
Caring Conservative ❤

@caringconservative-blog / caringconservative-blog.tumblr.com

Just a nerdy Christian girl who likes politics, memes and dogs. ✌🏻️
Anonymous asked:

Caring conservative is an oxymoron

Standing up for enabling people to make their own decisions regardless of their background is not caring?

What about trying to find actual solutions to problems like homelessness instead of just allowing homeless people to spiral further into the depths of mental illness on the streets because we don’t want to have to take drug tests or have mandatory rehabilitation for shelters?

What about letting the poor keep their money from their paycheck so they actually can use that money on something that ACTUALLY helps them rather than it going to a horribly run government organization that is actually just putting money in politicians pockets?

How are those not caring? You want more? I could go on forever. I do care. I care a lot. So much so, I go out of my way to help people who are hurting in one way or another. It hurts me to see someone else suffering. I’ve been poor. Extremely poor. I have watched my mother suffer at the hands of our healthcare system. I have experienced people telling me I should think a certain way because of who I am. I’ve been through it, and I want to help. No one should have to go through crap like that.

So anon, I do care. Sure, maybe not EVERY conservative does, but the vast majority cares a whole awful lot.

Anonymous asked:

Sorry lady, millenials are leaning towards the left. Nobody gives a shit about preserving Christianity in the states. Can't wait to see the day it's erradicated.

Hey Anon,

Did I say in that post that is trying to push any political agenda? Nope. It was about asking people my age and older to properly educate themselves. To use their heads when voting and not just what sounds good or what they saw on their “usual” news source. If they do their research properly and still vote liberal, sure, I may not agree most of the time, but I respect it.

As for the hateful comment about my religion, I’ll pray for you. No I don’t mean that in a condescending way (mostly), but I really will pray for you. Obviously you don’t understand the beauty that Christianity brings by uniting people from all walks of life. One of my best friends from college is from China and we bond over our faith. It brings people together in a way unlike all else. If you don’t believe or agree that is okay, but fortunately, you will have to wait a real long time for it to be gone in the USA. Hopefully forever.

I hope that you will grow to see past the hate and learn to open your heart to more acceptance of others. Like I said, I’ll be praying for you.


Millennials, I beg you...

Educate yourselves on ALL the presidential candidates policies as well as how they plan to go about making these policies happen.

Don’t get all your information on tumblr because half the time it’s wrong, twisted or just plain made up. If you see something on tumblr that interests you or makes you upset about a certain candidates, do the research.

Don’t stick to a singular news source. A lot of times our favorite news sources can be bias, whether we realize it or not.

Don’t let anyone peer pressure you into liking/voting for a certain candidate. Make your own choice, don’t like your parents, roommates, followers, romances or friends make the decision for you.

Check what they really stand for. Look at their policies directly from their sites and analyze the information they give you. Watch interviews with the candidates from a variety of news channels. 

Do the numbers. Do their tax plans add up? Does it actually pay for everything? Is it going to put the United States into even more debt? You have to critically analyze if they can actually do what they claim they can do and if it is truly best for all of Americans, not just a select few.

It’s okay to like someone that your peers/family/followers/political party don’t. If you believe they will truly do the best job for this great nation, then don’t let other people let you feel bad for liking them.

This election could build our country back up or tear it down even further than it is now. We, the youngest generation eligible to vote, have a huge impact on where this country will be headed, so get your information on all the possible choices. 

Reblogging this because the midterms are just as important!

Realizing this says presidential candidates- but it applies to EVERY elections, referendum and proposals. Do YOUR job as a voter to make YOUR impact.

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