
Eat the rude!!😻


Anonymous asked:

Can you pinpoint the exact moment from the movie where you started to ship Cablanca, or what made you realize that they're a perfect match? 💘👫

It’s funny, I actually saw the movie with my brother back when it first came out, and came away thinking it was an awesome movie, but not shipping anyone. Then right around when it came out on dvd/digital, I saw some posts on tumblr about the ship, which got me thinking about it and pretty soon it had taken over my brain. :D

But if I had to pick just a couple of moments that really solidified their potential as a good ship for me, it would be these:

This little moment of camaraderie where she calls him a not much of a detective and he calls her a lousy murderer is so great. The level of comfortability they have with each other, and how he makes her smile for the first time since before everything happened with Harlan. It’s that friendly teasing that I love in ships. 

The other moment was the “You are a good nurse” moment. He’s so tender with her, and it’s that tenderness that I am such a sucker for in a ship. (Not a gif.)

There are so many other reasons I love them, but I think these two were the ones that kind of started it all. :D Thank you for asking!


Fire Force has such gorgeous visuals!! Episode 21 had me in tears just form how BEAUTIFUL the animation was. I’ve been rewatching it since I couldn’t get enough.


I got this sticker recently and I thought some folks in the dbh fandom might get a kick out of it lmao


HEY so I… low key made a DBH PV for Hank that I totally didn’t procrastinate on!!! 

Here’s something I started last month but was only able to finish just in time to reach Hank’s birthday yesterday. Combining my ancient love for Vocaloid + HankCon, hehe! I did the bulk of this over the past three days so rougher than I’d intended, but I hope you like it!

Here’s a few of my favorite shots from the video!


Michigan Become Mittens.

I’ve had this idea of Connor owning a pair of Michigan mittens since I first played the game. I like to think that Connor has a thing for novelty items and Hank can’t help but indulge him.

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