
🐾Forest Creature

@faewolfwitch / faewolfwitch.tumblr.com

Ofwolvesandravens.etsy.com 🌲Some fae wolf witch🌲 🌿🍄Nature, Vulture Culture, and witchy blog. 🍄🌿

I've just discovered your blog and it's beautiful!! Sorry for the spam😅


Ah thank you! I don’t get on tumblr much anymore but I’m always meaning to get back on

Witchcraft Discord Server:
The Cottage

Hey witches ✨

It’s Mama Viv here to invite you to a little witch community server I run called The Cottage.

Join our small community of witches from different paths, ages, and places! We welcome witches new and experienced to talk about all the wonders of life and magick!

Also, we host witchy lessons every now and then, so if you’d like to join in on the fun, join the server! If you’re looking to run lessons, be sure to message me either on tumblr or discord so we can work together to help newer witches.

Our link:

Can’t wait to see you all in The Cottage ✨


Wax Seal Charms

From simple love spells to glamours and hexes, wax seal charms are a powerful and versatile tool for any witch’s arsenal. Small, completely customizable, inconspicuous, and easy to hide, these simple charms are useful for nearly any type of magick.

First, you will need a smooth, relatively flat work surface that can withstand heat (I used the bottom of a ceramic bowl). Fold a small envelope from a square of paper. You want the envelope to be the same size as or smaller than the wax seal to ensure complete wax coverage.

Next, write your intent (or draw a sigil) on the inside of the envelope. Keep it simple or write very small.

You can add a small pinch of herbs (or a taglock) if you like, but try not to use too much or the charm won’t flatten and may not seal correctly.

Once you’ve added your herbs, fold the envelope shut. You may need to squish it a little to keep it closed.

Pour your wax over the envelope, making sure to cover any open edges, and place your stamp in the molten wax. Apply light pressure for a few moments and then allow to cool.

Once completely cool, remove your stamp and peel the charm off your work surface.

And voila! A small, portable charm that can easily be slipped into a purse or wallet unnoticed.

Witchcraft Discord Server:
The Cottage

Hey witches ✨

It’s Mama Viv here to invite you to a little witch community server I run called The Cottage.

Join our small community of witches from different paths, ages, and places! We welcome witches new and experienced to talk about all the wonders of life and magick!

Also, we host witchy lessons every now and then, so if you’d like to join in on the fun, join the server! If you’re looking to run lessons, be sure to message me either on tumblr or discord so we can work together to help newer witches.

Our link:

Can’t wait to see you all in The Cottage ✨


Name change!

Just a heads up this blog changed from Arccitius to FaeWolfWitch!


🦇Books for Baby witches🦇

So, here I am going to share a list of books which I feel are good for witches who are just beginning and even for those who like to enrich thier library or refresh!

1) The Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock

Beautiful book full of green witchery and useful recipes, I adore this book a must have!

2) The Real Witches’ Year by Kate West

There is something for every single day of the year, Kate West’s work cannot be missed!

3) The Real Witches’ Craft by Kate West

Kate West tackles more advanced techniques in this book, taking your understanding to a deeper level.

4) Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

Cunningham’s works cannot be missed by aspiring witches, and this one is a book that you will always go back to! Full of Magical herbs usage, this is a must have.

5) The Illustrated Herbiary by Maia Toll

Amazingly fun book to have with illustrated cards inside, this book is very refreshing to have!

6) Practical Elementary Magick by Sorita D'Este and David Rankine

Sorita D'Este is one of the leading authors in witchcraft and together with David Rankine, she made a wonderful guide on how to use elemental magick within our practice. A must have in your library.

7) WTF is Tarot?…& How do I do it? By Bakara Wintner

Wish I had this book when I started out in tarot! Amazing guide on how to read the tarot with intuition!

8) -Bonus Book- Spirit Conjuring for Witches by Fater Barrabbas

For those who want to start their practice in Spirit Conjuring, this book is a very good start!

I hope you all find this small guide useful in order to start your little library! 😊😊

Green Kitchen Witch Aesthetic

W/ black cats and books. Requested by @lanean

[Requests for aesthetics now open, no anons & must be following-can be private though]

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