
The Dark in Your Room

@darkinyourroom / darkinyourroom.tumblr.com

True crime. Odd deaths. Existential crises. Unsolved mysteries. Missing children. Sideshow attractions. Cold cases. Abandoned places.
Anonymous asked:

Wait there was fecal matter in her stomach? Was she forced to swallow it or something? Btw good luck with your masters! What is it in if I may ask?

That’s the assumption. 

And thank you. It’s in criminal justice/law enforcement administration.


I’ve been MIA (started my masters degree), but you will hopefully see some original content from me in the coming weeks. Feel free to suggest any cases of interest.


Have you come across the Dahlia autopsy report? I can't find it anywhere. Also, what do you think of Steve Hodel's theory?


I don’t recall seeing the autopsy report, I think the information I’ve seen (such as the fecal matter in her stomach, etc) has come from books about the murder.

In regards to Hodel, I don’t personally believe that he was the killer. Though, to be fair, I also could not definitively point out another person as the killer.


William Edward Hickman was broke and apparently needed $1500 to attend Bible College. His solution was to kidnap and hold for ransom 12-year-old Marion Parker in December of 1946. Marion was the daughter of a prominent banker and Hickman, calling himself “The Fox”, demanded a ransom of $7500.

Hickman arranged that he would meet her father to hand over the money and set Marion free. He had Marion wrapped in a blanket bundle in his car which he said he would leave further up the road.

Once Mr. Parker handed over the money, Hickman sped off leaving behind Marion as promised. When Mr. Parker went to his daughter, he discovered she was already dead. She had been strangled, disemboweled and her limbs had been severed.

Hickman was caught and tried for murder. His tried to plea insanity to no avail. He was found guilty and hanged at San Quentin in October 1928.


Satanic Mother Juanita Gomez

In August 2016, local people asked authorities to check on 50 year old Juanita Gomez. Upon arrival they were horrified by what they saw. Gomez’s 33 year old daughter Geneva Gomez was found dead with a crucifix shoved down her throat.

Juanita was instantly arrested, she claims that her daughter was ‘possessed by the devil’ and pushed the crucifix down her throat until she saw blood. There was swelling and bruising on Geneva’s knuckles, in which Juanita claimed she was fighting Satan. After the murder, Geneva’s corpse was placed in a crucifix position and washed.


Who killed Amy Yates?

Amy Yates (8) was a sweet, popular girl in the trailer park where she lived in Carrolton, Georgia. On the late afternoon of April 26th, 2004, she asked her parents permission to ride her bike to a house in the neighborhood to deliver some invitations to her birthday party. But she never came back.

After 7 pm, her mother went out looking for her and some neighbors and kids started helping. Soon, her bike was found parked between two empty trailers. It was then when police got involved, and found her three hours later. Amy was dead, lying in a ditch, with heavy bruising in her chest and neck which indicated she’d been strangled. Her pants were unzipped, but she hadn’t been sexually assaulted.

Police focused their attention on the boys of the trailer park, particularly in one called Johnathon Adams, a friend of Amy’s that was 12 years old at the time and had a reputation for being a troublemaker. They took him to the station and started interrogating him without his parents or a lawyer present, and after a while, Johnathon told him he had accidentally killed Amy while playing with her in the woods. His story didn’t really match the crime scene: he said they’d been running and he had bumped into Amy, pushing her accidentally in the ditch. But despite that, and the fact he recanted his confession once his parents were allowed to talk to him, police charged him with Amy’s murder.

Johnathon was convicted of the crime and because he was only 12 years old and at the time the maximum penalty for kids under 13 was two years, he was sent to a juvenile detention and later to a rehabilitation center. The short sentence enraged Amy’s parents, who pushed for the creation of a law that would allow courts to extend the sentence of children convicted of murder until 21 years old.

And then, a twist. In 2006, Chris Gossett, another friend of Amy’s that lived in the house she was going to visit the day she was murdered, confessed to killing her. Chris had been 16 when Amy was attacked, and he was known in the area as a “gentle giant”: he was 6′5′’, but was mentally disabled. He confessed he had taken Amy to the woods to have sex with her, and that’s why he had unzipped her pants, but hadn’t done anything beyond that. He gave police a few other details that matched the crime scene, but they refused to take him seriously. A psychiatrist that evaluated him said it wasn’t possible for him to remember details from two years prior and they thought he had just created a story according to what he had heard around.

Eventually, the DA decided to bring both boys to a grand jury with all their evidence and let them make a decision. They ended up exonerating Johnathon and charging Chris with manslaughter, but those charges were later dropped, leaving this case unsolved.


Abandoned Resort in Mata de São João, Bahia, Brazil [OC] [2048x1530]


New Jersey, 1984: One attraction at the Six Flags Great Adventure amusement park was the Haunted Castle. It was a rambling structure made up of several buildings and different materials and its fire system had not been in working order since the late 1970s. One day in May, as one story goes, a young teenager tried to light his way through the entrance of the castle by using a cigarette lighter. He stumbled and the flame made contact with the flammable walls and soon the whole place was ablaze. Others believe that the fire was purposely set by someone with emotional issues. Regardless of the way the fire started, It was chaos as patrons and employees fought to make their way out and find friends and family. Initially, it was believed that everyone has made it out safely and that there were no fatalities. However, once the firefighters finished their search, a total of eight bodies had been found. The victims ranged in age from 15 to 18. The park faced steep penalties and court battles for their lack of safety standards and ended up paying large sums of money to the victims' families. The Haunted Castle fire is often cited among the worst amusement park disasters/accidents ever.


On March 29th, 1995, Deanna Cremin (17) called her mother to let her know she wouldn’t make it home in time for her 10 pm curfew, but shortly after. She was studying at the house of her boyfriend, Tommy LeBlanc, who lived fairly close to her in Sommerville, Massachusetts.

But by midnight, Deanna hadn’t arrived home. Her mother tried paging her, with no results. She believed that the teenager had ended up staying over at her boyfriend’s and was planning to give her a lecture when she showed up the next day. But instead, on the morning of March 30th, the partially naked body of Deanna was found in the back of a senior housing complex, barely a block away from her house. She had been strangled.

It’s been over 21 years since Deanna’s murder and the identity of her killer remains a mystery, despite police saying every year that they are close to solving the case. Since the start, there have been three persons of interest in the case. One was a local firemen who, according to Deanna’s friends, had become interested in her, despite being twenty years older. Another is an unidentified man in his 40s (at the time) that was seeing by some witness in the area where Deanna was found, around the time of the murder.

The third person of interest is, of course, the boyfriend, Tommy. He claimed that the night of the 29th, he walked Deanna halfway to her house and left. Deanna’s family, however, has said this is odd, since he always walked her right to her door and then called her when he got back home. Yet that night he didn’t call. According to an article I found in the Boston Globe, two months after Deanna’s murder, Tommy’s mother got a restraining order against him, claiming that he had mood swings and bad temper after his girlfriend’s death.

None of these men have ever been charged and the case remains unsolved. 

Anonymous asked:

I dont think the kid killed his baby sister. I think the mother did it prior and is blaming her son

I assume you're referencing the Kathleen Steele case. I can't say that it would surprise me. However, after immersing myself in so much true crime and learning about the depths of depravity humans can reach, I also wouldn't be shocked if it definitely was the 6 year old. Either way, that family has clear and terrible problems.

Anonymous asked:

My family was poisoned by motorola in scotsdale AZ. Tons of her friends have died and us second generation are struggling. I'm near house bound. I'm not the only kid of the original kids poisoned by the ground water to get sick. Can u do a post on it

I will do some research. Thanks for the idea and I'm sorry about your suffering.

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