
@liberkhalipse / liberkhalipse.tumblr.com

Graphic Designer & Artist. Welcome to my Art & Tutorial ask blog! Libertades.Deviantart.com

The Art Chain! Let's support artists in need!

One of my biggest goals right now is to make artists feel with every fiber of their being that they can totally, absolutely and joyfully make a living out of it. Nevermind what anyone else says about art not being a real job. what are movies then? What are books? What are videogames?

In my years as an artist I always see "shoutouts" come and go: emergency commissions, bills unpaid, jobs lost, ill pets and family members, scams...

We can't help artists like those one by one, all by ourselves, but we can certainly put a grain of sand for all of them.

What saddens and yet, excites me the most about these artist shoutouts is that they realize that in the end, doing what they love does provide income and comfort, I wish more people could come to this conclusion before they ended up doing something they hate only because they're not confident enough in their art!

For this reason, I'm opening The Art Chain

The Art Chain will be collecting donations from everyone who wishes to support artists in need through the internet, of all ages, races or minoritary groups. The Art Chain will support all digital/traditional artists in general! But will always tend first to those who are going through difficult situations and will use the donated money to commission as many artists as possible at the end of each milestone!

Your support will be noticed by our favorite Orange

The Art Chain will be "sponsored" by your local Orange friend and Daily Gratitude will now be in charge of promoting it, for it was gratitude what started this, as well as inspiration from a close friend who overcame a very difficult situation through a shoutout.

There’s still a lot to polish and a neatly-drawn step-by-step sheet is on its way to better clarify how The Art Chain will work, but I highly appreciate people who have been donating right from the start, there’s currently only me and my friend watching over this project, but we are very open for more kindness.

As always, thank you very much!


At times, when it seems like things are harder or emotionally difficult, I get worried I may not be able to hold things together or make them work towards my future, I begin to feel somewhat fatalist and worry I may lose my blessings.

I take a moment and take a deep breath, reminding myself that my freedom has no price, no matter what happens, not only I am still me, but I also have an infinite source of possibilities at hand that can and will make everything better and better with each apparent failure. I remind myself that it’s okay to feel conflicted, and that a little chaos can only build towards more order in my life.

Every choice I’ve made has been mine, has led me here, I take responsibility for it. I am patient and remember to live today needing nothing, for I need not rely on anxious thoughts of a future that will provide me with less important things than peace, love and freedom.

Anonymous asked:

I saw your corrupted steven the coloring looks amazing! Do you have any tips?

Thank you! Other than the usual "practice makes perfect" tip, I use textured brushes


"You didn't give up on me for a reason I don't understand, don't give up on yourself" "I know how awful it feels to keep a part of yourself secret..." Sometimes when we're there to hold others no matter what, we forget to get ahold of ourselves.Don't ever forget, you're the most important person in your life, don't ever put anything ahead or above, or you might not be able to hold anything at all anymore

Thank you, Steven Universe!

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