
I'm tired


Just random things

I think i like one of my best friends

Edit. She’s hooking up with another friend (far from us) and i have to wait for her because she’s staying in my house.

Plus it’s the last night we are all together and it sucks

Update: they are not longer together!!!! Best way to end this year and decade :))


When all your friends are hanging out and they didnt even invite you 😶😔✌🏽

The worst part is that i'm already usted to this


Tinc la sensació de que no se apreciar el que tinc. No em refereixo a objectes ni coses materials, dir amistats.

No acabo d'estar còmode amb les meves amigues per me les estimo moltíssim i ni les cambiaría per res. No sé perque em sento aixi✌🏽sendhelp

Realment no es per tant


I think i like one of my best friends

Edit. She's hooking up with another friend (far from us) and i have to wait for her because she's staying in my house.

Plus it's the last night we are all together and it sucks

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