
Whatever the fuck i want

@dizzmantheoutsider / dizzmantheoutsider.tumblr.com

Jest a normal everyday jack off, probly.

This is just overcompensating. 

Please do not do this.

So I’ve been working on this exact problem very recently in my life, and I can tell you that just going completely off the rails in the other direction is not only going to upset people and alienate those close to you, it will make you hate yourself and send you into a worse mental state than you were in before.

The way I’ve told my counselor, is I’m tired of being the kid who gets shoved in a locker (figuratively, I’ve been out of school for a while, and that never happened to me).  But I have ZERO interest in becoming the bully that put me in there either.  I’m a reasonably large guy, I’m not big and scary but I’m definitely not a tiny mousey person physically.  But I was tired of acting like a mouse when I’m not!  And I imagine a lot of you are the same way.

So what I’ve been working on is: A)  Not being afraid of confrontation.  Not being so certain that I’ll lose every confrontation and worried about the completely worst case scenarios.  Like, seriously.  I was at the point where I thought if I so much as honk at a guy who cut me off in traffic, he’d slam on his breaks and force me to rear-end him, killing my passenger and making it seem like I hit him and then I’d go to prison on top of the injury and loss of my car.  Does that honestly make any sense?  Of course not, but that’s how it worked in my mind and that’s what kept me from doing anything and letting people get away with it.

B) Finding my voice, and speaking for myself in smaller situations.  For the longest time it was very difficult for me to even say “Excuse me, do you mind if I get by you?” or other things like that.  I always expected (See part A) that they’ll be rude or try and tell me off, or talk to my manager and get me fired…just for daring to ask them to step aside  But y’know what I found?  More often than not they’re EMBARRASSED!  Usually cos they didn’t notice me sooner.  They usually end up reversing the scenario and being worried about ME being offended.  This was an honest mind-blow for me when I started noticing it.

C) Using my own inner monologue/dialogue to help talk-out situations.  I like to think of this like the old cliche of a little devil and little angel on your shoulders.  But instead of letting them talk you into situations, you control the conversation.  Mentally talk through the situation, and figure out why you feel anxious or nervous or however you feel.  Game-out how you’d LIKE to deal with it, and what you want as a result.  Really, I guess it’s more like a football huddle with just you.  But you get the idea, it’s about figuring yourself out and how you want to proceed.  I find myself doing this several times a day, and it’s really helped me out.  When I feel anxiety rising because I want to make a complaint against someone, I mentally talk myself down and explain how I want it to go.  Does that make the anxiety go away completely?  No.  Of course not.  But it brings it down to a reasonable level.  Of course I’m going to be nervous about the outcome, but I don’t feel it so strongly that it keeps me from going through with it anymore.

D) Stop being so concerned with what other people think.  This is something I agree with on the original post, but not 100%.  Don’t go out of your way to subvert expectations, or be intentionally confrontational or rude.  Again, you DON’T want to become the opposite of what you were, you just want to be able to stand up for yourself a bit.  But here’s the thing, most regular people just don’t care that much.  Most regular people aren’t going to be offended or pissed-off if you’re not as polite and nice as you physically could be.  Sure there are people out there who take it too seriously, but even those people won’t do much about it and probably will forget about it in a few minutes anyway.  So when I say don’t be so concerned about what others think, I mean don’t worry about what may come from your actions because chances are, it won’t be much if anything at all.  Nothing you can’t handle, anyway.

You want to be less mousey, you want to be able to have the confidence to stand up for yourself and your wants.  That’s great.  But I’m telling you right now, if you attempt to become the polar opposite you’ll end up not liking what you’ve become.  But if you take it slow, and figure out what you want and who you want to be, you can really grow out of that shell and be that person.


Turiel, The Hero Immemorial https://www.angelarium.net/grigori/#/turiel-angel-of-the-mountain/ The way Turiel carried his massive stature was a matter of public spectacle. His feats of strength were sometimes put to good use but often bled into showmanship. The praise people showered him with seemed to sustain the angel almost as equally as food or air. Many came to seek the mighty Turiel’s favor. They hailed him from afar at the common grounds and sought to catch a glimpse of him preparing his hunting party. Gifts of food and gold were brought to curry favor. Weapons and jewelry were brought in his honor whenever they could be spared. Those that truly impressed him were made a part of his story, a grand tale where each night, was a feast, each drink was a toast and each lover, a grand affair.


Thought: I do NOT think that 50% of the world’s billionaires should be women. I think there shouldn’t be any billionaires at all.

So you are saying 0% of the world should be billionaires?



Why shouldn’t their be billionaires? That makes no sense.

Because the existence of billionaires is predicated on the exploitation of human labor and unsustainable environmental harm.  That level of wealth hoarding is harmful to economies, as it reduces the amount of money in circulation. No one person, no family, could ever conceivably even SPEND a billion dollars anyway, and  it is inherently immoral to accumulate wealth so narrowly while so much of the world lives in abject poverty.  

Better then to create a wealth ceiling, a point at which all wealth over a certain point  is taxed at or very near 100% to incentivize people to actually spend their money rather than hoard it, stimulating the economy and bettering the lives of far more people. Better even still to create and regulate economic systems that protect workers and the environment in a way that such extreme levels of wealth accumulation aren’t even feasible. 


The problem with this is that it reduces the incentive to actually do fiscally well. What’s the point of starting a business if you can’t become wealthy?

There is a very real difference between “reasonably wealthy” and A BILLIONAIRE

No one is saying you shouldn’t have a nice house, we are saying that having multiple really, really ridiculously nice houses while your employees are either homeless or at serious risk of becoming homeless is immoral.

I’ll never understand why this concept is hard for people. I think it’s because they can’t actually fathom how much $1 Billion is.


Let’s say you have a badass job. A great job. You make $100 AN HOUR. You work 10 hours a day ($1000 A DAY), 5 days a week ($5000 a week!!!), every week ($20,000 A MONTH), thats $240,000 Every Year.

It would take you 4,167 years to make a billion dollars.

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