
Welcome to Hell! ™

@nebulapaws / nebulapaws.tumblr.com

🦇 A reclusive artist and writer and parttime clown 🌿LoZ/LU🦇 Pfp by _Pizzaowl twt 🌿 Background Jeremy Fenske 🦇 OSDD-1B system 🌿Any/All • Queer 🦇

[ID: A painting of Skyward Sword Link with beautiful white kuffiyeh draped around his neck. There are red poppy flowers on his shoulders and in his hair. In the background, there is the net symbol that is common in Kuffiyah designs. /end ID]

"No one is free, until all of us are" - Emma Lazarus, 19th century Jewish American Activist.

In collaboration with Operation Olive Branch's "pass the hat" movement, we would like to raise funds for one of the many families trying to evacuate Gaza to get to safety.

Our family is Nashwa and her family. (HERE'S THE DONATION PAGE LINK)

Nashwa is the owner of Beauty Garden Clinic "I had a clinic that I had started from zero and it became one of the most famous in Gaza, but suddenly everything turned to dust, my home got bombed while we were inside it, I got injured on my back." Fatma has Diabetic Foot condition and she has been injured (minor injury) in her foot. She was able to show it to a doctor but we think it could further develop without proper care.

Here's the message from the gofundme that one of her family members posted. It reads:

"Hello My name is Nashwa Ashour, I live with my mom, my sister in Law and her kids, I am the only breadwinner for them. I had a clinic that I had started from zero and it became one of the most famous clinics in Gaza, but suddenly everything turned to dust, my home got bombed while we were inside it, I got injured on my back , and all my certificates, clothes, everything I had, vanished in my damaged house .

now I am homeless without any certificates to start a job, all I need is your help, thank you"

Nobody deserves what the people of Gaza have faced in these past few months. Even if you cannot donate, please share this post, share her story and support her. Her goal is only 12,000$, as of writing she has only gained 3,794 of that. Here's a picture of her.

Please consider donating. Even 5$ makes a huge difference in helping her reach her goal and escape to Egypt.

I know that this account is a Legend of Zelda AU account, but we are a human right's activist first and foremost. It is difficult, and ill advised, to pretend like everything is fine as innocent men, women and children are being slaughtered. Thank you to those who donate, to those who share and spread this cause through word of mouth. Thank you. Please help Nashwa reach her goal.


Legend of Zelda AU Gift Exchange Sign Ups !!

It's finally here; The Legend of Zelda AU Gift Exchange Sign Ups ! We're very excited to finally get the gift exchange off it's feet, and we hope to see you there!


With that in mind, we have also updated the schedule! When originally constructing the Gift Exchange's schedule, we weren't aware of how many people would be interested. So we have extended a few aspects of the creation process, as well as the sorting process to give us more time!

The new schedule looks like this:

Gift Exchange Timeline

Sign-Ups Open: May 11th Sign-Ups Close: May 23rd Gift Assignments Release: May 28-30th Gift Creation Begins: May 30th Swap Deadline: June 3rd Dropout Deadline: June 7th First Check-ins: June 10th Second Check-ins: June 20th Third Check-ins: June 30th Gift Drop Off Days: July 7th-9th

Small Addenum: when filling out this form, please remember that we will use this information to sort you with your giftee/gifter ! We ask that questions not be evaded with "I don't know" or you will not get an accurate match.


None of them are new to a reoccurring villain


I’d like to think that all of them are used to recurring villains, either through stories of the past or their own experiences… except, iirc, Sky.

Sky killed an enemy no one else could defeat, and that bitch stayed dead.

So I bet the scene will play out like this:

The Chain minus Sky: Dink is back! I knew it!

Sky: People don’t die when they are killed?


I hate to inform you but he would be the most familiar, because they’re all thinking about Ganon (or maybe king Bulblin for Twi) and he’s gonna be out here thinking, here comes Ghirahim 2.0, let’s a go.

Lolll your statement somehow got me thinking about Dink returning but just casually acting as flamboyant as Ghirahim. Like, the Chain is dead serious, and Dink does that patented Ghirahim tongue thing, and everyone else is confused/disgusted but Sky is freaking the frick out.

That said, though you do fight Ghirahim multiple times, he mostly retreats when he loses, doesn’t he?

Afaik, Ghirahim tends to FE3H Hubert his way out of boss battles more often than not (continuously teleport away after being defeated) instead of letting Link kill him fair and square. It’s not like Ganon or Dink, where everyone actually thinks they’ve killed him but he rolls up to the club a century later like, “I lived bitch,” and the gang realizes, then rolls their eyes and gets ready to fight. Ghirahim just flounces in and retreats back out, with the full implication that you’ll be seeing him soon. Iirc there’s never any pretense of him being killed (until the end).

Love the comparison you’ve made here, though!


Is Wind a cockroach or something? 💔💔💔 /silly

You can make a case for a few of the Links actually not being used to reoccuring villians except for Sky, Four, Warriors, Hyrule, Legend and Wild. (Belatedly realised that that does make a good chunk of the chain)I say this, because most (if not all) the Links actually do not know their history very well, so context is pretty much 💀💀 getting milk right now. The ones who do well...

For all intents and purposes, I think people sorta exaggerate how much Ganondorf actually comes back within the Zelda series. There are 2 seperate Ganondorfs for some reason. The totk one and the one from OOT. I need to emphasise viscerally that Time does NOT kill Ganondorf in his game, he simply seals him, and in this context I do not count that as "reoccuring" since....he never....died 😭😭

Anyways, Wind wouldn't know reoccuring. He kills Ganondorf dead for the first time since he never died previously and thats that done and dusted. There's no Ganon, there's no Dorf Pt. 2 the Walking Dorf, he's just Gone. Then he faces Bellum and Bellum does kind of come back? But also not really since iirc in its "death" cutscene it just disappears in the pool of water in the Temple of the Ocean King and doesn't burst into sand like the other bosses do. Real ones don't count Spirit Tracks bc it was retconned out and it literally makes zero sense to include it in the first place, but Ganondorf does not come home with the milk there either. He knows reoccuring PLACES (oh girl....he Knows them 😭😭😭) but not. Big enemies, no.

I'm so eepye sleepye I literally just woke up and I was gonna ramble abt the others but I only got Wind in me (ik ur really shocked) but you can totally still make cases for Time (being that he was also genuinely surprised to hear that Ganondorf came back in Wind's era) and Twi (one adventure core). I hope this made sense my brain is so sluggish and slow right now

(Also if you use that one comic with Ganondorf for evidence please be aware that is not at all talking abt reoccuring villians in the same way that Dink is. Most of the Links do not know an enemy that doesn't die after its been killed, they just know a Common enemy)


Tagging this and any previous/further parts as #buzzkill aquatic. Feel free to use that tag whenever you use my aquatic expansion in your own work (not mandatory)


LU Star Wars AU: Part 3

Got a theme of noncanon characters for this one, this time we have Spirit and Warriors! (It doesn't feel right having a Star Wars AU without including Spirit)


Spirit isn't actually related to Wind, but the two of them are so alike in appearance that many mistake them for twins. While Wind loves to pilot, Spirit's interest lies more in tinkering directly with the spacecraft itself. He personally works on Tetra's, Linebeck's, and Wind's ships, and ended up also working as a mechanic for the Alliance for a brief time before moving on.

Spirit has had his own adventures with Spectre (AKA his Zelda); he is one of the rare few people alive to venture into the chaotic Unknown Regions of the galaxy without a wayfinder or star compass and return to tell the tale. That adventure involved an encounter with a ghostlike being named Malladus.

Spirit is also especially in tune with the Force and spirits, just like Wind. He also has some skill with a blaster, and is extremely handy in space combat, but he has no interest in combat and would rather work on his personal projects and ship designs. His personal favorite is a prototype set of powered armor he designed for Spectre, but unfortunately it got wrecked in the encounter with Malladus.


Warriors is an active military captain in the Alliance. He is also a close friend of Artemis, who is a high ranking general and a current member of the Imperial Senate. Their home planet has widespread anti-Imperial sentiments and secretly hosts a base for the Alliance, and Artemis does her best to keep it hidden from Imperial eyes.

Warriors actually inherited his saber from his mother, a former Jedi Knight from the days of the Jedi Order, and was taught how to wield it by her before she passed. He grew up on stories of the old Order and is determined to uphold the legacy of being a Jedi Knight. Part of that is looking out for his men and protecting those who can't protect themselves, and protecting Artemis in her efforts with the Alliance.

He has a certain amount of pride in that legacy and the skills and stories he was taught. He quickly rose to the rank of Artemis's personal knight, and his achievements make him stand out among Alliance forces. It took a few particularly close calls with Imperial Forces to temper his pride.

One of those encounters involved a Sith Lord named Cia, whose attention he unwittingly caught. The only reason he escaped alive was due to someone named Lana, who he later learned was Cia's twin sister. Cia still has a one-sided obsession with Warriors in particular and is determined to hunt him down.

Warriors has also met plenty of people across the galaxy during his time with the Alliance; among these people were Wind and Spirit. Wind had a brief stint with Warriors as a pilot and Spirit ended up tagging along for the ride.

(Linked Universe AU belongs to Jojo)


Did I mention I absolutely adore Spirit, Warriors and Wind 😭😭 because omg. Imagined Warriors just picking up these two dumb kids /aff and immediately deciding Yup. Those are his brothers now! 100 and its so adorable omg 😭😭

Wind and Spirit being crewmates together--Wind as the pilot and Spirit as the engineer--is the dynamic I did NOT know I needed. I take it that Spectre is in their crew as well? That's the vibe I'm getting (side bar, but I was a Halo kid when I was younger 💔💔 Spectre js reminding me of that one vehicle from Halo, that upgraded revenant/ghost hybrid) super excited to see more of this trio from the AU!!


LU Star Wars AU: Part 2

feeling very validated by the fact that people like this SO LETS CONTINUE

Next up, Four and Wind!


A droidsmith and technician by trade, he and his grandfather run a shop dedicated to repairing ships. However, Four is also skilled enough to make his own technology out of parts when he sets his mind to it, and as a result he has expanded his skill set to making and repairing droids, and he's even learned how to forge and repair most kinds of weapons.

When Four was young, he met an older man named Ezlo and learned how to make droids in the brief time Four knew him. Four has made hundreds of tiny miniature droids in the years since, and is very fond of all of them. (Four named his first one EZ-10.) Ezlo also taught Four how to meditate and attune himself to his surroundings, but it wasn't until much later that Four learned that these were actually basic Jedi training techniques— and with that, the fact that Ezlo may have been a Jedi, and that Four himself had the ability to use the Force.

Four has no interest in having a lightsaber, and claims he has better weapons of his own suited to him. Vaati showed up shortly after Ezlo, and he causes problems for him and his grandfather. Four was also friends with Shadow until his death at Vaati’s hands.


Wind is young, but like Legend he has spent much of his life traveling across the galaxy, and he feels most at home in his small spaceship, the King of Red Lions.

Wind originally got his start as a crewmember of the famous intergalactic pirate Tetra of the Outer Rim territories as a way to rescue his sister Aryll after she was wrongly arrested by the Empire. He then later traveled on Linebeck's ship not long after parting ways with Tetra. Wind found** the Red Lion during his adventures, and has been traveling the galaxy with it since. He's still close friends with Tetra.

Wind is very in tune with the Force, especially spirits, and better learned how to use his abilities when he was traveling with Linebeck. He doesn’t have a saber, but he still has a weapon or two of his own and plenty of tricks up his sleeves.

**(stole it from spice traders)


😭😭 oh man I love your AU so much!! Obsessed with the outfits too, they're so unique and well done! The AU is also super digestible tk people who aren't hardcore Star Wars fans 💔 I just started the series myself and everything is super easy for me to understand! Surprisingly rare for 💀 Star Wars AUs for some reason.

Also this AU has Spirit >>>>>>>>>>


I wonder... does this blog have enough reach in the fandom that we could try and finally put a stop to people tagging unrelated AUs as LU.

The correct term to use is "Links meet AU" and the reason the mistagging hurts is because:

A) It dismisses the creativity of the work. Its a lot like saying someone's original character looks like a fictional character you know. It may be a small unintended insult but it can be demoralising and make them not wish to share their art anymore.

B) It connects all AUs of this type to Jojo, the creator of LU. That comic was not the first links meet au by a long shot. YES her work inspired many of us to start our own imagines of the same base concept, but that does not make them Linked Universe. It's like claiming someone inspired by spider-man deciding to explore the superhero genre is just making more spider-man.

Yes this may be a small issue, but I've been working on this webcomic since 2020 and still get those demoralising tags. I've been silently baring it long enough. Even worse is seeing how it hurts fellow creators in the fandom.

I don't like asking this but... Please spread this post and if you'd like: add your own experiences below. Maybe we can change things around here.


😭😭 got one of my designs tagged Linked Universe recently as well. Kinna laughed it off, because to be honest its such a weird thing to assume was Linked Universe (it was Dusky from MonsFus, y'know. Rancher's wolf form) but it still feels. 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️

Tagging unrelated AUs as Linked Universe is kind of like tagging a picture of a bulb of garlic onions for "organisational purposes". It's not Linked Universe, you're kot being organised, you're filling Jojo's AU with clutter from Other unrelated and unique AUs.

Linked Universe is a wonderful AU, but it's someone else's and it feels unfair and disheartening to have your hard work be slotted under someone else's. It's like you're telling that person, silently, that Jojo's AU is better. No AU is inherently better than the other.

I get the intent 😭 but goodness gracious, if you see a post NOT tagged with Linked Universe, do not tag it with Linked Universe. That also goes for regulat LoZ art. Please, if someone draws WW Link, do NOT tag it Linked Universe. 😭😭 that's literally just as annoying and upsetting.

I've been in the Linked Universe fandom for three (coming on four) years now, and this is not meant to be an attack on people. Just a plea that people be more mindful when they tag their stuff--both in tumblr AND A03.

(Begging you....do not tag ur fics every Link if some of those boys breathe for a sentence and never appear again, stop tagging each LU fic with every game the Linkd appear in I beg you. Sometimes I just wanna read general Wind Waker and its SWOLLEN with Linked Universe fics that aren't even ABOUT Wind. The amount of Wild centric Wind appears Once fics in Wind Waker is downright annoying to me. They aren't 😭 even tagged Linked Universe either so I can't filter them).

(Oh and also, credit Jojo's art when you post screenshots. She's a person too guys 😭😭)

This is not meant to be an attack, just a little reminder to the fandom to be nice and be respectful 😭 you guys keep overflowing into Every part of the Legend of Zelda fandom and we kind of Don't Want That sometimes. Thank u and have a nice day 💕

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