
Sorry about the mess


Birthday: July 16 🎨Amazing icon made by the wonderful Artistrayne🎨 RP Blog: cheskitten-rps Normal Ask Blog: cheskitten-asks Mirror Ask Blog: sksa-nettiksehc Art-chive: cheskitten-draws Cool Group Blog ask-phobia-sanses

Reminder to save often if you have auto save off. I lost a shiny Shuppet that I caught in an outbreak last night today due to a raid bugging and not moving on to the reward screen after I said I didn't want to catch.


Oh trust me I’m a compulsive saver XD


For anyone who was invested in my lost shiny, she's finally back.

Don't worry, I saved this time.


Sorry to hear about the shiny I lost one to a crash too but there's a way to access a secret autosave

(Even if you disabled it)


Oh? I'm listening. Honestly, Shuppet and Banette aren't the greatest shinies, but I am still a little annoyed since I had just gotten done catching every shiny I remember failing as a kid.

Also, if you don't mind, what shiny did you lose? I could really use a break from carefully peering at Axew.


I had a Wattrel eaten by bad games. I got it back.

Cool to know that's a feature. Unfortunately, I just checked, and my last backup is even older than my last save. I'm sure I'll find another one eventually. At least she didn't have a mark or something. Imagine being the poor soul that loses a rare mark shiny.


Sorry to hear about the shiny I lost one to a crash too but there's a way to access a secret autosave

(Even if you disabled it)


Oh? I'm listening. Honestly, Shuppet and Banette aren't the greatest shinies, but I am still a little annoyed since I had just gotten done catching every shiny I remember failing as a kid.

Also, if you don't mind, what shiny did you lose? I could really use a break from carefully peering at Axew.


Genuinely shocked none of my side blogs are being bombarded by the botpocalypse. Man I wish the botpocalypse wasn't happening at all though, at this point our hellsite belongs to the bots more than staff.


I wonder if anyone I used to talk to here is still out there, maybe I'm just throwing these words into the ether never to be heard.


We should normalize randomly popping into the ask boxes of artists to tell them how good their art is. It makes them so happy pretty much every time.


Sometimes my blog just gets random bits of activity on posts i reblogged months ago and posts I made years ago. I have pretty much no idea why.


The crabs don't show up on mobile, not gonna lie I feel kinda left out.


Limits of the Human Body

Body Heat = 107.6 F

Cold Water = 40 F

Hot Air = 300 F

High Altitude = 15,000 ft

Starvation = 45 days

Diving Depth = 282 ft

Lack of Oxygen = 11 minutes

Blood Loss = 40%

Dehydration = 7 days


Writers finding this post:


Thank you

Europeans about half of this post:

Body Heat = 42 C

Cold Water = 4 C

Hot Air = 148 C

High Altitude = 4572m

Starvation = 45 days

Diving Depth = 390m

Lack Of Oxygen = 11 minutes

Blood Loss = 40%

Dehydration = 7 days

Europeans seeing this version of this post:


being a self-taught artist with no formal training is having done art seriously since you were a young teenager and only finding out that you’re supposed to do warm up sketches every time you’re about to work on serious art when you’re fuckin twenty-five

someone: oh yeah, do this exercise during your warm ups! it’ll help

me: my what


What’s up I have an actual college degree in art and I was never ONCE taught to do warm ups.


when i was in undergrad, it was kind of mentioned in and offhand way that we should do warmups, but we were never shown what that meant. And, y’know, we were young so it didn’t matter so much. 

Being older now and having an art job it’s…kind of essential. 

So: a quick primer for those of you who are like ‘ok but how do i actually go about doing this warmup thing.’ 

1) you may be tempted to do ‘a warmup drawing’ which is just a drawing that will take longer than it needed to and probably be frustrating and kind of bad because you didn’t warm up first. It’s tempting but always a trick your brain is playing on you! Do not trust! 

2) warmups will vary based on what feels good to you/what task you’re about to do/what motor skills you want to practice. That being said, some good standbys:

a) circles. Just a whole page of circles on whatever drawing surface you’re going to be using, whether that’s your tablet or your sketchbook or a drawing pad on an easel. For these circles you should make sure that you’re drawing from your shoulder and not your wrist. In fact, you want to be drawing from your shoulder rather than your wrist most of the time! forever! your wrist is delicate please preserve it! 

In order to ensure that you’re drawing from your shoulder, when you’re holding your pencil or whatever drawing tool you’re using, the only part of your hand that should be touching the drawing surface is part of the last two fingers–some people prefer the finger tips, but I tend to favor the first knuckles. Either way, the fingers should really be ghosting over the surface, providing guidance rather than support. 

I usually start with big circles and then go to smaller circles and lines of ellipses, and then try to fit circles and ellipses inside other shapes i’ve already drawn as a precision exercise, but i don’t do that unless i’m feeling loose

b) spirals! i don’t always do spirals, but if i’m stiff and the circles just aren’t cutting it, spirals are a good fall back. I start from the center and work outward, going both clockwise and counterclockwise until i feel comfortable with the whole range of motion. Some people really care about getting perfect spirals but for me it’s all about making sure i’m comfortable with how i’m moving so who really even cares about how the spirals look. Not me! 

c) lines! straight lines! in parallel! i do a mix of vertical, horizontal, and diagonal. These are often more from the elbow than the shoulder, especially if I’m working on a smaller surface. For this exercise, I recommend holding the drawing tool perpendicular with the surface

d) connect the dots. This is a precision and accuracy exercise and takes two forms. The first is to draw two dots and then draw a straight line between them. The second is to draw three dots and draw the curve that connects them. This sounds a lot simpler than it is in practice. Take time to ghost over the line you plan to draw before actually committing to your line. (I don’t always remember where I picked up my warm up exercises, but I’m pretty sure I got this one from Scott Robertson. His how to draw and how to render books are very technical but also accessible and worth checking out)

e) cubes, spheres, cones, and cylinders. These help get your brain into a more volumetric space. I draw multiples of each, rotating the forms around, and I’ll often take the time to do some rough shading on at least a few of them

f) spidermans! This one is really good if you’re going to be storyboarding or working on dynamic poses. Just fill a page full of spidermans doing all sorts of acrobatics. 

g) beans. I don’t do beans too much anymore, but I know a lot of people like it so I’m mentioning it here. Fill an area with different size bean shapes without lifting your pencil off the paper. 

h) short medium and long line repetition. draw a short, medium, and long line on your page, and then draw directly on top of them 8 to 12 times, doing your best to exactly trace what you’ve already drawing. Repeat with a wavy line. I’m bad at this one, which means I probably need to do it more. 

And there are lots more options too! Hit up youtube to see what other people recommend, put together your own go-to list, mix it up when you’re getting bored, etc. 

This is a long list, I know, but I usually don’t take more than 10 to 15 minutes to warm up, and I can warm up one handed while I’m drinking coffee, so, multitasking hurrah. 

Sometimes I’ll advance to a precision warmup and find that I haven’t loosened up enough yet; it’s totally ok to go back to an earlier exercise! Also, all of this has the added benefit of kind of ritualistically getting you into the drawing mode so even if I’m not feeling it before I start, by the time I’ve gotten to the end I’m usually Ready For Drawin’. Brain hacks. 

so, yeah! that’s a lot of words, but! Warmups are important! Save your joints, take less advil, do better drawings! 

How on earth are you supposed to draw from a sholder? might as well tell me to draw from the foot. It makes no sense

Reblogging to save a wrist

Save a wrist, draw a Spiderman


During tonight’s volunteer shift, I had to keep six kittens in a box while a team mate cleaned their cage. (Their mom/foster mom was taking a break from them and just chilling)

The experience was… challenging. 😂

All the squeaky babies~~!!!

The most gentle version of whack a mole you will ever play

Kittens: S W E E T F R E E D O M


This is so adorable that words cannot describe its cuteness


@xxtc-96xx the Twoeys brigade


you’ll never contain them all XD

Look at their eears! Little triangles!


Once again its 3am and this washing machine wizard haunts me


My parents continuously tell me that my generation’s humour makes no sense and I still refuse to ever explain it to them

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