naka-ku, Okayama and appears occasionally on Tama’s Twitter account.

Every time I see this post there’s new info and it gets better

You are only allowed to scroll pass this after you pay tribute to the great Tama Station masters.

The shrine of Tama Daimyōjin (Great gracious deity Tama), next to the Kishi station where she worked.

Nitama presenting her yearly offerings to Tama Daimyōjin on the anniversary of Tama’s Death, June 23 (The offerings are presented by the company president, as Nitama is a cat and thus can’t hold the offerings herself) (Not pictured, but also present, Yontama)

you cannot pass without reblogging guys. i’m sorry, i don’t make the rules.


You can’t not reblog a goddess. It’s just what’s so. :)

So, fun fact- the manga Noragami has an arc where the main character, Yato (a minor kami/God that is down on his luck but trying to make it big time) goes to a council/conference for all the Gods in Japan.

And they are announcing the winner of the “up and coming god” award, and of course, Yato thinks it’s him.

But no-


Always reblogging this.


You have been visited by the money cat He only appears once every July 22nd

This guardian of the money ether may give you some of his hard earned riches. You reblog, He decides.


Hullo, tbh I've never asked anyone anything on Tumblr before and I don't even know, if you take prompts. So first of all: I *love* your writing. Your stories are giggling stars in the night of my beloved Bagginshield angst. "It's Just A Coincidence" was the first story I've ever recommended someone who wanted to get into Tolkien fanfiction. Alas, the prompt: Revenge Dress! WatchMojo did a list of famous revenge dresses recently and I cannot get over imagining Bilbo in a Durin blue necktie or a lace shirt after a (hopefully temporary 🤞) break-up from Thorin. I would be so giddy to read sth like this in your style, but if not then this is just to say hi & thanks. ☺️👋


a. Glad you enjoyed the fics. Sorry it took me awhile to answer back.

b. The bunny will be placed gently in the Plot Bunny Corral currently under the care of Fili and Kili. It remains to be seen whether it will get loose. Maybe if they end up dragging a certain Librarian from the Dreaming off for a pint or two. 😅


... is it like World SpamP0rn Bot Day or something?

I am just dealing with dozens of sketchy "followers" right now and whacking away liek whoa.

Can I charge Tumblr $1.00 for every whack? 😅🤣

I have just reported/blocked over 50 friggin' sp@m/p0rn blogs.

At this point, if I charge a $1.00 per whack, @staff y'all owe me $50 and counting. 😂

At this rate I have blocked/reported about $100 worth of suspicious blogs. Y'all should hire me as a content moderator or something lmaooo.

... The bots just keep coming.



... is it like World SpamP0rn Bot Day or something?

I am just dealing with dozens of sketchy "followers" right now and whacking away liek whoa.

Can I charge Tumblr $1.00 for every whack? 😅🤣

I have just reported/blocked over 50 friggin' sp@m/p0rn blogs.

At this point, if I charge a $1.00 per whack, @staff y'all owe me $50 and counting. 😂

At this rate I have blocked/reported about $100 worth of suspicious blogs. Y'all should hire me as a content moderator or something lmaooo.

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