
Pit of Despair

@nettaraxy / nettaraxy.tumblr.com

UK / 26 I need a new blog name. I make art! Link on the sidebar. This blog is my main so I post everything here. Mostly Touhou, but lots of other eclectic interests mixed in.

dear followers, following the UK's cutting of funding to UNRWA i am following suit with many other tumblr users:

if you send me proof of donation to UNRWA's Gaza Emergency Appeal I will match your donation up to the first £300, as well as provide some art relative to the amount you have donated.

it is abhorrently wrong to cut funding and punish millions based on the actions of 12 people out of an organisation of 30,000, especially following a historic ruling of plausible genocide and our international obligation to prevent it.

i am no GDQ event or popular streamer, i cannot generate thousands or millions in a few days or single stream but i can do what i can

donate here: https://donate.unrwa.org/gaza/~my-donation


"how dare you hide this in the tags" -> "you sir have won the internets"

"none of these words are in the bible" -> "thats enough internet for today"

"op check your carbon monoxide detector" -> "were you on drugs when you made this"

and so on and so forth


(through gritted teeth) i am ignoring the silent hill 2 remake discourse. I am not watching fans complain and nitpick every single thing in the trailers. I am ignoring fans getting mad over how the characters look. I am


This is such a fucking joke


btw for anyone who doesnt know: the international criminal court has jurisdiction over gaza because palestine is an official party to the rome statute. what makes this even more of a joke is that the united states is not only not a member, but is actively hostile to the icc, to the point of having a law that authorizes the military to invade the hague if any us personnel are ever prosecuted for war crimes.


Today I discovered that "bro visited his friend/the visiterrrrrrr" isn't necessarily a widely known meme outside of tumblr after I referenced it irl and seemingly came across as a complete maniac, ironically exactly creating the circumstances of the original meme

What this looked like


Fred Hampton Jr visiting his father on Father’s Day…his grave is annually shot by local police


.Some context for this:

-Fred Hampton was a black activist from Chicago – an extraordinary speaker, youth organizer for the NAACP. 

-He joined the Black Panthers and shone so brightly that he was made chair of the Chicago chapter when he was only 20.

-He founded the Rainbow Coalition, which brought together Black and Latino activists and radical anti-poverty Catholics.  He forged an alliance among major Chicago street gangs to help them make peace and work for social change.

-In 1967, when he was just 19, Hampton was identified by the FBI as a “radical threat.” The FBI tried to subvert his activities in Chicago, sowing disinformation to get the groups he’d drawn together to distrust each other, and getting an FBI plant next to him as a bodyguard.  

-(This is part of an illegal FBI program called COINTELPRO, which aimed to paint black civil rights activists (among others) as violent and threatening.  If you’ve only seen pictures of the Black Panthers as armed and dangerous revolutionaries, and never heard of their children’s breakfast program, their community health clinics, or their “copwatch” patrols, this is why.   It’s because COINTELPRO was a highly successful work of political propaganda.)  

-On December 3, 1969, Hampton taught a political education course at a local church, and then several Panthers gathered at his apartment for a late dinner.  One of them was the FBI plant bodyguard, who drugged Hampton.  

-At 4:45 AM on December 4, a squad of Chicago Police officers and FBI agents with a warrant to search for weapons stormed the apartment. Investigations later showed they fired between 90 and 99 times.  The Panther on security detail, Mark Clark, was holding a shotgun.  He was shot, and the gun went off into the ceiling.  This was the only shot fired by the Panthers. 

-Fred Hampton, in another room, didn’t awaken.  He was shot in his bed.  Twice, in the head, at point-blank range.  He was 21.  

-Four weeks after witnessing Hampton’s death, his finance Deborah Johnson gave birth to their son, Fred Hampton Jr.  That’s him in the photograph, visiting the grave of a father who died before he was born.  A resting place riddled with bullets.  


When the anti "LGBT propaganda" law passed in Russia, all of you were going insane and cared. Give Georgia the same energy. If you can have sympathy for our oppressors on the basis of them being queer, you should keep the same energy for us, if not more.

If this law passes, every Georgian queer person I know is so severely fucked, myself included. If you make jokes about "being illegal in several countries" you better fucking care about the countries you're apparently illegal in, or going to be illegal in.

Make sure to spread this around. This is important.


Also worth mentioning

No but seriously reblog this. If you actively reblog about LGBT rights you can also reblog this post you know. Also look through notes. Unless I see more activity on posts from Georgians I'm going to be aggressive about this

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