I've been dying to ask this: in Raised by Wolves, is the Red Lake campaign Jamie mentions based on the Battle of Lake Trasimene? Infinite kudos either way
No, I just made that one up out of whole cloth, but that would have been a great idea! 😂
I can't stop checking AO3 to see if @astolat has posted a Christmas story for this year. I'm more excited for the possibility than for my actual Christmas plans tbh
Aw, sorry to disappoint but no fic from me for the foreseeable! My brain is too full of the current monstrous pro project which is at 250K and has another ~500k to go. I'm not even letting myself install Veilguard. 😭 In 2026 maybe? 😅 Hope you all have a happy holiday anyway and there's always something great to read on the AO3!
DAY 1 ✨ @hprecfest ✨ First fic I remember reading
I think there's something that needs to be said about encouraging readers to leave feedback.
For me it's not about "tell me my writing is amazing and stroke my ego"
It's more about "please engage with me so that I can experience your joy secondhand and foster a connection with you"
I understand that not everyone wants this in their reading experience, some people are shy and a million other reasons why maybe someone wouldn't want to engage and that's perfectly fine!
But what I'm trying to steer away from is being a passive content creator with passive consumers. What I want to steer toward is fostering a community that is essential to fandom. I want to see your reactions because it makes me feel like I'm a part of something.
On encouraging reblogs —
I understand that not everyone is comfortable reblogging, especially explicit content. This is ok!
But just consider that the only reason you were able to enjoy a fic or fanart is because someone else shared it, and by not sharing it yourself you are potentially robbing someone else of the opportunity to enjoy it as much as you did.
As OPs our reach only goes so far and this website relies on reblogs in order for anything to truly get seen by a wider audience.
So that's really it! That's why I encourage these two things at the end of every story I post. Not because I'm trying to be demanding and "make people feel bad" if they don't do it.
I know most other social media sites encourage mindless content consumption and that's just the way of the world nowadays, but I am from a time when community was at the heart of fandom and I just don't want to lose that.
The Pack Survives by @astolat.
My second bind had to be this Robb Stark centric masterpiece that has lived rent free in my brain since December 2023. I wanted to get this finished before the year anniversary hit in December.
I love this bind and she is my beloved second born but holy hell I’m glad she is done.
In all honesty, this bind was cursed from the off. Everything that could have gone wrong with this bind went wrong. I had to resew the signatures because wood oil, I made my design slightly too big so adding it to the cover was wonky and I melted parts of the black vinyl adding my silver vinyl to the book cloth to name but a few mistakes. I didn’t dare try to trim her edges, lord knows where I would have ended up.
All that said I’m still proud of her and wanted to share. Done is better than perfect and I hope I look back in a year and see how far I have truly come.
The Pack Survives can be read for free on AO3.
so im hearing @astolat is god??? what's your 10 commendments my liege
My best stab! lol
@cesperanza, additional thoughts?
LOL. Okay, give me a minute, I'll work up nine circles of fannish hell for ya. :D
Outside of hell--mundanes, circling and circling!
Inscribed on the gate: “This work could have adult content. If you continue, you have agreed that you are willing to see such content.”
1 - Limbo – happy monofans who are still in ST: TOS or Starsky and Hutch (we salute you!)
2 – Lust – In a fandom where everyone’s lusting after the wrong blorbo or pairing omg
3 – Gluttony - lying awake reading fanfiction at 5 am I am so going to regret this.
4 – Greed: Hoarders and Squanderers: “When are you going to finish this WIP!” “Where’s the sequel! Write faster!” Also: people who are writing chapter 230/400, people with 1000 open tabs
5 – Anger: Shitposters, failfandomanon, don’t read the comments!
6 – Heresy: “Avengers: Age of Ultron was my favorite,” “I prefer Zachary Quinto’s Spock,” “Bring back Jar Jar”
7 – Violence against self, others, God, etc.: Giving explicit fanworks to actors, selling fanfiction on Amazon, doxxing, etc.
8 – Fraud – Sockpuppets, bots, the lurkers do not support you in email!!
9 - Betrayers (George Lucas, JJ Abrams, Joss Whedon, etc.) Also: “You have already left kudos here :)
prime and protector fanart for @astolat's story, fool's hope on ao3
oh how awesome! <3 <3 <3
so im hearing @astolat is god??? what's your 10 commendments my liege
My best stab! lol
My first full-sized bookbind!! This is Heal Thyself by @astolat; ie the fic I loved so much that I decided to take up bookbinding just so I could have a physical copy of it! It was definitely one hell of a learning curve, and while it certainly isn't perfect I'm super happy with how it came out <3 I've uploaded the cover/spine/back PNGs here! Feel free to use, though credit would be appreciated :D
I love this one so much. :D
Continuing my Astolat bookbinding collection, I bound Royal Flush by @astolat!! My favorite Game of Thrones fic, and one that's I've gone back to re-read more times than I can count!! I'm super happy with how this bind turned out; I had learned a lot in binding Heal Thyself that made binding this one much easier. Also have I mentioned that I've fallen in LOVE with holographic foil??? I've uploaded the cover/spine/back PNGs here! Feel free to use, though credit would be appreciated <3
<3 <3 <3
Astolat’s Complete Person of Interest Fic!
I am continuing on my quest to bind all of @astolat ‘s fic in the fandoms I read. This is a two volume set of all of her Person of Interest fic, taking my collection of her works to 9 volumes. I decided to title each volume after one story—and how could I resist the bookbinding pun of “Dangerous if Unbound”?
These books have been two or three months in the works. I did the typeset way back over the summer, printed it in early September, and had to leave the folded pages sitting in my press for weeks because I didn’t have time to even do the sewing. Then I had a week where I had to make time for bookbinding or I was going to go insane, and was able to get them done AND teach myself how to make slip cases.
Books and case are all bound in black buckram. Foil decorations on the books. Endpapers are painted textured paper. Silk endbands. Inside of the box has homemade paste papers.
these are so beautiful!
"I suppose if we stop, he won't have a chance to catch us," Merlin said.
Arthur was silent, then he said, "If it were just for glory—but Merlin, these creatures are menaces. They steal livestock from the weakest pens, and attack the poorest folk, who cannot afford either defense or to travel around them. We can't sit idly by and let that happen. Whatever the consequences to ourselves." Arthur did that sort of thing every once in a while, like shrugging off a cloak, and it always made Merlin feel strange, like he was seeing Arthur and somebody else at the same time. Somebody who wasn't ordinary flesh and blood, not just a king but the shape of a king, the truest meaning of the word, and Merlin really really hated it. "Merlin," Arthur said. "Yeah?" Merlin said. "We aren't going to need to worry about the bard catching us if you keep that up." "What?" Merlin looked up. There were vines curling gently up the posters of the bed, and up the walls and twining around the windows and the mantelpiece, huge flowers of purple and gold and pink opening on them.
Aww, lovely! 💐
I finished my first ever watch of Star Trek: The Original Series last night and wow, what a journey.
I’ve loved all the Trek I’ve watched before, but for years I avoided TOS. I had watched a handful of episodes and not really been into it, and I didn’t want to deal with any sexism or racism or other remnants of the 60s. I bought into the Kirk Drift and thought he was an asshole, and I didn’t want to watch 79 episodes of an asshole.
But after finishing Lower Decks my husband and I decided to dive in and watch all of it. I expected to adore Spock and groan at the special effects. I expected to roll my eyes a lot.
Friends, I was so wrong. I am delighted by this series. There was plenty of things to roll my eyes at and cringe at and yeah there’s stuff that has aged poorly or maybe was bad from the start. But overall, what a joy to watch. It was so fun to see the origin of so many things in science fiction and Star Trek. The costumes and sets were fun to look at. The fighting scenes are sometimes goofy but fun to watch. So much of this show is FUN and you can tell they had a blast making it.
And yeah, I loved Spock. But Kirk, Kirk surprised me. He’s such a deeper and more interesting character than I realized before watching. He’s not really an asshole at all. He’s smart and sweet and a good leader. He loves and ship and his crew. As Spock would say, he’s fascinating.
I knew vaguely about K/S and the history of fanfiction but watching it it’s like…yeah. Of course. Of course these two are together. Of course they launched fandom as we know it. Of course people saw the way they looked at each other and knew they should be married.
If you haven’t watched it yet take this as your sign that you should give it a try. You probably don’t have to watch every episode. There are some real stinkers in there. But give it a try, go in with an open heart, and you might be as delighted by it as I am now.
Common Knowledge (6721 words) by astolat Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Robb Stark Characters: Jaime Lannister, Robb Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Tywin Lannister, Olenna Tyrell Additional Tags: Fake Relationship, War of the Five Kings Series: Part 21 of Game of Thrones works Summary:
It had never occurred to Jaime once, in the three solid months he’d spent in the pen, that Robb Stark could make his imprisonment worse by giving him a bath, a warm bed, and some decent food to eat.
The Pack Survives (176765 words) by astolat Chapters: 23/23 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Additional Tags: Tags Coming When Complete Series: Part 20 of Game of Thrones works Summary:
There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival. —Thornton Wilder
The whole story is now complete and posted! Tags will be coming in just a few days.