

@dogscavenger / dogscavenger.tumblr.com

| 20 | ♒ | Female |
Anonymous asked:

i really love your flagellant x abom stuff, it's so adorable! (and damian looks so done, it's hilarious)

Thank you so much! I glad to hear it, your words makes me happy! :з

Anonymous asked:

your art is gorgeous!

Awww, thank you so much ;v;Its more important for me than you may thought, I appreciate it really 

Anonymous asked:

in all those abom and flagellant sketches there's this really cute drawing of damian lying down with abom's head on him and he's like "not again!" and i just want to ask... what not again? another session of love-making because he's tired? the fact that he fell asleep and the abom sat on him again?

Dont pay attention its our local joke :DJoke about “Howard at any time tried to sit on Damian” or something like this Most of my pics - funny sketches without any backstory or cute things for @skinnedbutalife and my gf

Anonymous asked:

isn't the abom afraid of smashing the flagellant by sitting on him when he sleeps?

No, he’s not afraid about itDamian is a big strong boy but when Howard sitting its actually hard to breathe (But also Abom understanding when needs to get up from him)

Anonymous asked:

flagellant also hates abom normally, i guess the anon was thinking about the AU where the religious people aren't fuckboys at him, and assumed you were on it since you're shipping flagellant/abom

Me and @skinnedbutalife are still working on "How to make them talk to each other" with canon characters. And its NOT AU. All of religious hate him(and Damian FOR NOW too) and will still hate him. My sketches just sketches. Sketches for relaxing. Maybe when I’ll buy a new PC I’ll draw something from our roleplay but now I cant. 

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