


Gryffindor from Minnesota

No, but how sweet is it that during Harry’s first week at Hogwarts Hagrid sent along a note with Hedwig to invite Harry to tea rather than asking him in person so Harry didn’t feel left out and actually got some mail



The entrance hall was so big you could have fit the whole of the Dursleys’ house in it. The stone walls were lit with flaming torches like the ones at Gringotts, the ceiling was too high to make out, and a magnificent marble staircase facing them led to the upper floors. (SS)


does anybody else cry at the fact that when peter blew up that muggle street and killed 12 people and then turned into a rat sirius just started laughing because that was the only way for him to cope with the fact that two of his best friends were dead and their kid was orphaned and one of his best friends betrayed them and framed him as a traitor and a murderer and that it was all his fault because he had trusted peter so he just started laughing and didn’t even stop when he got arrested

because I do


let’s imagine being a hogwarts student:

imagine getting on the train and being so nervous about starting but then you meet someone and you become friends and you share pumpkin pastries on the way there

imagine getting there and being amazed at the size of hogwarts because it’s pretty damn huge

imagine being so nervous to find out your house but once you find out, you just feel so happy and at home

imagine meeting amazing people who become some of your closest friends

imagine sitting in McGonagall’s class as she teaches you how to turn a rat into a cup

imagine meeting dumbledore in the corridor and he gives you a sherbet lemon

imagine getting lost in the maze of corridors but the nice paintings help you back to find your room

imagine learning how to ride a broomstick

imagine watching the quidditch games and being so excited and cheering until your throat hurts

imagine being so eager to come back after breaks and summer

imagine shopping for the school year and it’s always so fun

imagine lying on your bed whilst your roommates talk about their summers and what they plan to take that year

imagine finding yourself at 3am in the common room with a quill in your hair and ink on your face after falling asleep writing an essay

imagine learning so many useful and handy spells - that hair washing spell sure is a life saver

imagine a trip to madam pomfrey after a friend dares you to jump to the platform before the stairs have even gotten there yet

imagine finding out what your patronus is and being so overwhelmed with how cool casting it is even if your patrnous is a salmon

imagine peeves pulling pranks on you and your friends

imagine sitting in the great hall eating dinner and just loving the general buzz and atmosphere of the place

imagine the balls and the parties

imagine the trips to hogsmeade where you can finally stock up on sugar quills

imagine the sense of achievement when you get house points

imagine sitting by the black lake and watching the giant squid

imagine late night library trips to scramble for books to write last minute essays

imagine walking around the halls and talking to all the paintings and appreciating the building and the views

imagine sitting on the train coming back and being so excited about what will happen this year

imagine sending letters using owls to your family telling them all about your week

imagine watching the snow fall on the grounds and having to wear scarves and hats to venture outside

imagine sitting up with your friends in the common room playing never have i ever and drinking firewhiskey

imagine the years passing so quickly and soon you find yourself on the train home from hogwarts never to go back and it’s bittersweet because you’ll miss it but you’re on to do bigger and better things now


there’s nothing hidden in your head the sorting hat can’t see, so try me on and i will tell you where you ought to be

“And Professor Lupin stepped over you, and walked toward the dementor, and pulled out his wand,” said Hermione, “and he said, ‘None of us is hiding Sirius Black under our cloaks. Go.’ But the dementor didn’t move, so Lupin muttered something, and a silvery thing shot out of his wand at it, and it turned around and sort of glided away…”
”You’re the best Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher we’ve ever had!

Alternative harry potter titles:

Book 1: yer a wizard harry Book 2: yer a parselmouth harry Book 3: yer godfather’s a murderer harry Book 4: yer a triwizard champion harry Book 5: yer expelled harry Book 6: yer a horcrux harry Book 7: yer still a hor- no wait nevermind

McGonagall: So what do you have planned for the future Mr Weasley.
Ron: lunch
McGonagall: no like long term
Ron: oh... um dinner?

Imagine twelve year old Harry not even knowing how awful his childhood with Dursleys had been until he gets to the Burrow.

Imagine him seeing Percy asleep with a book on his lap, and being baffled that a kid might feel comfortable enough in his own home to be so vulnerable in the living room. 

Imagine Molly coming up to the attic to say goodnight to Ron and Harry, and Harry glancing at Ron when he hears her footsteps, trying to figure out what they had done wrong that day.

Imagine him asking George who does all the house chores, and thinking it’s a joke when George answers, “we all do.” 

Imagine Ginny pestering Arthur with questions over the Daily Prophet, and Harry trying to shoot her warning looks to stop it! but then Mr. Weasley looks up and patiently answers every single one. 

Imagine Bill popping in for a visit one evening and Harry being floored when Bill stops to chat with him. 

Imagine Fred chasing after Harry in the yard, playfighting, but Harry actually begins to run for real fear of being hurt. 

Imagine Molly burning something on the stove my accident and tossing it, imagine Harry mentioning to Ron, offhandedly, “she could’ve given that one to me, it’s what I eat at home when I mess up dinner” and not knowing why Ron is horrified.

Imagine Harry seeing what a normal, functioning family looks like, and realizing the absence of love in his own life. 

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