
Lucifer my wife


What is life?
Luciferrrrr is a milf.Periodt

Part 2 of this (diavolo & lucifer being very gay in canon) because I ran out of space in the first one

1. The entire Devildom thinks Diavolo & Lucifer are dating/in love;

2. It just sounds cute okay

3. Diavolo apparently notices when Lucifer's pupil dilates by 2mm 😐

4. Diavolo probably has a 500pg book about how great Lucifer is

5. Remember how much Diavolo gushed about Lucifer's butler uniform, took a lot of pictures of it etc? Apparently he saved that uniform or had a new one made, then took the first chance he saw

6. Cottagecore?

7. Diavolo finds Lucifer sneezing cute😬

8. Diavolo prioritises Lucifer over everything, even his own kingdom & the way Simeon keeps poking at it & Diavolo keep avoiding directly answering him + Simeon later teases Lucifer about Diavolo liking him in S3πŸ‘€

9. The snow sculpture which looked incredibly realistic and had absolutely nothing to do with Christmas

Can't have more screenshots so here's some important conversation word for word:

10. Diavolo, after meeting Lucifer for the first time, Lucifer tries his best to act like an ass to make Diavolo hate him but Diavolo still treats him kindly. Lucifer despises Diavolo at the moment because he's a Demon who according to Lucifer & the Celestial Realm can't even have a "well-ordered society". Diavolo somehow in a single night manages to form a crack in Lucifer's prejudices & make him doubt his Father who he holds in very high esteem. Diavolo also uses chess to prove his point about creating peace and a balance between the three worlds. This is the conversation that follows:

Lucifer (an angel): I see. ...Diavolo. Your strategy truly is fascinating. Do you think we could get together sometime? I'd like to learn more about it.

Diavolo: Are you talking about chess now? Or the nature of our relationship?

Lucifer: Heh...

^The ambiguity Lucifer uses when talking gives that old queer feeling of: Our relationship (whatever it may be) is very forbidden and anyone catching wind of it will be bad so for plausible deniability I'm going to tie the true meaning of this conversation to something more innocuous

11. Conversation they have after this^ flashback/particular conversation:

Diavolo: ...That's when you finally held out your hand to me, and we shook. The way you radiated charm as you smiled at me. I still remember it like it was yesterday. When I saw the look on your face I was convinced. You were fair and righteous, someone who would be able to lend an ear to anyone, to listen to what they had to say. Someone who had a truly beautiful spirit.

In other words Diavolo has the worst case of rose-tinted glasses, specially considering Lucifer was choking Mammon & trying to rip his arm of while Diavolo said all this.

12. Diavolo (in demon form): Back when he was an angel, he was so divine, so awe-inspiring that it was intimidating. But now he's attractive in a different sort of way. He draws your eye toward him and then doesn't let go. He truly is worthy of the moniker "Morning Star"! Even steeped in the darkness of the Devildom, he shines just as brilliantly as ever!

Lucifer (in demon form), blushing: ...Diavolo, could we change the subject, please?

Lucifer (in demon form): I've told you that it embarrasses me when you shower me with such excessive praise in public.

Diavolo (in demon form): Afterall you're already beautiful enough as it is!

a.) This is Gomez Addams level of devoted jfc

b ) Diavolo was straight up reciting poetry at one point

c.)......What's with "in public"....so it's fine in private?

d.) Diavolo gushing about Lucifer has the same energy as Mammon gushing about MC

e.) What do I have to do for someone to be this in to me?

13. Diavolo has multiple copies of Lucifer in a swimsuit saved in different places (not the swimsuit he wears around MC & his brothers btw but the one he wears around Diavolo which is actually just trunks and & an open hoodie/shirt)

14. Diavolo might actually have a whole file of rare pictures of Lucifer? He's got the butler ones, the swimsuit ones and the candid glasses one that he threatened some poor guy to delete after saving a copy for himself

15. The ship in a bottle that Diavolo gave Lucifer, that he loves so much he keeps it in a place where he can always see it

16. Lucifer: No, that scream was far too vile to have come from Diavolo.

....so you know what he sounds like when he screams and you think it sounds good...?🀨

17. Diavolo gives a flustered Lucifer a piggyback ride around RAD


I'm curious abt this.


Hello! So, this fic is very self-indulgent, using one of the characters I basically created. Here's an excerpt from the fic to explain him.

"Dantalion Iram, Duke of the Wrath Ring. Unrelated to the original royal family, but powerful. Mephisto, a fellow duke, called him Dante for short. He was an only child like Diavolo and looked quite similar, but he was missing the signature dragon-like wings all the demon kings shared. He was a wrath demon, like Satan, though he didn’t have nearly as much control as he had."

This is the description of the fic:

"The hallway was thick with fear. Any demon within 60 feet was trying to make themselves seem bigger and anyone with common sense was getting ready to flee. The braver ones β€” and the more idiotic ones β€” turned their eyes to the source of everyone’s fear. Some demons were already leaving the hall, trying to save their own skin from whatever was about to happen.

After all, hell hath no fury like a demon king when he’s met with a rival flirting with his queen."

The basis of the fic is a rival (Dante) shows up and flirts and takes Luci out on dates, making Diavolo jealous. It's called Jealous Boy (possibly temporary name). I just got finished with the part where Dante kisses Lucifer after their first date and Luci is like "Well frick maybe I do have feelings for him"

I have more info, if you're curious


Sits down

I'm listening. I'm curious.


Welp, get ready.

At first, Lucifer loves the attention. He loves having Diavolo and Dante fight over him. He only agrees to go on a date with Dante bc he offers to take him to an opera he's been wanting to see for a while. Lucifer doesn't expect to actually like him and offers a second date.

Meanwhile, Diavolo is fuming. Not only is Dante a threat to his throne and his program, he's also threatening to take Lucifer, who Diavolo views as his queen and future mate.

The entire fic is a swap between Satan's outsider view, helping Dante talk to Luci without Diavolo around and Lucifer's POV dealing with both demons.

Diavolo begins fighting for Lucifer's attention and asking him out. Lucifer is actually genuinely torn between the two bc Dante seems so sweet.

Keyword: Seems

You'll have to send another ask for more 😘



I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW IN LOVE I AM WITH THE IDEA OF A JEALOUS DIAVOLO!!! Being protective of Lucifer, wanting to grab his attention, have him all to himself, I AM GOING INSANE!!!!!


Dude, just wait for the fic. It's so good 🀭

Dia literally is MURDEROUS when a man so much as stands next to Lucifer


Lucifer being a little fucking bitch and teasing Diavolo constantly at parties, especially royal ones, where he knows he can't touch him because they aren't public.

Staying close to him, maybe sneaking a kiss to his cheek or jawline, maybe flirting in the way demons do (tails and wings) maybe simply whispering something dirty in his ear before walking off, innocent as can be.

He knows once everyone is gone he's going to get absolutely railed, but it's totally worth it


Wait, I want to hear these NSFW headcanons of yours πŸ‘€


the final NSFW ask, you get kinky stuff they've done.

In my upcoming smutshot (I swear I'm working on it JJ), Lucifer asks Diavolo to meet him in the forest outside the castle. When Diavolo arrives, Lucifer is in demon form and keeps staying just out of reach. Eventually Diavolo gets frustrated and lunges at him and Lucifer begins to run away from him, triggering Diavolo's instinct to hunt him down. When Lucifer is caught (he allows himself to be caught) Diavolo is absolutely feral and takes him right there in the forest

Diavolo goes bat shit crazy when Luci is in his colors (all the royals have a house that has designated colors). Lucifer purposely wears a specific shade of red (Rex Red, named after Diavolo's family) and gold to make sure Diavolo's eyes don't leave him the entire event. As much he loves blue, there's something thrilling about looking over your shoulder and the prince of hell is eyeing you like he'd love nothing better than to fuck you senseless in the middle of the ballroom


Lucifer being called Diavolo's lapdog in canon is so hilarious to me, because according to me, it's the complete opposite. Sure, Lucifer agrees with everything Diavolo does in public, but in private? Diavolo absolutely worships him.

Diavolo would go to war with the three realms if it meant Lucifer would be happy. He would happily burn the world for him. He would stand by and watch people suffer for his angel.

Diavolo may be nice, but at the end of the day, he's a demon that regularly indulges in sin. He would sooner watch the world crumble than betray his queen.


Mammon how did you end up in this situation? 😭



(Art belongs to Solmare & has been edited by me)


I said I was going to take a break from writing fanfics…. How am I supposed to do that if this is constantly in my head!! 😭

Damn it.

I might break my promise to myself (and so early too! This is terrible! 😭)


Belphie & Satan tried to make the Anti-Lucifer League into an official club at RAD except they named it the Fuck Lucifer Club and Diavolo showed up so they joined the astronomy & literature clubs instead


Hcs of all the brothers with an MC who has too much stamina to tire them out and beg the MC to stop?


A/N: Sorry that it’s a β€œbit” late, but I did manage to get it done! Also, OMFG YES PLEASE. Hopefully I kept within range of your request with the bros. I tried to stay on task! I also depicted the MC to go rough and hard on the brothers so hopefully that's to your taste.

Rating: NSFW

Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor

Warning(s): Gender Neutral MC, no genitalia descriptions for MC but there is mentions of creampies, no pronouns for MC, no description of MC’s body or personality, bottom/sub brothers, top/dom MC

Other Tags: Overstimulation, begging, teasing, rough sex, fucked dumb, GN!MC, creampie, hair pulling, prostate milking, (etc, etc,) may be short or long depending on the character


When Lucifer is stressed out or uncomfortable, he holds his hand right below his neck or on his neck in a sort-of choking motion (it's not squeezing, it's just there) because it's comforting for some reason

Don't question me I'm bored


Things general MC canonically likes:

β€’ Chaos

β€’ Horror

β€’ Monstrous Food

I'm sorry but there's no way this idiot would ever be able to happily live in the Celestial Realm. You'd be taking the enrichment out of their enclosure. They'd get a shovel and start trying to dig themself back into The Devildom.

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