



To all the NSFW artists out there:

+ I love you.

+ You talents are immeasurable.

+ You are not defined in stone by your artwork and your artwork is not a carbon copy of who you are as a person.

+ You do NOT have to be open about your sexuality or comfortable talking about sex with others just because you draw NSFW artwork.

+ Your work is not worth less because it is NSFW.

+ Your work is not worth less because some are uncomfortable with it. + Go ahead and get freaky!  Draw what makes you happy.

+ Never stop drawing what you like because someone doesn’t agree with it. + Draw what makes you happy.





so apparently some people feel like it’s annoying when someone engages with a lot of stuff from the same person, like going through their ship tag and liking all the content there. 

hearing about this, i was immediately paranoid about reblogging literally anything from anyone i don’t talk to on a regular basis.

so to save others from the same paranoia, i’m gonna say that if you like every single post on my goddamn blog it is okay. i might be kind of concerned about your level of time management, going through 23,000 posts, but it wouldn’t bother me. 


hey just to make sure everybody knows

It’s completely, 100% natural and should always be acceptable to change your opinions. It shouldn’t be embarrassing. You shouldn’t have to pretend you were never wrong about anything and that you’ve always felt the same way about everything. You didn’t catch someone being a “hypocrite” when some older post of theirs conflicts with a new one. The simplest explanation is that they learned or reconsidered something. The ability to evolve your understanding of things should be something to celebrate and respect. How did we end up with this shitty fucking culture where a change of perspective is treated like a shameful flaw.


Changing your mind means that you’re less wrong now. Doubling down makes you much more visibly wrong.

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