
The Stars are Burning So Bright

@knottahooker / knottahooker.tumblr.com

Librarian almost by accident.
This blog is a mix of fandoms, music, library-related things, and anything else that happens to catch my fancy.

i cannot be the first person to post this here but i am going so fucking insane about the gaia music collective's one day choir singing wait for me. the opening harmonies are you KIDDING me


goat fight. non-negotiable.

I think it’s also very important that this is a fight in which the characters *actually interact with their environment* in a way that feels real. Like, yes, have superpowers but there’s no cartoon physics involved, no obvious sense that this was filmed on an empty set with a greenscreen and the background was added later, or that they’re filming without even the people they’re fighting being present, just ‘look over here and make a hand gesture’. The shield gets stuck in a car, there’s that awful moment of the knife sliding along the side of the van that cues up with the mounting tension in the soundtrack. Bucky’s arm impacts the pavement and actually dents it, etc. They’re jumping over/behind the cars and getting thrown into them/into the pavement in a way that feels more visceral than just ‘whoosh there was a wire & we CGI’d in the rest’. t has a sense of real world space to it, and that adds to the feeling of real world stakes.


This is one of the few fight scenes I can recall seeing that makes a little knife look like a real threat. Like I am legit scared for Steve when that thing darts in, because he’s not wearing armor and it really feels like the WS could open him up like a can. I feel like movie fight scenes don’t usually hit that note with knives.


No one showed up for the last story time.


I totally read this as the first line of a post-apocalyptic dystopian scifi novel.


No one showed up for the last story time.

Tuesday afternoon had been story time for thirty seven years and for thirty six of them Miss Madeline had held court in the antique rocking chair in the north corner of the Willow Valley Public Library. She’d seen hundreds of children come and go, sometimes coming back with children of their own, but the stories remained the same; timeless classics read to each new generation that found a spot on the carpet in front of her chair. 

In retrospect it might have seemed odd to even hold the usual Tuesday afternoon story time given that most folk were huddled in their houses with their loved ones, listening as shocked, red-eyed news anchors read off each new city that had fallen to the uprising. But as sure as the sun rose in the east, Tuesday found Miss Madeline sitting in her rocker at three o'clock sharp, a well-worn picture book held in her thin, trembling hands.

The sharp creak of wood echoed in the empty library as Miss Madeline settled her aching bones into the rocking chair, her slim fingers clutching the book that perhaps meant the most to her out of all the books in the world. Her mother had read it to her as a little girl, and she had read it to countless other children, so often that she didn’t even need to see the words on the now tear-stained page.

Her voice weary and shaking with grief, the distant echo of explosions rattling the windows, she tendered traced the watercolor illustrations with one finger and began reading aloud to the empty room.

“In an old house in Paris that was covered in vines, lived twelve little girls in two straight lines…”

Gods I know that last story . But I’m blanking on the series

Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmans, a classic children's book:


Hi Tumblr! It’s been [redacted] years that I haven’t posted something, which is rather silly actually. Fixing that.

Anyway, here’s Harrowhark Nonagesimus from The Locked Tomb series! :) Enjoy!


hope is a skill

hope is a weapon you are trained to wield

favourite additions

You cannot hide this in the tags, bestie. This is too lovely to keep a secret.


full scansion:

– ◡ ◡ / – ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – hope is a / weapon / hope is a / skill – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – hope is a / plant you can / care for or / kill – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – hope is a / discipline / something you / choose – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – hard to stop / looking for / easy to / lose – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – hope isn’t / something to / have or to / take – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – if you can’t / find it it’s / something you / make – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – make it from / willpower / make it from / spite – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – learn how to / weaponize / love in a / fight – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – hope is a / shield and a / thing to de/fend – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – ◡ ◡ / – end in it/self and a / means to an / end

metrical form: dactylic tetrameter catalectic rhyme scheme: AABBCCDDEE other notes: Line 1 replaces the second dactyl with a trochee. There is arguably a caesura after the second foot of each line: it’s the point at which the line 1 irregularity occurs and it’s often a sense break.


hello! poem author here. i am in love with you if that’s ok


Ocean Ramsey and her team encountered this 20 ft Great White Shark near the island of Oahu, Hawaii. It is believed to be the biggest ever recorded


She’s so beautiful!! 💙💙💙


SO lovely!




God, I’m obsessed with this video. The way you can see all the scars and craters on her skin, the way the gill slits wave in the current, the sense of just how massive she is compared to that diver… it’s incredible. Just this enormous animal lazily swimming by the camera.

When 99% of the time you only see sharks in sped-up footage accompanied by threatening orchestral music and some narrator dude ominously intoning that it is “the most perfect killing machine the world has ever seen”, you tend to forget sharks are such beautiful creatures. This video doesn’t show a “monster shark” or a “killing machine”. It shows an animal - and a fucking beautiful one at that.


She’s so beautiful I’m going to cry. 


I lose my shit with absolute unfettered delight every single time I see this video. It makes me speechless every time, and I watch it at least 3 times in a row, and there’s a 50/50 chance that I’ll cry, because fuck. Look at her. She’s beautiful. And she’s just,,,, SO peaceful. There’s three swimmers in the water around her, swimming along beside her, and she’s not even a little bit phased. The peace and beauty in this video just. Gets me every time.


I told my daughter that there was a video of a 20 foot shark and she very calmly and deliberately said, “how did it get so many feet? It’s a water animal”

three things about this post:

  1. idk if it’s confirmed that this shark is a female but i love how everyone is just like: SHE is beautiful. love. it.
  2. @kipplekipple’s comment. this is hilarious. kids are the best.
  3. JUST THE MAGIC OF THIS ENORMOUS, BEAUTIFUL CREATURE HAVING ENCHANTED HALF OF TUMBLR. this world is so beautiful, it needs sharks so iNcReDiBLy much and humanity needs to unlearn the hatred/fear towards sharks.

fun fact:

“sharks have been around for 400 million years. this means they (in some form) are older than dinosaurs!” (check out this article)

@topsyturvy-turtely I appreciate her comment too but she is 22 years old 😂

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