
I get so emotional looking back on this tumblr. I used to be a depressed fuck. I discovered my worth and haven’t looked back since. When I stopped chasing toxic things, beautiful things came into my life. I’m in a loving relationship, I have my own apartment, I went back to school to do what I love and I have a pretty good job that doesn’t stress tf outta me. I’m so grateful. To all the bullshit that happened the last few years... I’m so grateful. It’s put me in such a better place.

Somebody once told me that the universe will continue to send u the same bullshit until you learn the lesson. It’ll continue to throw the same curve ball - over and over again until you unmask why it is happening. That shit is truth.


camping trip, la trip, and hawaii trip, not to mention the countless sf trips to dig in record bins and eat good food; the train yards, the cut spots to paint. thank u for everything baby, we’ve known each other for years but the timing never was right until now. this half year has been filled with so much love and experiences I’m so glad to share them all with you.

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