


air dominant

fuck your stellium tell me your dominant signs planets and aspects

mine's moon and mars, aquarius and sagittarius, and venus is the most aspected planet in my chart talk about people pleaser haha 😆😂😭


dominant planets (in order); mercury, sun, moon

dominant signs( in order); aquarius, aries, taurus-gemini

most aspected planet; jupiter if i count minor aspects too, if i don't both mercury and jupiter have 6 aspects


My favorite Aries Venus!!! I'm just here to remind you how powerful, out-standing and fantastic you are! Never forget that and please, keep that spark of you🧡 Your vibes are absolutely brighty and shinny. Sending you lots of love and hugs!


my fellow aqua moon<33

you're always so kind to everyone. always trying to hype us up. i adore you❤️

-cancer placements and “manipulation”-
based on my own experience. the person I'm referring to has cancer moon&mars

cancer placements know what you need to hear to trick you into doing what they want, at least this person was like this. being manipulative is a pattern of actions, not just this. a manipulative person really needs help, can destroy others and themselve too. it's not just a placement.


i ended a relationship that was too toxic. i feel empty and sad now but i know it's for good.


astrology opinion

lilith in 1st/5th/8th is an indicator of people who usually are sexualised by others. their appearance or behaviour are easily misunderstood and seem as their "asking" for this sexualisation. (ofc this is unacceptable)
lilith in 3rd individuals sometimes they may talking to someone and boom the person they're talking starts talking sexually from nowhere. also people feel comfortable to talk to this individuals for themes related to sex.

so i just took this u quiz called - which y/n stereotype are you?

i just want to say e x c u s e m e???? i-i-i didnt come here to get called out damn fuck off


Guess my cardinal dominance and mars-asc conjunction take the lead... And @notanastrologer hahahahahahahaha yours is cool lmao


venus trine pluto and mars square venus be kicking in


the stereotype tauruses are always eating is definitely not true. something that isn't mentioned enough is that taurus placements lot of times are struggling with food. lot of tauruses can't eat enough or they're eating too much.

chiron square ascendant brings a lot of wounds regard to physical appearance, body and self image.
chiron conjuct ascendant had early traumas in their life, during childhood. may been bullied at school or lived in an abused environment.
chiron opposition ascendant have a hard time accepting who they are and accepting thier past.

saturn in 4th may have been forced to became adults and mature sooner due to their difficult household life. their parents may had them at older age as well.

something small about virgo in each house

in 1st; overwhelmed by the details.
in 2nd; rarely spending money because nothing is good enough or wastes money for nothing
in 3rd; delivering a perfect speech.
in 4th; being very picky about your home or apartment.
in 5th; getting pleasure from taking care of the body.
in 6th; liking food to be prepared in a specific way.
in 7th; keeping a list of desirable traits that the partner should have.
in 8th; wanting a hygienic partner.
in 9th; foreign travel is the life’s work.
in 10th; gaining a reputation for doing everything perfectly.
in 11th; criticizing friends.
in 12th; skeptical of ghosts and paranormal activity.

why do i look like this? your ascendant persona chart has the answer. look your rising (aspects, degree) and if there are any 1st house planets. don't forget to check your genetics as well.

aquarius in 12th express their creativity through internet. they may keep their accounts aesthetic and they are known for it or they are well-known in an application.

aquarius and pisces energy in a chart tend to have beautiful handwrite.

sun square moon. the inner conflicts. it's always like i want to do sky diving but i'm afraid of heights.
both sun square/opposite moon can considered two faced by others. individual can feel two personalities fighting its other.

gemini placements are mimicking others so well.

taurus placements especially rising and venus are the type of people who remember smells. they smell smt and then say "i'm sure i have smelt this before" and then they waste 10 minutes try to think where they have smelt this.

arguing with someone who has mars in 3rd is incredible difficult. these mfs have an answer for everything. i'm these mfs lmao.

12th house stellium or heavy 12th house placements they can often be exploited because of their excessive kindness and empathy for others.

pluto-asc/ pluto-chart ruler/ scorpio asc/ pluto in 1st have really intense eyesight. once a friend of mine told me "i feel like you're staring at my soul" and i live by that.

having gemini venus in ascendant persona chart can indicate you're seen as someone who have many hoes, even you have noone tho.

saturn in 7th are usually hard to commit because of their fear of strong developed feelings.

i consider eros is a compose of venus and mars (my post for eros in signs/houses)

lilith with 11th house influence may be unhealthily jealous of their female friends, scorpio moon may do the same.

scorpio/pluto influence in venus means pain and pleasure all in once because of the super intense emotions. exposing myself one more time in this post

leo and gemini energy in a chart are the type in arguments say the most logical things. eg. my sister has leo stellium (sun, mercury, venus) and gemini rising. you can't argue with her. she always knows what she must say during the argument. she also has libra mars.

men with cancer placements are either very respectful to women or not at all. a guy i know has cancer moon+mars and is really respectful. you must be respectful to women if you don't cancer placements as well.

a love letter

placements i have been loved<3

leo venus; ok but this one hurts a little. you don't know what real love means if you have never being loved by a leo venus. you can't understand how intense they are. the way the look into your eyes, their tight hugs every time you get separated. the way they try to protect you. it's a real bless being loved by them. but don't hurt them. please don't hurt them. their soul doesn't deserve to be hurt. it's funny how they can't hate you even you hurted them. they can't do it because their love is real. maybe they'll ignore you, pretend they hate you but they don't. for all my leo venuses out there you're amazing and you deserve all the love of the world.

libra venus; to be honest i don't even know if he ever loved me but i have to say what i have felt during this. they make you feel so damn good by just talking to them. they always know what they have to say for making you feel more comfortable, more confident. they give you all of their attention. they make you feel like you're the one. you'll miss them if you stop interact with them. somehow you'll miss them. but they are an air venus right? let them flow as they need. if they really want you they'll come back. trust me they always come back if they really need you.

venus-saturn; oh. they never show how much they love you. never ever. but you can understand it from their actions. always telling you your flows, always talk to you about things you should fix for you own good. maybe sometimes are more cold and discipline than they should. maybe sometimes they can't take love and affection. but don't worry when they love you, you understand it. when you love them they understand it too.

placements i have and how people have experienced my love

aquarius moon; "i think she doesn't even love me" words from my sister, the person i love the most. i think i really do. you don't know how hard we love. you don't know. because we don't show doesn't mean we don't. we feel uncomfortable showing feelings, everyone know that. let's have a secret together okay? if an aquarius moon talks to you everyday immediately understand that they have feelings for you. i don't mean they love you particularly. maybe is just an obsession - don't forget aquarius is fixed sign - but obsession is still a feeling right? i can't remember anyone who i answered everyday without having a type of feelings for them.

moon-pluto; that's why i feel every emotion ten times more than the others. being loved by this placement means intense feelings, possessiveness, obsessiveness and lot of fun. we really getting attached easily. so if a moon-pluto individual loves you be ready for a clingy partner. but this clingy partner needs to have the power in the relationship. they just do. they're generally bossy so they're bossy in relationships too. maybe their fear that the person they love can find someone better terrifies them. be sensual with them.

- signs
2 groups of signs
  1. masculine signs -> aries, gemini, leo, libra, sagittarius, aquarius. characterized by extroversion, energy, action and aggression
  2. feminine signs -> taurus, cancer, virgo, scorpio, capricorn, pisces. characterized by magnetism, receptivity, introversion and sentimentality

some modern astrologers do not accept or support this distinction because it is associated with implied sexism

3 groups of signs

based on the quality

  1. cardinal signs -> aries, cancer, libra, capricorn. social signs, extroverted but also impatient
  2. fixed signs -> taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius. signs patient, active and stubborn
  3. mutable signs -> gemini, virgo, sagittarius, pisces. signs flexible, vulnerable and easily change
4 groups of signs

based on the element

  1. fire signs -> aries, leo, sagittarius. characterized by leadership skills, intense action and enthusiasm
  2. earth signs -> taurus, virgo, capricorn. characterized by practical spirit, organization skills and stability.
  3. air signs -> gemini, libra, aquarius. characterized by sociability, communicative skills and spiritual energy
  4. water signs -> cancer, scorpio, pisces. characterized by intenese emotion, intuition and psychological deepening
6 groups of signs

based on the polarity

  1. aries - libra
  2. taurus - scorpio
  3. gemini - sagittarius
  4. cancer - capricorn
  5. leo - aquarius
  6. virgo - pisces
- planets
signs - ruled planets
  1. aries -> mars
  2. taurus, libra -> venus
  3. gemini, virgo -> mercury
  4. cancer -> moon
  5. leo -> sun
  6. scorpio -> pluto
  7. sagittarius -> jupiter
  8. capricorn -> saturn
  9. aquarius -> uranus
  10. pisces -> neptune
inner vs outer planets
  1. inner planets -> sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars. biggest effect on us
  2. outer planets -> jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto. don't effect us much, the house they are located is more important

Sun; ego, the power of existence and the spirit, the creativity, the energy of the body, the will for life

Moon; expresses our emotions and our inner world. is our psyche, behavior, sensitivity

Mercury; communication, travel, education, spiritual cultivation, mental stimuli, common sense, persuasion

Venus; the way we love, human relationships, cooperation, coexistence, our harmonious relationship with others

Mars; militancy, will to act and impose, pride, sexual desire, leadership ability, anger

Jupiter; optimism, morals, wisdom, philosophy, luck, growth, expansion, abundance

Saturn; structure, law, restriction, discipline, responsibility, obligation, ambition

Uranus; eccentricity, unpredictable changes, rebellion, reformation

Neptune; dreams, intuition, mysticism, imagination, delusions

Pluto; transformation, power, death, rebirth, evolution

- houses

1st house; first impression, physical appearance and body, self, approach to thoughts and acts

2nd house; self-esteem, financies, approach to money, values

3rd house; all forms of communication (writing, talking etc.) siblings, neighbors, local travels

4th house; home, mother, family, femininity, nurturing, your own mother abilities

5th house; love, children, creativity, self-expression, romance, drama

6th house; health, pets, organization, work habits, diet and exercise

7th house; relationships, marriage, personal or business partnerships, enemies

8th; birth, death, sex, transformation, mysteries, power, intimacy, money

9th house; higher mind, long-distance travels, philosophy, optimism, foreign languages

10th house; career, reputation, public image, father, boundaries, discipline

11th house; community, friends, teams, rebellion, technology, astronomy, astrology

12th house; spirituality, endings, subconscious, addictions, hidden part of the yourself

- aspects
major aspects
  1. conjunction -> angle of 0° (orb. 0-10°) the most intense aspect, can be harmonious and non harmonious
  2. opposition -> angle of 180° (orb. 5-9°) harsh
  3. trine -> angle of 120° (orb 5-9°) harmonious
  4. square -> angle of 90° (orb. 5-9°) difficult with a lot of tense
  5. sextile -> angle of 60° (orb. 4-6°) harmonious with some work
minor aspects
  1. semi-square -> angle of 45° (orb. 1-2°)
  2. semi-sextile -> angle of 30° (orb. 1-2°)
  3. sesquis-square -> angle of 135° (orb. 1-2°)
  4. quincunx -> angle of 150° (orb. 1-2°)

12th house and our hidden self

Sun: Individual expresses their personality when they are alone, feels comfortable and is themselves through an ascetic life or work and offering help as a doctor in a hospital, nursing home, etc. Person is interested in developing any topic that interests them away from the spotlight and publicity. Is a sensitive person and suffers from the pain of fellow people, offers as much as they can to alleviate this pain, gives so much to others to self-sacrifice.

Moon: The moon in this house makes individual in great need of isolation and calm to harmonize with themselves. Has a lively imagination and great intuition and their emotional world is very sensitive. Individual's sociability is reduced and they can express their talents away from the crowd. Is intensely aware of human suffering and cares to help those who suffer, kindness and compassion lead them to offer their soul to those in need.

Mercury: Mercury in the 12th house, makes communication skills and uninterrupted expressive ability difficult. Mercury in this house communicates with intuition, receives telepathic impressions and expresses themselves without clarity. Individual is excellent at revealing secrets and can keep them forever. Individual is secretive and avoids talking about their plans. Restricts communication with the world for fear that they may not be able to understand them, which frustrates and tires them mentally.

Venus: Venus in 12th is in a very good position, finds the ability to love and deeply feels the value and greatness of love. Individual has a disposition to offer selfless love. In their emotional life can make real concessions and give everything to those who loves. Individual is ready to take care of their own suffering people but to donate wholeheartedly to charities. The tension is relieved by offering selfless love and forgiveness and since it does not hurt anyone it can be free from guilt and unpleasant feelings.

Mars: Individual works with a strong inner dynamism that if channeled into a positive activity can make people defend and protect the weak and afflicted. Makes a good psychologist, nurse, detective, etc. because it can penetrate and detect what is hidden in the subconscious and behind the external image we all see. Can release their dynamism and momentum in art and charity, in which they're helped by a strong will to help and support.

Jupiter: Individual has good relationships with themselves and others. Has rich emotions and inner life. Does not feel comfortable working with a lot of people and in a lot of noise. Finds happiness in silence, quiet and loneliness. Is benevolent with rich philanthropic work and never tires of generously offering help to others. Has no repulsions or passions, does not hold evil and knows how to forgive. Is aware that true wealth is not in matter, but the essence of life is in spiritual development and inner wealth.

Saturn: Their moral values ​​are strong and well-established and feels anxious for fear of losing control of themselves. Childhood was very difficult with many traumatic experiences. Experienced a cruel and painful guardianship or was deprived of parental presence. Has accumulated a lot of bitterness inside them and now comes out not appreciating themselves feeling that life is full of difficulties and sufferings and it is very tiring for them to lift its weight.

Uranus: Seeks their own truth in the world of their unconscious. Is curious to know themselves through various processes. Can observe their dreams and try to explain them. Can look for the three levels of their soul with the help of a psychologist or become a psychiatrist themselves. Challenges the principles given to them by their family and tries to become independent from the past, to discover their own path, to believe in their own ideals. Considers it clichéd and outdated they been taught in the past.

Neptune: The dream world is very important to the individual with Neptune in this house. Dreams may be achievable or utopian but they correspond to the voice and images of their unconscious. Has a deep awareness of pain and wants to offer, for the relief of people who are suffering. Has great intuitive abilities to the extent that is guided by some invisible forces to find the essence of life.

Pluto: Individual inner strength is enormous and can penetrate to the depths of their soul despite the fear it causes him in order to discover what is hidden in their soul. The elimination of selfishness and the offering of selfless love to fellow human beings is what will help this human being to exorcise the demons that afflict them. Has a strong imagination and keeps the secret that will be entrusted to them until their grave.

disclaimer; if you don't have any planet here look at the ruler of the sign you have in this house

your mercury sign at its best...

aries: makes decisions easily and quickly, eloquent and accurate in what you say, pioneering views and you have the persuasion to promote them, honest af, super funny too, you want honesty to prevail in all forms of communication

taurus: firm in your views, you seek ideas not only in theory but also in practice, your speech has weight so others take you seriously, through speech you calm others, instead of saying something that he are not sure about you prefer not to say anything

gemini: intelligent person who learns quickly and seeks knowledge, endless humor, others do not get bored when they hang out with you, show others all the perspectives of a subject, behind your words, many wisdoms are often hidden

cancer: excellent memory, learn through experiences, you can understand others deeply and you are a good listener so others tell you their deepest thoughts and secrets, can make others feel intimacy, warmth, sympathy

leo: the right person to promote ideas no matter how grandiose, very creative and everything expresses you artistically, have a way of making people around you feel strong, optimistic, but also confident and you do this very easily, in the way you express yourself in every communication

virgo: person extremely cerebral with intense observation and critical thinking, notice first of all the smallest or insignificant details, you manage to make others see things differently, more logically and more lightly

libra: you can make others laugh, have fun, become the soul of the company, social and communicative and bring out politeness and elegance in the way you express yourself, you know what you have to say to get what you want

scorpio: can speak in silence or with a glance, authentic in what you express, you think more than you say and in fact no one can know exactly what you have in mind, your words are penetrating, evoking emotions and putting others in thoughts

sagittarius: the way you communicate is characterized by enthusiasm and honesty, you want to renew your knowledge, travel and get in touch with people of different views, beliefs or culture, open-minded

capricorn: words to you mean nothing if they are not accompanied by evidence or deeds, committed to realistic goals, your steps may be slow, but they are methodical and you are making steady progress, serious, philosophical way of thinking and communicating

aquarius: extremely agile and have ingenious ideas, you seek to associate with people who have something unconventional or are special, your theories are based on the concepts of humanity, equality and freedom, you can shock others with your speech

pisces: you try in every way not to offend or hurt others with your words, you show compassion and you have empathy, you are very good listeners and do not try to impose your own opinions, you have imagination and art is a means to express yourself when you find no other way to do it

and at its worst...

aries: you do not think before you express your thoughts as a result of which you often get involved in misunderstandings, many may describe you as aggressive or rude because of your raw honesty and caustic humor, can take very personally something that will be said and react strongly

taurus: it is difficult for someone to convince you otherwise or change your mind, Stick to the views you have formed, which are quite conservative and you usually reject anything eccentric, unusual or bolder

gemini: you are easily influenced by others and can easily change your mind, you get bored quickly and generally difficult something can keep your interest undiminished, characteristic feature is the talkativeness which sometimes becomes chatter

cancer: you find it difficult to judge situations objectively, the phobias, insecurities and repulsions of the past may affect your judgment and sabotage your thinking, you are quite defensive

leo: you express what you think and in an imposing and dramatic way, you tend to take criticism very personally, you almost always think that you are right and that your point of view is correct and you will rarely admit your mistakes

virgo: it is often possible to complain that you are doing all the work or to complain when something is not perfect and as you want, your perfectionism can make you critical and stressful, sometimes your words have no emotion

libra: you find it difficult to take responsibility for a final decision, your concern about "what people will say" can make you say what others want to hear and suppress your true thoughts, will also conditionally tell lies

scorpio: your subjective way of perceiving things can affect your judgment and make you suspicious, secretive or even obsessive, if you are wronged or they lie to you then you become very vindictive especially with your words that in such cases cut like a knife

sagittarius: too often you avoid anything difficult or unpleasant, resulting in you being described as a fugitive or having difficulty dealing with certain situations with the severity required, you always insist on becoming yours

capricorn: you may find it difficult to express yourself openly or spontaneously, with the result that you lose to some extent the essential and deep communication with those around you, you tend to see more obstacles and limitations than opportunities and possibilities, you may become overly strict or harsh and disapprove of others

aquarius: you become abrupt, explosive, but also quite revolutionary, it is difficult to convince of anything other than what you believe, you try to persuade others to follow what you believe many times

pisces: you find it difficult to express your thoughts and ideas directly and clearly, vagueness and inconsistency in your beliefs can often cause confusion and misunderstanding, very often you are abstract, you forget important details


chiron: how trauma occurs in your life

- in 1st: In a way the wounds become visible to others, either in the way the person is presented outwardly or in relation to appearance or even health issues. Trauma can occur either emotionally, mentally or physically. Sometimes you feel inadequate in relation to your personality or even your body. You may magnify in your mind the problem of a defect which you may have as a physical characteristic, e.g. that you don't have the perfect body proportions and to consider that this imperfection is the reason why others reject you. Usually the trauma has started from your childhood. You may have been neglected or marginalized in your family environment. You learn to survive by satisfying others and not yourself. Many times the your identification with the injured therapist is particularly visible, as you assume the "role" of the therapist towards family and friends and can lead to the decision to make a career as a therapist (doctor, nurse, psychologist, etc.). It is a childhood trauma that is always obvious, it stays there deep inside you growing up. Sometimes in the course of your life you learn to hide or cover it, but you don't disappear it.

- in 2nd: Somehow in your life you may have felt insecure in your home or you may have experienced something that threatened it's existence. Of course, the sign in which Chiron is, could show how the trauma came about. A Pisces Chiron, for example, may indicate a parent who has had an addiction (eg, alcohol), is away from home, or has his or her own psychological issues. Many times the problems have been created due to an unstable financial situation or a financial disaster. Insecurities can be emotional in nature or even financial in nature. You may feel helpless and unprotected mainly inside. Many times you may not have experienced tenderness and felt that you didn't deserve to be loved. Thus you grow up with low self-esteem, feeling unable to properly evaluate yourself and completely insecure, both in your relationships and in your values. You may be trying to control your physical condition in an almost neurotic way. Many times you end up on the opposite. That is, you begin to develop self-destructive tactics, both financially and in terms of health and fitness. Even in your relationships, you follow either the pattern of possessiveness and control, fearing not to lose the object of your desire or show a completely detached attitude, so as not to become emotionally attached and in the process get hurt if the relationship does not go well.

- in 3rd: Chiron here shows traumatic situations and difficulties in matters concerning communication, in the expression of speech orally and in writing. You may have difficulty expressing or communicating with your environment or feel that your voice is not "heard". Usually two different approaches are observed with the specific position of Chiron. Either you have a square logic, you trust only your mind and thoughts having a complete distance from his emotion or you express only with instinct and emotion without any logical approach. Sometimes this position is also associated with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Thus the trauma can be born even in the period of preschool age. This position may indicate a different way of perceiving things, a different way of thinking that may be innovative, but instead of rejoicing that you have an unconventional and different way of thinking, you're often afraid that these differences from others they will isolate you.

- in 4th: With Chiron in the 4th house, the trauma seems to be born in the family environment or by people who played an important role in the period of your development in your childhood. Somehow the house failed to be the safe harbor that you need to feel fullness and security inside. In some cases, one parent may have been absent, either because he or she died, or because the parents divorced, or because he or she was present who was substantially distant emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. The result in these scenarios is that you actually struggle to feel that you "belong" somewhere. And whenever something shakes up family issues (usually love affairs are what shake these traumas) to feel intense despair or utter loneliness. Many times this position shows either addictive stressful relationships or avoiding relationships in order to avoid a trauma like the one you experienced as a child. So in your personal life, even if you're in a difficult or abusive relationship, you find it difficult to separate. It may still be difficult for you to set boundaries. Because it is a very "sensitive" position, you may have a natural talent to "catch" the wounds of others. This means that you can become an excellent healer of others. By offering healing to others you heal yourself.

- in 5th: Somehow you may hide or be afraid to expose your talents because you're afraid of being accepted by others. You are afraid of being rejected in love, you're afraid to rejoice, to have fun, to play, to be yourself. It is always like judging yourself harshly and never allowing yourself to relax. Maybe in your childhood you faced rejection when you tried to express your creativity. Or maybe one of the hobbies or the ones you did, did not find acceptance from your family environment. For example, you may have wanted to get a tattoo because it symbolized something about your adolescence, this was reprehensible to the family. Or you may have grown up in a harsh environment where play, sports, carelessness were considered a waste of time. This in the process becomes a trauma that follows you in your later life. You may be afraid to show your creative work, talent, if you don't first make sure that they will not make fun of you or accept you warmly. A rejection of a flirtation in adolescence may even have left its mark on your heart. Many times the position of Chiron is associated with difficulties in obtaining offspring and usually the reasons are deeply psychological. It is as if there is a connection with your childhood and especially in the case of a woman - who may not have felt safe, protected and cared for at an early age - her subconscious may say that it is not safe to give birth to a child.

- in 6th: Chiron in the 6th house indicates an injury that may be related to a health problem, either of the person during your childhood or of a family member who may have had to be cared for. Perhaps because of this illness (especially if it was a parent) you had to take on disproportionate responsibilities for your shoulders. Sometimes it can show that due to the hard work of the parents you were deprived of their presence for several hours during the day.Usually, the problems that you face in the course of your life have a lot to do with the concept of responsibility, work environment and health issues. Maybe from a young age you were forced, instead of enjoying the carelessness of youth, to have to work, maybe you followed your parents in family work or some other job, in order to contribute to the family expenses. As a result, you acquire a stifling sense of responsibility even in old age and is afraid of losing control in everyday life, almost never relaxing. Instead, you burden yourself with the responsibilities of even others at work, finding a host of reasons. So the fear of losing control begins to incarnate many times and mental or physical health to suffer. On the other hand, there can be a perfectionism to such an extent that you refuse to do something for fear that it will not be perfect. You may don't like surprises, you want everything in your environment to be in an order as you have it in your mind and you rejoice when there are no unpredictability in your daily life. Many times, especially if you grew up with some health sensitivity, you can acquire obsessions with perfect diet and exercise. In the opposite direction you can help others to acquire healthier eating and exercise habits and you to skip your own.

- in 7th: Chiron in the 7th house can show an environment of disharmony between your parents or the people who may have raised you. This is how you begin your life with a rather problematic picture of relationships with the opposite sex, which until you mature and work more in this area either prevent you from having a relationship or even feel that you are not worth a good relationship. Many times you try with your choices to reproduce the conditions that prevailed in your family. So if in your hildhood or adolescence may have experienced a divorce or quarrel and tension in your home, your image of marriage or relationships may be your own wound. It may even be difficult for you to make the decision to get married or start a family, because there is an inward fear that you will relive the same disharmony you experienced then. Or you may be afraid that something will happen and your relationship will be ruined. Thus, you may enter into the relationship with a lack of trust and suspicion or you experience the relationship somewhat distant and cold, so as not to be hurt in the future if something happens. The result is that your partner feels neglected, feels this distance and can actually leave the relationship or marriage. Thus you confirm your phobias, although what you acted from the beginning was in fact your subconscious, which undermined the relationship from the first moment. Another manifestation of Chiron's position in the 7th house is to attract into your life people who themselves carry a personal trauma or an incurable wound, whether it appears on a psychological, spiritual or physical level. Your need to be loved, to be accompanied, is so intense that many times you can beautify things in order not to see the truth of a relationship. Many times, too, the fear of rejection or loneliness leads you to serve the needs of others to the detriment of your own needs.

- in 8th: A trauma, which is born out of deep emotional relationships with others or shows a trauma related to a loss or even a traumatic sexual experience. And although it is a difficult position, on the other hand it is considered the best position if you want to become a therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist or surgeon. In your childhood or adolescence you may have experienced the loss of a loved one or even a beloved pet, which left deep marks on your soul. This early contact with the greatest truth of our lives, which is decay and death, it is true that at a tender age it is more deeply imprinted and plays a catalytic role in our development, if not treated properly. If treated properly, then you gain enormous power knowing that it is something inevitable in our mortal state and helps you overcome your phobias. If not treated properly, then it can develop several phobias, which of course are under the umbrella of this supreme phobia of death. You can be valuable to others because you know how to guide them on the paths of the subconscious and help them overcome their own fears. It is the position of the "shaman", you can possess almost magical healing properties in your hands. When you know and have experienced "pain", you can recognize it in others and help them overcome it or learn to live with it without negative consequences in their lives. With this position there can be a fear of abandonment in your love life and this can often make them very possessive in your relationships or develop obsessions. Injuries also related to your sexuality can be found in this position.

- in 9th: Perhaps you grew up in an environment where there may have been specific political, ideological or religious beliefs, which were somehow imposed in your childhood creating a distortion in the way you see things, causing you to often lose faith in people, in life or even your optimism. You may have grown up with the notion that the world is hostile and should have been permanently suspicious of others, or that if you did the a, b, c, which deviated from his family's "morality", you would be punished by "God" and this created phobias for you. Or on the other hand, you may have isolated it if you had a different way of thinking and other beliefs. Thus, you may have experienced a tremendous sense of loneliness in your life as a vague spiritual edifice grew that could be supported. Or you may have had the feeling that nothing is going well in your life and nothing is going to come your way, sinking into the impression of an unhappy life. On the other hand, you may have had "big ideas" and expectations for yourself, but there was always or there is an agent, and usually an external one, that forbids you to implement them or go further. Possibly at some point in your life you challenged any belief or ideology if it did not meet your needs. You may, for example, have asked God for something and because what you asked for did not come, you may have felt frustrated and questioned the existence of God and abandoned your attempt to believe in something higher. Many times this position of Chiron shows traumas in relation to immigration. Your parents or ancestors may have been in a foreign country with a different cultural background or believed in a religion that was not the official state of the country to which they were forced to emigrate.

- in 10th: Another angular Chiron that deals with injuries that are born in the family environment, whether the parents are to blame or not. Our attitude towards the "world", the figures of power, is directly related to our relationship with the mother. Her own unfulfilled or unconscious ambitions may have influenced you. With Chiron in the 10th house, you may have difficulty setting clear goals or achieving them or even feel like a member of the society in which you grow up. You may change jobs one after another or pursue a variety of career paths, until later in life you find what will satisfy you completely. Again, you may find it difficult to feel respected. Sometimes you set yourself such high goals that you find it difficult to meet or any obstacle that appears to be the last, until the next obstacle comes and thus leads to failure unconsciously. Sometimes you may be forced to work in a family business that don't want. Maybe you start something and leave it along the way, starting something new. Or even helping others by supporting them at work and receiving ingratitude. This position of Chiron is statistically considered one of the most common in the horoscopes of people who have chosen as an object in their career one of the professions of Chiron. In other words, they became counselors, therapists, psychologists, astrologers, etc. It is a great position, because you have a magical way of helping others find their own place in life, their own goals and possibly the right career orientation.This does not mean, of course, that by helping others you take on their own burden. You are there as a consultant only. The responsibility lies entirely with others for how they will use your contribution to their lives. Also, you have nothing to prove to anyone but yourself.

- in 11th: With Chiron in the 11th house, your trauma may have come from a rejection either at the level of social groups or even at the level of friendships. At some point in your life, and especially at a younger age, it is as if you felt that you belonged nowhere perhaps because of your own "strange or eccentric" interests, ideas or temperament. You may have felt that others were putting "labels" on you and marginalizing you. Or on the other hand, in order for you to feel that you belong to a group and not to risk a distance, you may sacrifice your own perceptions and adopt ideologies, perceptions and beliefs, without even believing them deep inside. With this position you can develop a phobia to express your own ideas, for fear of being ridiculed by others. Sometimes you may appear to those around you as a "revolutionary", as you have your own unique way of managing things or reacting to the "system". And although you can do everything in a better way than others, this difference and your superiority can be ridiculed or even pressured to conform to the established perception.

- in 12th: With this position you find it difficult to find your "self", to find your destination in this life and many times you lead yourself to the margins. The trauma may have been born even in the womb of your mother, if for example it may have been an unwanted pregnancy or a pregnancy at a difficult time for the mother. Maybe you feel on the margins of society or can consciously lead yourself there with your actions. Sometimes the trauma is "invisible" in your life and you find it difficult to realize it. This has to do with a tendency to idealize the past. No one wants to believe that his parents or those who contributed to his development were not good people. Thus you weave in your mind a fictional story, which is between reality and dream or nightmare. Because in this house Chiron finds it difficult to build strong boundaries between realism and the dream, you can confuse your childhood memories if you really lived them or saw them in a dream. You're afraid of loneliness, you're afraid of victimization and usually don't even realize that there is a wound that leads you to make wrong choices in life. You can see this more intensely in your love life. Because you fear emotional abandonment and betrayal, you can develop addictive relationships, even with people who do not really suit you. You prefer to be next to someone even if you dream of someone else than to be alone. The fear of abandonment, of course, can lead to the diametrically opposite scenario. To be isolated, not to go out with friends, not to accept people to your house. On the other hand, because you're a hypersensitive person with developed empathy, you often become the willing "ear" and the victim of the toxicity of others, who approach you to take advantage of your willingness to help.

written with love, Ellie<3

side note: you can talk about your wounds or everything you want here, i'm here if you need me

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