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Collector's Cabinet: Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution Limited Edition

The Neptunia series keeps going strong! This year’s release of Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution keeps the world of Gamindustri alive and gives fans more of what they love. In this latest title, Older Nep takes it upon herself to turn a struggling game studio around. Many previous games in the series received limited editions, so it’s no surprise that this game also gets one jam-packed full of goodies.

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Review: Nine Sols

Nine Sols is a Metroidvania that does what many have failed to do within the genre and actually creates an experience that feels like an authentic, grueling, atmospheric and unique 2D Souls game. Artistically, it's hard to find any fault with it as the blend of Tao Tradition and Cyberpunk dystopia is captivating. The narrative is gritty, mature and uncompromising, which leads to an engaging story from start to end, and the gameplay is a refined showcase of combat, platforming and puzzle-solving. 

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Review: XDefiant

Ubisoft’s attempt to blend two disparate genres together backfires, creating massive balancing issues and diluting both experiences. Its lack of polish on the server side leads to outright aggravating and uneven experiences. Finally, while XDefiant is free-to-play, the fact that there’s little earn and outright unlock leaves little incentive to stick with the game beyond a couple of matches occasionally.

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Hardcore Gamer's Guide to Every Summer 2024 Gaming Event and Showcase

It's no secret that Summer has been the ideal season for video game studios and publishers to showcase their new and upcoming games for the year and beyond. E3 popularized the mass flock of companies holding conferences to generate hype for titles, and while now gone as of early this year, the tradition holds true, though now not restricted to a single week.

Check it out!


Review: F1 24

The removal of content hurts this year's official Formula One game. F1 24 went in a bold direction with its physics, but now the game borders on a casual racer due to the lack of difficulty for simulating a Formula One car. Racing will be more aggressive because these cars stay glued to the track with minimal punishment for pushing the car. The graphics and audio options are where the game stands out the best. The ongoing bugs will continue to hamper the experience, so here's to hoping these things are addressed. It's neat to take one of the Legendary Drivers into the career mode, as Senna hasn't been playable in years in the series.

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Why do they always write their articles like this??

i think they did confirm it by naming it this

and drawing it like this

also guess what its japanese name literally translates to

Im losing it at this tag


Paper Mario TTYD: Recipes That'll Really Hit The Spot

If one wants, they can get through Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door without ever engaging Zess T. and sampling her cooking. That, however, would be a mistake. It’s no exaggeration that Zess T.’s dishes rank among the most powerful consumables in the game and taking even just a few for the road can make Mario’s quest much easier.

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Hardest Kingdom Hearts Bosses in the Franchise

The child-like whimsy that Disney promises is alive and well in Kingdom Hearts, but don't let it fool you: this game has tonnes of bosses that will knock you back time and time again. So, with that in mind, let's take a look at the meanest, toughest, nastiest bosses this series has to offer.

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Pageantry, Tradition, Nostalgia Will Fuel College Football 25

EA worked on detailing 150 different stadiums all in one production cycle. The team has also added global illumination to every stadium in the game to provide modern lighting. Everyone in the crowd will differ and the game will include scanned faces of those fans that were made internet famous by their emotions in big games. 

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Dynasty Mode, Road to Glory Go Deeper in College Football 25

Road to Glory in College Football 25 will be going above and beyond to mirror how a player handles themselves both on the field and off the field. The development team is aiming for a 10-20 hour experience for each created character that will span a four year career. The mode is rooted in decision making which can affect both career growth or academic growth. 

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College Football 25 Revamps Presentation with Stories of Saturday

New elements have been introduced that are far more important that will really shine in Dynasty Mode in terms of encompassing the player into their season. Even though ESPN assisted a good bit with the game with providing information and lending their broadcasters, EA will provide its own unique presentation to College Football 25.

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Automating a Better Planet with the Eden Crafters Demo

The important thing about the Eden Crafters demo is that, despite its bugs and rough edges, it's a hard one to put down once you adjust to its issues. Building a complicated network of machines out of simple parts is always satisfying, and each one makes it a little easier to construct the next.

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