
the one and only starrskye enthusiast

@toadstoolillustrations / toadstoolillustrations.tumblr.com

[Icon description: A manga panel of Sanji from one piece, scowling and pulling at his frown with a finger. The background is the aroace flag. Header description: A shot of Thorin's company from the 1977 Hobbit film. /end ID]

Hiya!!! :-)

(Plaintext: “Hiya!!! :-)” )

☀ You can call me toad :D

☀️ She/her, 🌻/🌻s/🌻self, aroace

☀️ Interests are! lotr, one piece (caught up !!), the locked tomb, the ruby redfort books, ace attorney, star trek, detective stories + shakespeare, history, triceratopses and various other things :)

☀️ Absolute faves i'm normal about at the moment are:

🫐 any of the straw hats but especially sanji :))) + nami + franky

🫐 maya fey (+ the feys + phoenix + godot)

🫐 camilla & palamedes

🫐 ruby & hitch

🫐 the fellowship

and many others. I promise. so normal. ask me about them.

☀️ #toadtalks is my original post tag n #my art for drawings

☀️Send me asks!! I might not get round to them for a while but i'd love to talk to you :D

☀️ standard dni, terfs fuck off forever etc


[Image ID: An Instagram thread from user sahouraxo that says, "BREAKING: Ireland will recognize the State of Palestine tomorrow. 🇵🇸🇮🇪🔥" Included below is a picture of Ireland's flag which, from left to right, is green, white, and orange. End ID]


People who fuck around on their laptops during lectures are so important I'm watching someone in front of me play tetris online enraptured


I’ll never forget the girl who was shopping for dildos mid lecture. She picked the one I wanted too

You can’t just leave this in the tags 🤣 @capacity2

I didn’t though….. it’s on the post u can see it right there I typed it onto the post


Does anyone want me


Ten and Donna end up on a fucked up deadly space newlyweds show despite uh. Not being newlyweds but they get almost all the questions right. They start to sweat when the final question is "what's one secret desire you have involving the other?" And Donna writes "sometimes I wish I could occasionally shrink down the doctor real small so I could carry him around in my pocket and make sure he doesn't get lost' while Ten writes "sometimes I wish I was small enough that Donna could carry me around in like a cat backpack or maybe a shirt pocket" and they look at each other like AYYYYYY because not only are they deeply drift compatible they're also fuckin weird about it 💖


Was forced to get a new phone today


[id: A panel from the lounging Sonic the Hedgehog 'Alone on a Friday night? God, you're pathetic' meme, edited to say: 'I think phone companies should explode for taking away wired earphone jacks and I'm not kidding.' To accentuate Sonic's point, there is an explosion layered on top of his right foot, just below his knees. /end id]


Always love how much folklore especially creature folklore emphasizes that there is a way for you to win. These are the steps to ensure the dead don't rise: take them out through a hole in the wall and give them iron shoes. Vampires cannot abide sunlight. If you hear a dog howl on a churchyard path turn around and get home as fast as you can. Iron and salt and the colour red. None of this doomed idea, the world is incomprehensible but if you're a bit clever you'll survive it just fine, there's always ways out.


lough corrib | print

[ID from Alt:

Image 1: Digital art of a lake scene. A unicorn emerges from the water, with only its neck and the top line of its back visible. It is ivory coloured and its mane swirls in the water around it. A half-submerged rowing boat sits in the foreground, one end fading away under the dark brownish water. In the background there are hills and vegetation, which are reflected upon the water. A starburst of light emerges from the eye of the unicorn, rippling like water.

Image 2: Close-up of the previous image, showing the unicorn's head in more detail. It has blue and yellow eyes with white pupils, luxurious eyelashes, and a spiralling horn growing from its nose. End ID]


Transgender people in my phone you’d better live you’d better love you’d better live long enough to become old and annoy your great grandnephews you’d better watch trashy movies you’d better meet new people you love and hate and forget and remember you’d better hang in there for better and worse you’d better smell the dust after the rain and remember that you’re alive and full of beautiful sturdy bones you’d better hold onto that friend and never let them go you’d better keep living and living and living and never stop


i think at the end of every war they should dump a cooler full of blood on the president

I think every week the US is at war the president should have to kill a random aide with a hatchet.

"There is a young man, probably a Navy officer, who accompanies the President. This young man has a black attaché case which contains the codes that are needed to fire nuclear weapons. I could see the President at a staff meeting considering nuclear war as an abstract question. He might conclude: 'On SIOP Plan One, the decision is affirmative, Communicate the Alpha line XYZ.' Such jargon holds what is involved at a distance.

My suggestion was quite simple: Put that needed code number in a little capsule, and then implant that capsule right next to the heart of a volunteer. The volunteer would carry with him a big, heavy butcher knife as he accompanied the President. If ever the President wanted to fire nuclear weapons, the only way he could do so would be for him first, with his own hands, to kill one human being. The President says, 'George, I'm sorry but tens of millions must die.' He has to look at someone and realize what death is—what an innocent death is. Blood on the White House carpet. It's reality brought home.

When I suggested this to friends in the Pentagon they said, 'My God, that's terrible. Having to kill someone would distort the President's judgment. He might never push the button.'"

--Roger Fisher, director of the Harvard Negotiation Project, 1981

holy fucking shit


”great” britain? actually I find it quite mid

happy 10k notes to this post! shoutout to all the brits reblogging it saying it’s actually quite awful and to everyone saying “‘united’ states of america? Actually I find them quite divided”


me messaging a casual acquaintance: hello, how are you?

me messaging a best friend w/zero lead-in:

[Video ID: A series of clips of Jonathan Frakes in Fact or Fiction.

In the first, he is seated and asks "Have you ever walked out of a mall into a huge parking area and realised you'd forgotten where you parked your car?"

In the second, he wears a yellow bicycle helmet and briefly cycles towards the camera, then stops and asks "Ever gone mountain biking?"

In the third he is stood behind a desk with books, a magnifying glass and other assorted objects on it, holding books, and asks "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

In the fourth, he is sat a table with a red and white checked table-cloth on it, and gestures with a menu as he asks "What's the right tip?"

In the fifth, he is leant against a sink, and asks "Have you called a plumber to your home lately?"

In the sixth, he stands beside a ladder and asks "How superstitious are you?"

In the seventh, he holds bundles of paper money, stood in front of a desk with a tombstone on it, and asks "How much money would it take for you to spend the night in a cemetery?"

In the eighth, he stands by a pair of antlers mounted on a wall, and asks "Would you display this as a trophy?"

In the ninth, he stands by a desk covered in toys, and asks "Do you have a pet?"

In the tenth, he stands by a glass cupboard containing cakes and asks "Do you have a sweet tooth?"

In the eleventh, he holds a rock, and asks "Do you believe in the power of a curse?"

In the twelfth, he sits by a screen which is probably displaying the graphs resulting from a hearing test and asks "Have you had your hearing tested lately?"

In the thirteenth, he walks across the room as he asks "Planning a trip soon?"

In the fourteenth, the camera shows only his head and shoulders, as he asks "Can you remember the tallest men you've ever seen?"

In the fifteenth, he walks across the room as he asks "Do you love to go a'wandering beneath a clear blue sky?".

In the sixteenth, he opens a newspaper as he asks "Have you ever noticed what big stars real estate agents have become?"

In the seventeenth, he holds papers and asks "Are you careful with your personal records?"

In the eighteenth, he sits by a laptop and printer and asks "Does your computer ever seem to have a mind of its own?"

In the nineteenth, he walks across the room in the direction of a desk with candles on it, asking "Have you ever visited a Chinatown section in a major city?"

In the twentieth, he carries a box and walks across the room, asking "Have you ever visited a flea market?"

In the twenty-first, he sits at a counter and asks "Have you ever visited a truck-stop?"

In the twenty-second, he carries a tray wand asks "Have you ever had a job as a waiter?"

In the twenty-third, he stands by a poster for "The Walking Plank", which has the name of the restaurant in all caps, and the words "Fun & food for the whole family" also in all caps, with an image of a pirate carrying a burger. He walks sideways, asking "Have you ever noticed just how many successful restaurants are theme-based these days?". As he does so, a poster reading "Coconut Cave" with an image of a a palm tree becomes visible.

In the twenty-fourth, and final, he walks towards a tray of wet cement with a stick, and asks "Have you ever had the desire to write your initials in wet cement?"

End ID.]


[ID: 2 comic panels from Superman For All Seasons (1998). 1: Superman is handing a baseball cap to a little kid wearing a baseball mitt. The kid looks up at him and says “Wow! Cool costume!” and Superman says “Thanks.” 2: Superman is hovering, giving the kid a salute and saying “My mom made it for me.” The Metropolis skyline is behind him. End ID]


The Supergirl Knowledge Quiz

For dumb reasons, after Crisis on Infinite Earths DC really didn't want Kara Zor-El to be Supergirl, so they made up a bunch of different characters to be her, instead. Many of them are alarmingly similar design-wise to Kara for marketing and retcon reasons.

Want to see if you can identify who's Kara and who isn't her? Try out my dumb quiz!


She doesn't sing well,but she loves doing it anyways!

[ID: a series of drawings of Amy Rose from Sonic the Hedgehog. she's wearing baggy ripped jeans, a white tshirt, black converse, and red spiky bracelets. in the first, she has a bright red guitar hanging on a strap in front of her, leaning forward to grab a microphone and sing into it.

the next has three sketches- the first of Amy from behind, her arm resting on her guitar case. the second of Amy without the guitar, holding a microphone and scream-singing into it. the third, of her playing the guitar. END ID]

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