

@pokii1 / pokii1.tumblr.com

Hello! I post pretty much anything that I like. Fan of pokemon, anime, and video games.

i hate when personality tests ask questions like “how would other people describe you” listen bix i already agonize over this at every moment of my waking life and i dont need u bringing it up in this my area of escapism


things that still freak me out: those sinks americans have in their kitchens that you can destroy stuff with

Honestly this post has been on my mind all day. Those weird destructosinks for people with too much money are apparently common in America. And Americans get defensive over them.

Well don’t come crying to me when your wean gets eaten by the fucking kitchen sink.


Okay it took me for-fucking-ever to figure out wtf you guys are talking about are you talking about garbage disposals? Like down the drain??

with the spinny knives

No knives, just a dull piece of spinny metal.

you realise it takes the same amount of force to cut thru a carrot as a finger

i dont know what you do over there but we usually don’t stick our hands in our sink drains

who’s going around fisting sinks anyway

“don’t come crying to me when your wean gets eaten by the fucking kitchen sink”

is that person saying they fuck kitchen sinks? is that what I just read? they put their dick in the sink’s drain and they fuck it?

dont sinkshame

Child. Wean means child.

Okay, so you put your CHILD in a sink and stuff them down the drain? That’s… that’s definitely worse.

This post is an experiance.


Y'all institutionalized because the white man said you gotta wear pants.



“intutionalized” 😂

The african colors on the jacket and the american flag on his draws


I had a dream where professor kukui called me, the player character, over to his house at 3am to show me this brand new pokeball tech he was getting all excited about and if that’s not the most kukui thing ever then I don’t know what is

But did his Rockaruff try to play with the pokeball?

Sadly Rockruff wasn’t there but now that I think about it, the device looked very similar to a dog ball thrower…


That’s nothing, the other day I had a dream that Guzma bitch slapped Kukui across the face and then dabbed before Kukui fucking decked him in front of the entirety of Team Skull, all of which were screaming at this sight

Are u sure that was a dream or a cutscene


Coloring Hair with Copics:


I’ve been asked a few times how I color hair, and I’ve been dying to use my new cobalt liners, so here’s how that goes down.

Start off with your lines: I use Copic multiliners (Sepia and Cobalt here). I used Sepia for the skin and Cobalt for the hair, since I’m planning for the hair to be blue. You could use black for everything, but I find it looks better with colored lines

Color in the Skin: next, color in the base (lightest) skin color. I used [E000: pale fruit pink] here, cause she’s gonna be pale. (Tip: move your marker in little circles to get even coverage)

Notice how the skin color bleeds into the surrounding hair, I do that on purpose! It helps the hair and skin color go together better…. yep  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Put down your lightest hair color: used [BG10: Cool Shadow]. Her hair’s gonna be blue, so her highlights are gonna be green-tinted.

Shade with Mid-tone: I used [B02: Robin’s Egg Blue] here, the blue color that I want her hair to be.

(Hair Shading Tip: move your maker from the roots of the hair towards the highlight. do the same from the tips of the hair to the highlight. this gives a sort of gradient going towards the highlight)

Repeat: wait a few minutes, and then repeat the last step with the same marker. Copic color will get darker the more layers you add.

notice how I’m defining the individual bunches of hair, and how there are more highlights on the left side of the image (because the light source is coming from that direction)

Use Purple for the shadow: We used green for highlights, so lets get some purple in there for the shadows. This gives the hair more dimension. I used [V22: Ash Lavender] for this.

Blend and add more Shading: basically just fuck around until you’re happy.

Add highlights with a gel pen: My favorite part. If you don’t have a white gel pen, get one, cause they’re magic. They make really crisp highlights. you can also use white acrylic paint

Use markers over the Gel Pen: I used the [E000] and [BG10] over the gel pen to soften the highlights in some places. You can also use the markers to blend the gel pen slightly.

Aaaaaand you’re done!: I went ahead and shaded the skin in too ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 

hope this was helpful in any sorta way at all even tho im shit at explaining stuff lol. have fun kids


This is how I close my store

Person onscreen: “Attention shoppers, our store closes in ten fucking minutes. Get your shit, and let’s fucking go!”

Person offscreen: “Hey, you don’t fucking work here!”


Another woman utterly failed by our society’s devaluation of women’s reproductive health. We can’t wait around for male doctors to decide what we need to know. This is why we need to take control and educate ourselves about our own bodies.

and here’s some comments i saw under the post. why is this a pattern?? why is this a recurring theme?? why is this information not common knowledge? what the fuck are doctors doing??


This is news to me so let’s share it so people will know!

Gross tmi: but i passed a pretty big clot after having my daughter. It was about the size of a baseball. It actually hurt worse because while 15 hours of labor opened my cervix, i passed the clot in 30 minutes. I knew it was a possibility because of my midwife and reading, but everyone Ive told after this (mostly other pregnant women) were shocked that this could happen.

In our culture, it’s much more common to do deep research about what family cars we want to buy than we do about childbirth when we ’re pregnant.

Tmi: I passed a huge clot after birth in the bathroom of my hospital room and called the nurse sobbing because I didn’t know it was normal. She treated me like an idiot, but NO ONE told me it was a possibility. And the pain associated with healing for the first couple of weeks after birth was worse than the labor imo. Again, I had no idea. They didn’t tell me a thing besides “sitz bath regularly and change your pads.” Before discharging me from the hospital.


I was most definitely told about this in school. Fucking hell, 4-6 weeks of bleeding? My periods were/are bad enough, why the hell don’t we get told this?

I didn’t know it could last so long, wtf? Is the bleeding inevitable after birth? 


Bleeding is inevitable after birth - your uterine wall is shedding a fuck ton of lining. It can last from three to six weeks (possible longer) and it tapers off.

More TMI - I passed a MASSIVE clot after my fourth birth. At this point I already knew this could happen - it’s normal. What I DIDN’T know, was that I had caused it.

My post birth contractions were so bad after the birth that it felt like full transition labor. And they don’t give you anything for the pain. So I used a hot water bottle, without the nurses knowing, and it caused me to bleed even more. I lost so much blood that by the first time they sat me up to go to the bathroom, I fainted. It took three more tries until I could sit up.

Anyway, that’s not the point. The point is, the next morning I passed a clot the SIZE OF ANOTHER PLACENTA I KID YOU NOT, and I know what is and is not normal. So I called for the nurse and through the door told her I had passed a huge clot, and her response was - “It’s not big. I know what big is.” She hadn’t even looked. So I rolled my eyes and said, “Yeah, no. It’s big, I’m telling you.”

So, sounding extremely put upon, she asked me to open the door. I did, and after a long pause she goes, “Okay, yeah, that’s a little big.”


The point I’m trying to get across is that this shit is so common - women not knowing this stuff is so expected, and it keeps getting reinforced. People don’t expect you to know anything, don’t teach you anything, and then make you feel like you’re totally ignorant and a burden for your lack of knowledge when THEY WON’T SHARE.

Fucking learn EVERYTHING you can when it comes to childbirth, girls. It is the single most empowering thing you can do for yourself. And if you missed something, that’s okay. But the more knowledge you arm yourself with, the more in control of your situation you’ll be.

A few post partum tips:

  • DON’T use a hot water bottle - lol.
  • ONLY pads - NO tampons. Tampons can cause severe infection, not to mention, you probably don’t want to be shoving anything up there any time soon.
  • If you’ve had stitches, sitz baths DO help relieve the pain. Another great pain reliever? Dampen some pads and freeze them. Let one thaw slightly and use it on top of another pad. This will help with the pain as well as reduce swelling. Change the pad out as soon as it’s thawed completely. This REALLY helps on the first couple days after giving birth.
  • If you pass a clot, don’t sweat it. Even the one I passed, which was fucking massive, just required that we keep an eye out to make sure it didn’t happen again. If it does, talk to your doctor.
  • Take a pain killer half an hour before nursing. Because YES - your uterus is contracting after you give birth, to get back to its original size, and nursing causes much stronger contractions. Taking nursing-safe painkillers won’t prevent the pain, but it will reduce it. 
  • Buy disposable underwear for the first few days after birth. They will get VERY dirty. Or use your ratty old pairs that you’re ready to get rid of. Double up on pads - line them all the way up your ass-crack. I am so serious. And wear dark pants.
  • Pee in the shower. You do NOT want to wipe down there right after birth because ow. Peeing in the shower lets you just rinse afterwards. Especially if you’ve had stitches, peeing in the shower, with the shower-head rinsing AS you go, keeps stinging to a minimum. And fuck everyone else - keep on peeing in the shower until you feel ready to move back to toilet paper. Middle of the night and need to pee? Get your pants off - get in the shower and just go.

This is just a few things, but PLEASE feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions about ANYTHING childbirth/pregnancy/nursing related. I have four incredible kids. I’ve done it all - c-section, vacuume birth, episiotimy, stitches, with an epidural, without an epidural. I’m here.

….I know I keep reblogging this but people keep adding super important information.

I feel like no one tells women this stuff because if a woman was even a little on the fence about having a baby before this would kinda make them run for the damn hills.


…..you are correct, typing.



peri bottles, witch hazel or anti-pain anticeptic spray are your friends. Also passing large clots after birth is a WARNING SIGN. Bigger than a half dollar is a sign that you have not passed your entire placenta (this is most common in hospital vaginal births where the mother is not allowed to naturally birth the placenta and instead has it ripped out by the doctor) if there is any placenta left in your uterus you can get extremely ill. This happened to both myself and my mother in law

WOW I didn’t know any of this and I’m terrified of what more I’m unaware of about my own body :( Honestly when will we fucking abolish this taboo about the female body…

I had pretty great sex ed in school (lots of contraceptive information, and totally acknowledged that teenagers might have sex) and all of this is news to me.

And, as a 28-year-old person with a uterus, I’m extremely appalled I’m just learning this.


Long, but very important information, even for those who don’t plan to have children, because you will almost certainly know someone who will, and you might be able to to help them. Or at least increase your level of empathy for them.




people loooove to make out like pregnancy and childbirth are this beautiful thing that a woman’s body is made to do, and leave out all this incredibly important and scary info.

the healthcare system fails women in so so many ways, especially around sexual and reproductive health, and it needs to stop.


#BoycottDelta is currently trending on twitter...

and the story appears to be that two men who were having a conversation in Arabic were escorted off a Delta flight for not speaking English.

But, here’s the catch: one of them, the one who recorded the “aftermath” of them being escorted off the plane, is YouTuber Adam Saleh, who is a “YouTube prankster” by profession and is known for doing this kind of thing regularly, i.e. filming pranks on planes for clicks on YouTube. As it so happens, his most recent video was even within the last few days.


So the way I see it, either karma came back to bite him in the ass, or this is another one of his “pranks” and he’s manipulating social media and slandering an entire multi-billion dollar corporation to accomplish it.

And, just learning this now, He also apparently makes those trash-ass “PRANKS IN THE HOOD” racist prank videos and calls black people “Abeed” which basically means “slave” in Arabic.


i’m so exhausted lmao


Yikes wtf

It’s been confirmed by everyone else on the plane that he apparently stood up three times, yelling something loudly in Arabic, and sat back dow, each time he was waiting for either passangers or the flight crew to react and when they finally did he said he was talking to his mom on the phone. This sort of shit puts more people in danger and reinforces the racist narrative that racism is simply about people of color playing the victim. This dude needs to be made an example of tbh because lying about this sorta thing goes so far beyond what could even be considered remotely okay so if you reblogged the video of him lying, reblog this too, and make sure his stupid ass face isn’t ever mistaken for a decent human being again.

Fuck this guy.



A lot of people put themselves on the line to advocate for this guy. People received harassment and spent emotional energy and used their online spaces to discuss AT LENGTH this whole situation.

All for it to be this shit.


last time i did this my wish really came true. so im going to wish again

nothing to lose. :))

Let’s hope

Why not? :)

*crossing fingers*


pretty much^^^^

i got nothing to lose. (:

Last time i did this my wish came true.

Jesus Christ if my wish comes true I will piss


please work omg

looks fun lol





Well, i got nothing to lose, might as well try it

This shall be interesting😌

I really need this.


I barely remember the last 6 months honestly like am I even alive

“2016 but every time something bad happens it gets faster”

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