

@pedalspedalspedals / pedalspedalspedals.tumblr.com

I try my best to keep things relevant to pedals/guitars etc. I review and demo pedals every so often and post them on my youtube channel:youtube.com/user/faithskater72/videos
Anonymous asked:

I ship you and fuckyeaheffectspedals like to the max

Hahaha I don’t know how to feel about this


Sweet mother of Mat Mathias… I never even knew I could be shipped. This has become ridiculous…


The fact that this happened makes me wanna die. We need to get beers and take a goofy ass OTP picture.

Oh, but it already happened.

But for real, hit me up if you’re ever in the ‘Ham.

jesus christ

@fuckyeaheffectspedals it's almost that time of year~


Does anyone else have one of these? Its always had a really inconsistent speed for me, almost like it's attack based. It'll speed up every time I play a note then even out shortly after. Is it supposed to be like this and I'm just oblivious?

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