
and everything in between

@kotaka-kun / kotaka-kun.tumblr.com

❧ 25+ ❧ she/they ❧ neurodivergent, queer, mentally elsewhere ❧ ykinmkato ❧ ship and let ship ❧ dont like, dont read ❧

vegans making honey a bee labour issue is the funniest thing imaginable because like, you picked the one animal that has already unionised

You literally could not exploit bees if you TRIED

"Oh well if you stop the queen leaving the bees are trapped" wrong, bees can and will swarm without a queen. They will also make new queens if they don't think theirs is good enough

"Bees don't consent to their honey being taken" wrong, bees are actually more than intelligent enough to know we take the honey. They LET us take the honey if they think what we provide in return (shelter, food, protection) is a fair deal.

"Taking honey starves the bees" WRONG AGAIN! Domestic bees overproduce honey. A beekeeper NEVER takes honey the bees would need because then you piss off the bees, and if you piss off the bees you don't have any bees. They stockpile honey for the winter, but because domestic colonies do way better than wild ones they stockpile too much. That's why beekeepers can take out whole frames and then have them filled in no time. Domestic bees actively overproduce because they know humans are going to skim some off the top.

And if they didn't want humans to take it, beekeeping WOULD NOT work.

To keep bees you have to let them fly free. If they can fly free they can leave. Meaning if they don't like what you're doing, they WILL leave.

The whole idea they're basically slaves to the queen is also not true, they can just make a new queen literally whenever, and if they don't like her, they kill her.

There is no way for a beekeeper to exploit their bees. The bees are EMPLOYEES.

Employbees, if you will.


Local beekeepers producing honey are not exploiting bees.

But the people putting billions of bees on trucks, trucking them around the country from Florida citrus or avocado groves to California almond farms, feeding the bees sugar water, and using them to fertilise the fruits and vegetables that proud omnivores and vegans will be consuming, they are definitely exploiting and murdering bees.

Here's a link that explains the kind of thing I'm talking about:


I don’t care what the Founding Fathers would have wanted, I don’t care if Jesus was a hippie or not, I don’t care what Marx prescribed. I can’t take living in a world where we’re all servants of long-dead men. You know what happens if you make a law the Founding Fathers wouldn’t like? Nothing, they’re dead and they’re never coming back. I’m genuinely envious of countries that can just make whatever laws they want without worrying about how 18th century agrarian noblemen would have seen it. Stop arguing that Jesus loved the poor too, what he loved or didn’t love is irrelevant, he doesn’t get a say in any of this. We could have a country that isn’t shackled to these ghosts if we collectively wanted to.

This is gorgeous.


A long time ago I was in a typography class and I had an assignment to draw a word out of its material. Like writing "Rock" and drawing it to make it look like it's carved from stone. I chose "Hair" and I was proud enough of the result that I ended up posting it online to Twitter. Whoever I showed it to online, I got a weird reaction like "Oh...cool." which was strange cuz I was expecting to get complimented on it. It turned out that no one thought it was a drawing. For months, everyone I showed it to thought that I was playing with wet hair clippings in my spare time like some nasty little freak.

This is the drawing btw

Guys I fucking swear it isn't real hair


15 years ago youtube videos were like two or three freshly graduated guys making mildly homophobic but also somewhat homoerotic comedy skits filmed in 480p on a digital camera gifted to them by god and now its all like 25 minute long videos that are like "THE DARK SIDE OF TINY TOONS"

youtube 2007: SKETCHBROS - Hot Dog (2:23)

youtube 2024: Why Back at the Barnyard is Important (26:12)


For those not in the know, this is one of the Amanita mushrooms referred to as a Destroying Angel. Never, ever, ever, ever forage with an app. Especially for mushrooms.


One day when AI is finally regulated, those regulations will be written in blood

We're currently in the "unregulated wild west cuz no one has died yet" era


The Amanita mushrooms, destroying angel included, are a horrible way to die. Particularly because, like rabies, when you first show symptoms you're already dead.

But that's not what makes Amanita Ocreata and it's relatives awful.

With rabies there is no reprieve: you are sick and get sicker until you die. With these mushrooms, though, you will be sick for a while, and then suddenly you will feel like it has passed, and you are on the mend.

This is a lie. You are about to return to groaning intestinal pain, slip into a coma, and die. Because during that "reprieve" period, as Kingfisher & Wombat note, the active toxin in the mushroom is destroying your liver.

Only forage with a reliable guide, never an app, and if you're not sure don't pick and eat it!


Every time I see a BRILLIANT FIC or ARTWORK with just one or two reblogs I just get so frustrated thinking about all the great creations I have missed out on because people don't reblog things anymore.

And all the great writers and artists who threw in the towel out of frustration. What a loss to the fandom. Ugh.

I'm on Tumblr constantly and I know following blogs vigilantly doesn't guarantee we see every post from our faves. Tags and notifications constantly fail.

Reblogging = sharing. Reblogging is how we discover new content. It is SO important to Tumblr because we don't have subscription or bookmarking features like Ao3.

Please help the fandom out, guys.

That's the spirit, friends! Let's keep ratios on fic/art posts looking more like this! <3


Ha a lélek vándorlásában hiszünk, el kell fogadnunk hogy ha zenészek voltunk, zenészek maradunk akkor is, ha négy lábbal újraszületünk..


Translation, via Google Translate:

If we believe in the migration of the soul, we have to accept that if we were musicians, we will remain musicians even if we are reborn with four legs.


Wolfgang Malamozart over here like damn

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