


Artist | INFP-T | she/her | Plant momma | I like taking care of my plants, boxing, music, writing, and other stuff! Other blogs: @saturnaddresss (art, stuff I like) and @alwaysinabluemoon

If you notice me reblogging

  • a repost
  • stolen art
  • false information
  • etc.

please let me know, you’re not rude or annoying and I actually do give a fuck and I will correct my mistake, thank you


Also, if you notice me reblogging things from

  • anti-sj blogs
  • TERFs or SWERFs
  • anti-feminist/MRAs
  • other shitty people

please give me a heads up. I’ll never get angry at you for letting me know and I’ll actually be really glad that you kept me from giving some awful person more visibility.





This is why people who stay in my life are neurodiverse like me!

this!! I swear I lost like all my friendships bc of this, like I had a group of friends in hs that one day I realized "huh I haven't talked to this people in a while" and popped in to say hi and they were all awkward?? because they hadn't seen me in a while?? and that's when I realized that friendship works different for them?? I was like yeah I haven't talked to you in like four months but it's not like I've forgotten about y'all why would anything change, and they were all like we haven't talked to you in four months why are you here again acting like nothing happened? and it was really confusing for me



Also I have a thing where I just put the people on pause. If I don’t see them or contact them, my brain kinda put them in stasis. I don’t think about them nor misses them, and I stay on what I last knew about them (how they look, what they study/work). So when we meet again I’m like “wait, you’ve aged?” and I have the same familiarity with them thanI had before.

Anyway all my mutuals I haven't messaged in forever - this is why

oh my gods this makes so much sense??? there are people who i haven’t talked to at all for literally over a year and we’ll pick up like nothing happened, but for their people it’s just like...... falling apart but onesided???? i think we’re still on the same level but actually we’re strangers??



please do not guilt trip people into talking about politics on their blogs. some people, including myself, get extreme anxiety from that stuff and while it’s covering my dash right now, we’d rather distract ourselves from it for our own sanity. it’s not insensitive, it’s not rude, it’s just our right on our blog that we created to be a safe space for us and others. we’re not ignoring what’s going on just because we choose not to talk about it.

that being said, please don’t feel pressured to talk about current events. and please please please do not become consumed by them. it is very easy to overwhelm yourself and stress yourself out and have a very negative reaction to this. if you need a distraction, distract yourself.

to all my poc followers in america, please please please stay safe. you’re in my heart and i’m praying for you during this time, it’s scary and uncertain and i can’t imagine the dread you’re filled with seeing this shit show unfold, but the most important thing is to take care of your mental. do not consume yourself with this. disconnect if you need to. take care of yourself.


i’m not interested in anything anyone has to say abt terrorists breaking into the capitol if it doesn’t include race. don’t just call them trump supporters, don’t just call them right wingers, don’t just call them fascists and don’t imply the only reason they’re not getting shot dead and gassed like thousands of black protesters is because they’re trump supporters.

they’re white domestic terrorists. their whiteness lets them afford the privilege to strut past police and into the biggest government building in the entire country while holding rifles and machine guns. not their political ideology, their whiteness. say it all or shut the fuck up.


Dark times all around but there are still people out there who love you

Do not hurt yourself, do not hurt others, get help, talk to someone, anyone. Humanity has survived before and we can do it now if we all just support each other. My country and my people let me down and endangered my life but there’s nothing I or anyone else can do about that so let’s try to spread the love that is so clearly lacking.


Don’t assume malice. Assume ignorance. Life is easier, the world is kinder, and you can educate. Actual malice is pretty rare, I find. 


Always remember Hanlon’s Razor–”Never assume malice when incompetence will suffice as an explanation.”

That’s said, never forget Fred Clark’s Law, either: “Sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice.” There’s a certain point at which ignorance becomes malice–at which there is simply no way to become that ignorant except deliberately and maliciously.

Also, confusing ignorance with malice tends to create malice. If you refuse to explain and keep calling someone names for their ignorance, the other person will start trying to hurt you just to defend themselves. By assuming malice, you create more malice in the world.


Sources: 1  2  3  4  5

Jesus fucking Christ, look at these young, otherwise healthy people who had severe heart complications from COVID. But people still don’t give a shit, people are still going to parties and holidays because they think nothing bad will happen to them because they’re young.

God, please stay inside if you can until the vaccine is available to you.

Americans don’t care. They want to stunt, party, be seen, and act like this shit hits only poor people or old people. Everyone can catch hands with this thing….but. again, Americans don’t care.


I’m sorry if this comes off as combative, but: if your government gave you next to no financial relief, did not mandate masks, allowed bars and retail businesses to stay open, re-opened university campuses, and then told you “you MUST go to work and school and interact with hundreds of strangers, but you’re a terrible person if you go visit grandma or get together for drinks with friends after your shift or have Christmas dinner”, what exactly would YOU do?

You can say “if people really cared about each other, they would stay home no matter what the government does” all you like, but that doesn’t change the fact that this simply isn’t how behaviour modification at a population-wide scale works. Guilt and punishment does not change behaviour, providing resources and boundaries that encourage and reward the correct behaviour does.

Why should people take the pandemic seriously when every single signal being sent from the places of power that guide their lives says that this just isn’t worth giving a shit about? When you aren’t given the chance to make better choices, because you can’t financially afford to?

Blaming individual people for being “stupid” and “careless” lets the American federal and state governments (as well as other powerful institutions) off the hook for their egregious, cruel, careless policy approaches to this situation, which have left people to fend for themselves and try to make decisions under the most duress they’ve ever experienced in their lives.

The first girl caught COVID while living in a multi-roommate apartment at university (her roommates later also tested positive, which is unsurprising if you’re ever seen student housing) — then she self-quarantined, tried to recover, and ONLY travelled home to visit her family after she had started testing negative again (her family did not get sick). What could she have done better? Magically been able to afford a single apartment?

The young man who died, Jaquan Anderson, his mother was a healthcare worker, but he was living with other relatives to make sure he wouldn’t be in contact with her while attending school, and then he still he got sick. What could he have done better, exactly? Does it sound like he didn’t care?

Most of the articles on the other student athletes mention that members of their teams also tested positive — does that sound like it’s on them individually, or like it could be a sign of a serious problem in the prevention protocols being used for university sports? What would have been the “responsible” choice for them? To refuse to play the sport that they probably rely on to cover their tuition via scholarships? What better choices could they have made, within the situations these institutions set up for them?

These people ARE trying. Most Americans ARE trying. They ARE doing the best they can in their situations, with limited power and a lot of stress.

We need to stop asking why people won’t just “smarten up” and be responsible, and start asking why the government is abdicating its responsibility for public health in this crisis onto the shoulders of random young people.


Louder for the jerks in the back.


Merry Christmas @always-in-a-blue-moon!!! This is part of @msaholidayspirits 2020 gift exchange. I guess I’d call these, “If I wasn’t alone.” So, as per usual, when I try for something fluffy I end up with something closer to hurt/comfort. To be clear, there is zero ship intent here, but when I was looking through your AUs and reading about your OC, this idea popped into my head. As far as I can tell, Ghost!Arthur and Lena do not seem to inhabit the same universe (I could be wrong, but that’s what I gleaned, I’m not a part of Amibo). But I wondered what it would be like if Ghost Character A happened to be nearby when Ghost Character B died. What if neither of them was alone when first coming to terms with their new state? So I ended up drawing, first, Ghost!Arthur being there for Lena, very tentatively and cautiously given how brutal her death was. Then, Lena being there for Ghost!Arthur, a lot more huggy given Arthur’s initial anxiety and disorientation. Also some people like sketchy style, so I included first draft sketches. Poke me if you want the original files emailed over! You have a lovely OC there and she was fun to draw. =)

Oh my gosh!! I love it so much!

You put so much thought into this, and I am so impressed and grateful. I really needed this today, thank you!

A Road-stop Diner Date

Happy Holidays everyone! I was so excited to participate in @msaholidayspirits msa Secret Santa event! Here is my gift for @paprik-a-art, who is an amazing artist! Go check them out!

The gang has stopped at a road-side diner for a dinner date together! Mystery is absent because dogs aren’t usually allowed in diners, so I made the diner Mystery colors. Anyways, I hope you like it!


Someone said "Are you really so stupid to think that Africa has the same technological advances as us? If they did they would probably have clean water and not live in houses made of sticks and mud. Get over yourself and stop being so ignorant."..... Below is a tiny collection of images of the Africa they refuse to show you..


I’m sorry you’ve been made to believe that the whole of Africa is poor, I really am..

Reblogging for those of you who think Africa is only what the media and movies portrays it to be

This fucks me up because it’s scary to think that we can be showed something all our lives and not even know it’s a lie

And that my friend is the power of propaganda, indoctrination, and media

Are these pictures of South Africa or of Africa as a whole? 

@the-collecting-turnip From top to bottom:

1. Port Elizabeth (South Africa)

2. Unknown

3. Nairobi (Kenya)

4. Pretoria (South Africa)

5. Aburi Botanical Gardens (Ghana)

6. Cape Town (South Africa)

7. Pretoria (South Africa)

8. Harare (Zimbabwe)

9. Windhoek (Namibia)

10. Windhoek (Namibia)

To @kushandwizdom this is a rather unfair portrayal of Africa as a whole since half of these are literally just South Africa.  So Instead to add to this post and better dispel the myth of Africa as the vast wasteland of poverty most people think, I found a much more mixed collection of pics from various countries.

Luanda, Angola

Agadir, Morocco

Lagos, Nigeria

Cairo, Egypt

Port Louis, Mauritius

Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

Algiers, Algeria

Tripoli, Libya

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Tunis, Tunisia

So, there, a much better case demonstrating the various major cities around Africa showing it isn’t some technologically backwards continent, but actually pretty up-and-coming in the world of commerce.


I once was talking to my Ethiopian manager about ignorant people asking her dumb shit about her life before she moved to the states…

the worst story she told me about was when she told a fellow student (at a fairly prestigious university) about a concert she went to back home. The other student responded with “omg you have music there!?” 🤦🏾‍♀️


Rebloging, because we need to see these pictures. 

As for stupid questions: “do you have grocery stores in Ecuador?”


These are great!

A redneck neighbor once asked my mom (in the 80s) if they had cars in Peru. Sigh.

This is the product of poor world history in school & little current affairs coverage outside Western Europe, except for catastrophes, so all we see are the war torn, poverty stricken, disaster-affected parts on the news. And racism, of course.

I bet most Americans who think that African countries are just completely poverty stricken have no idea what the US looks like in its poorest areas, not everywhere in the US is nice suburbs or unrealistically large apartments on tv

Los Angeles, California

Hartford, Connecticut

New Orleans, Louisiana

Camden, New Jersey

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

McDowell County, West Virginia

Flint, Michigan

Washington, D.C.


Do you see the world as it is, or as someone told you it is?

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