

@dragonlovingbrony-blog / dragonlovingbrony-blog.tumblr.com

Just a guy that likes draons ponies and other things and likes what ever he wants to, which is now going to include some sexy shit cus why the heck not.
Astrid: Hey, can you tie my bikini top for me?
Hiccup: You know, you could just go topless. *smirks*
Astrid: It's a public beach, babe. I don't need strangers seeing my boobs.
Hiccup: Fair point.

One day, you walk out into your back yard, to find a dragon sitting there. About the size of a small horse, and dressed in what looks like some kind of harness, with pouches and pockets hanging off of it. You’re pretty sure you can see a knife poking out of one. Upon noticing you, the dragon talks.

“Finally, thought you’d never wake up.”

*blinks a couple times. Then pinches selt to see if awake. No matter if awake or dreaming* heck ya! Lets get going! *runs and hops on without hesitation.* "ok since im still half asleep, names Dan, and yours?" She replies in an amused voice. "Eve. But now that you are awake, lets get to our advanture shall we?" Dan smirks drom his perch still admiring the beautiful beast. "Oh yes please lets!" And with that Eve takes off into the new begining of the story.


You’re the villain and you know that, you just want the ‘good guys’ to understand why.


I am fully aware that this falls under the jurisdiction of “Supervillain Monologue” and frankly, what else is that whole idea for if not to justify my actions? Everyone seeks justification.

I’m not going to waste precious air time and blame my upbringing or other outside influences for my bad behavior. I’ve broken laws and I deserve what’s coming to me.

Suffice it to say my actions were brought about by my observations of this unjust society. I have fulfilled my Constitutional duty to this once great country. When you see something unjust in your society it is imperative that you tear it down. This may be old hat to you. Every supervillain ever has believed in the nobility of their actions and I am no different.

But if just one of you changes your point of view and rebuilds the system just a little bit better than it was when I destroyed it, I have succeeded. Look at me as the eraser for the chalk board. I have wiped the slate clean for you. You have the opportunity to fix some of our society’s mistakes. Don’t fuck it up.

Or I’ll be back.

Hell yes this is freaking great!



I work in a decent sized, local, indie bookstore. It’s a great job 99% of the time and a lot of our customers are pretty neat people. Any who, middle of the day this little old lady comes up. She’s lovably kooky. She effuses how much she loves the store and how she wishes she could spend more time in it but her husband is waiting in the car (OH! I BETTER BUY HIM SOME CHOCOLATE!), she piles a bunch of art supplies on the counter and then stops and tells me how my bangs are beautiful and remind her of the ocean (“Wooooosh” she says, making a wave gesture with her hand)

Ok. I think to myself. Awesomely happy, weird little old ladies are my favorite kind of customer. They’re thrilled about everything and they’re comfortably bananas. I can have a good time with this one. So we chat and it’s nice.

Then this kid, who’s been up my counter a few times to gather his school textbooks, comes up in line behind her (we’re connected to a major university in the city so we have a lot of harried students pass through). She turns around to him and, out of nowhere, demands that he put his textbooks on the counter. He’s confused but she explains that she’s going to buy his textbooks.

He goes sheetrock white. He refuses and adamantly insists that she can’t do that. It’s like, $400 worth of textbooks. She, this tiny old woman, bodily takes them out of her hands, throws them on the counter and turns to me with a intense stare and tells me to put them on her bill. The kid at this point is practically in tears. He’s confused and shocked and grateful. Then she turns to him and says “you need chocolate.” She starts grabbing handfuls of chocolates and putting them in her pile.

He keeps asking her “why are you doing this?” She responds “Do you like Harry Potter?“ and throws a copy of the new Cursed Child on the pile too.

Finally she’s done and I ring her up for a crazy amount of money. She pays and asks me to please give the kid a few bags for his stuff. While I’m bagging up her merchandise the kid hugs her. We’re both telling her how amazing she is and what an awesome thing she’s done. She turns to both of us and says probably one of the most profound, unscripted things I’ve ever had someone say:

“It’s important to be kind. You can’t know all the times that you’ve hurt people in tiny, significant ways. It’s easy to be cruel without meaning to be. There’s nothing you can do about that. But you can choose to be kind. Be kind.”

The kid thanks her again and leaves. I tell her again how awesome she is. She’s staring out the door after him and says to me: “My son is a homeless meth addict. I don’t know what I did. I see that boy and I see the man my son could have been if someone had chosen to be kind to him at just the right time.”

I’ve bagged up all her stuff and at this point am super awkward and feel like I should say something but I don’t know what. Then she turns to me and says: I wish I could have bangs like that but my darn hair is just too curly.“ And leaves.

And that is the story of the best customer I’ve ever had. Be kind to somebody today.

 I didn’t reblog earlier. 

So I am now. 

Be kind. It’s worth the effort.


With the year almost over and with no major accomplishments, you want to try one last thing: spread a message of love in hopes that it will reach all corners of the internet to make people’s day. 

You are beautiful and worthy of love. Never forget this.

I love you @writing-prompt-s ❤️

This prompt doesn’t need a story

Us sharing this post is the story



you guys remember how it came out that PETA kills about 90% of the animals it takes in, including healthy and adoptable puppies and kittens, stating “ We could become a no-kill shelter immediately. It means we wouldn’t do as much work”?

you guys remember when PETA handed out these comics to children when there were no adults looking?

you guys remember when they made a porn site and then filled it with videos of animal abuse, and (also in that link) claimed cats should be vegetarian?

you guys remember when they tried to excuse their horrifying ways by claiming that the person who exposed them was manipulating the facts by taking them and putting them in the wrong context?

Because I remember. I remember everything. 

And I’m gonna make sure everyone else remembers too. 

Why would they kill pit bulls they’re sweeties

Because PETA does not care about animals. they do not care that these dogs live and breathe and feel and want love like every other dog. they do not care about the history of human/dog bonding and co-evolution, they do not care that dogs and human beings have relied on each other for millennia, they do not care that its cruel and morally repugnant to put down an animal just because you can, they do not care about animals. 

PETA cares about money and publicity, its a corporation run by a psychopath who is afraid of pitts as it states in the link: she was apparently bit by one, and now she hates them. 

PETA doesn’t give a rats ass about animals. They just want to kill and make money off of idiots who fall of their spiel.

Some celebs support them


ah c’mon, dear-tumb1r, I think you’re being a bit harsh. I mean, okay, PETA’s done some questionable things, but it’s not like they’ve also

Nah. PETA’s not that bad.

(/the heaviest of all my fucking sarcasm, I am salty as a fucking winter road, lord do I fucking hate PETA)

Did you think i was fucking joking, PETA?

I will make sure everyone fucking remembers what you’ve done. 

Bringing it back, because it’s charity season and people need to know NOT to give charity to these fuckers. 

“Some celebs support them”

And? Some celebrities support Roman Polanski but that doesn’t make him a good person or immune from criticism and scorn. Celebrities can be just as idiotic as anyone else.

Face it. PETA are murderers who who pretend to care about animals. There are other animal and wildlife preservation charities and organizations out there that genuinely care and don’t murder animals or shame people for eating meat. They and local zoos are far more deserving of support than PETA.


does anyone have like a default obsession

like your mind switches through these current obsessions and once the hype kind of dies down, there’s always this one fandom that it switches back to when there’s nothing else new and it’s like always there without fail

Pokemon all the way. Yellow was my first game and have played every game since. So ya when i want something to do. Play that or watch the show. Good times


this was a good thread i saw about how of course this is all more trash coming down from the total shit that is sesta/fosta

For your edification. This is way more dangerous than just a host deciding they don’t like porn. It’s that porn has been deemed as sex trafficking and that deviant porn (read US out here in kinkland) is the worst offenders. Pay attention folks.

Source: twitter.com

We at Piczel.tv are sad to see Tumblr’s stance against NSFW artists, and would like to offer up our services as an alternative to Tumblr’s arbitrary shadowbans, deletions, and general stupidity.

We’re happy to host adult artists who are looking for a new place to call home, and are planning a few key upgrades and features. 

Effectively immediately though, our gallery upload size restriction has been removed, to be likely raised to 10MB in the near future for non-premium users. As always, we support image sets, and don’t compress anything. Firstly, for those that have been using tumblr as a portfolio, you’ll need a way to download all of your art, if you don’t have backups somewhere else. We are planning a tool for Piczel.tv that will import zip files full of images, including titles and descriptions if we are able. Second, we’re planning the following upgrades to piczel in the coming weeks: 1. Bulk upload/import to your piczel.tv gallery 2. Gallery UI cleanup and improvements 3. Gallery performance improvements 4. Gallery comments with in line image and custom emote support 5. Site-wide PMs (in the vein of tumblr asks, but better) 6. Archive button for your piczel account Don’t forget to follow us on twitter, we may be deleted on the 17th with everyone else. Until then, we’ll make posts here to keep everyone in the loop Please consider reblogging this to help artists in need.

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