
what up depiglio

@grookeywrenchgang / grookeywrenchgang.tumblr.com

hi this blog is nothing coherent sorry but i like a lot of stuff

playing fallout new vegas with the radio on: 🎶🤠 iiiiiiii got spurs that jingle jangle jingle 🤠 (jingle jangle 🤭) as I go riding merrily along 🐎 🤠 (jingle jangle 😝)🎶

playing fallout new vegas with only the game score on:


2020 toyota supra looks like it was designed by one of those horny twitter artists who can’t draw thighs and hips without being weird. 2020 toyota supra looks like if a mullet was a car. 2020 toyota supra looks like that lingerie that looks like a suit from the front. 2020 toyota supra looks like a mistake

the front of the 2020 toyota supra.

the back of the 2020 toyota supra


do you guys remember when pokemon black and white came out and people thought that the desert route was where 9/11 happened since the region was based on new york

“i just wanted to bring it up so we could have a tasteful and productive conversation about 9/11 and pokemon”


“kill them with kindness” WRONG! nether dimension

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🧍‍♂️ wgat the fuck man 🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥 🟥🟥🟥🟥 🟥🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟥🟥🟥🟥 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧


For anyone interested, Die Hard Dice is currently donating a portion of proceeds from their Reroll Dice (made of recycled materials) to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund. The dice are a good price and high quality, and they come with a watermelon D20 sticker, a handwritten note, and a nice little pouch to keep them in. So if you're in the market for new dice and also want your money to do some good, consider checking them out.


Kerem Shalom Crossing and the Rafah border have been closed since May 6th. Very little aid was allowed into the Gaza Strip before that, far less than what the 2.3 million residents need to survive the genocidal blockade but now there's nothing coming into the Gaza Strip.

I need people to understand how dangerous the situation is. The people of Gaza were facing acute hunger and thirst problems before the Rafah invasion and things have gotten so much worse.

These settlers and the soldiers helping them are putting hundreds of thousands of civilians on the brink of death.



Fuck you. Sabotaging

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