
Actually the portrait of Charles is red to represent enthusiasm, energy, determination, passion, strength, leadership, and love. It doesn't matter that it looks like he's walking through fountains of blood spilled by the British empire! Some of you people need to learn color theory


i was WAITING for this post


tumblr coming across the painting:


I love this art peice and credit to @zeropro for his cute oc the red wolf? Dog? Idk 🤷‍♂️ but I wanted to draw it with my oc Rebel I hope @zeropro likes it, if not I will just delete the post for right purposes. 😔 anyway if you like it leave a heart ty! ❤️


LOOK HOW CUTE!!!!!! thank you @hellavadog for this lovely art of my oc!


I've slowly been chipping away at drawing scenes from that imaginary Muppet retelling of the Princess Bride, figured it was about time to share what I've drawn on Tumblr!

Buggy: Next time we meet, we’re enemies!
Shanks, in his head: Enemies to lovers, slowburn, angst with happy ending, 300k+ words
“Many young Americans think that to know themselves they need to find themselves, and they hold the naive belief that if they could just strip off everyday life like layers of an onion they would reach their true core, unadulterated by other people’s expectations and the distractions of a fastpaced world. They believe that they have a true core, an essence, and that it sits inside of them waiting to be discovered, and that once they find it they will know whether they ought to be a doctor or a lawyer or a philosophy professor. Sometimes these young people go to Europe and work their way through Mediterranean countries picking grapes, confident that their true self will emerge somewhere en route to Italy. But people who believe that the self is like an onion and their true self is its core have not spent much time in the kitchen. Peel an onion down to its core and all you will find is air. You are not an untouched core. You are and will become the sum of your commitments, your choices—moral, intellectual, and practical—they amount to much the same thing in the end. To find yourself, don’t dig under the surface of your life. Look at what you actually do, at what you come to care for, at what you fight to defend. Look at the small choices you make every day in the classroom, in the way that you read and interpret and argue, and the big choices will sort themselves out by themselves.”

— 2003 - Tanya Luhrmann | Aims of Education | The University of Chicago (via logicandgrace)


the escort missions in pokemon mystery dungeon are so funny like yeah of course we'll protect you and help you reach your friend!! but we're multitasking missions so we're taking you along to confront several aggressive and dangerous outlaws along the way. you have to fight them with us. or just try to stand in a corner or something. sorry.

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