
Jack Daniel Torrance | Temporary Semi-Hiatus

@overlookauthor-blog / overlookauthor-blog.tumblr.com

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Stephen King's character from The Shining Independent Roleplay Blog

Like, hey dudes!

Let’s get this thing started!
Do you like gluttonous dudes who are, like, totally not scared of ghosts and ghouls? Do you enjoy solving mysteries while your teammates hide in the nearest kitchen, eating all the food? Are you a dog who speaks? Do you want the kind of friend who will try to comfort you with chocolate covered hamburgers?
If you would like to interact with a movie/cartoon canon Shaggy Rogers from Scooby Doo like/reblog this post!

Hey pals!

I’ve never done one of these but let’s see if it’s better than a normal promo!
I’m Shellby! If you’d like to interact with a Sabrina Spellman from the 1996-2003 Sabrina, The Teenage Witch TV show could you like/reblog this post? I’ll come check you out and we’ll probably do a thing together!
If I’m already following you, I’m ready to do somethin’ together! Let’s play!

When I made this blog seven months ago, I didn’t expect to reach 350 followers, and I’m still amazed that it’s gotten so far. I owe all of this to my excellent RP partners, followers, and friends who’ve written with me and Palmer, and I’m grateful to the support I’ve received within the RP community. You’ve made RPing a fantastic experience for me, and I’m grateful.

Here’s a more specific thank you for some of the people I met along the way, but I’m grateful to every one of you. Thank you for the threads, the memes, the encouragement, and for the community.

She began to walk down the hall, students, staff, everyone parted the hallway with looks of fear in their eyes. The words “witch” and “demon” could be heard every few minutes. One student even called her “Maleficent.” This confused her, but it also made her smile, but she couldn’t let him see, so she put her best poker face on and turned to hi, “See what I mean?” She asked, “ Even Mr. Morgan is amongst the flock, Mr. Torrance,” She said, geturing to the principal, “I will heed your classroom rules.

Jack was enthralled. It was absolutely incredible. He was entirely sure that Journey had to be exaggerating and here it was. He gave authoritative stares to the gazes of students and such he was able to catch. This quickly quieted a few. Others had already gone from his sight by the time he could try to find them. “I still cannot believe the principal himself is a part of this. You promise me that you’ll start respecting me again in the classroom, and I’ll talk to the faculty. I’ll catch you in class, tomorrow, Journey.”

His chuckle indicated that he took her words lighter than she intended, which she was fine with. He needed to LAUGH, to smile, to feel something other than how his father made him feel up to this point. She could see he was TEETERING right on that edge and all he needed was that little PUSH, and surely enough she’d give it to him. Eyes continued to observe his cut once more before setting the moistened towel on the counter. “Well nice to meet you, Jack. I can pop a few more of your cherries if you let me.” A soft grin stretched across her face as her next ADVENTURE could be seen in his eyes. She knew had a different person come along they’d try and help him find a better way out. But if that was meant to be, FATE wouldn’t have landed him right next to her with her two guilty pleasures being the ice breaker.
With a seriousness in her expression, she moved in close before a leg lifted over his lap as she proceeded to straddle him. “Do you REALLY mean that, Jack? Because we can tear a page from his book and seriously ruin him ‘recreationally’. You wouldn’t be alone. I know how to make it look like it was an ACCIDENT, or like…he just happened to go MISSING. I think it would be fun and totally liberating for you, but” Leaning in even closer her cheek brushed against his as she whispered, “It all just depends on how fucked up you ACTUALLY are.” Slowly pulling back blue hues lock with his for a momentary silenced glare. Anticipation of a KISS lingered in the air as she held back with uncertainty. She then reached over to take another swig of the bottle to kill her remaining inhibitions. A tongue ran over her lips as she imagined how soft his would feel against hers. A few more moments of silence filled the air as the anticipation continued to build before a sudden aggressive pounding on the door destroyed everything. “FUCKIN’ WRAP IT UP IN THERE ALREADY. GO GET YOUR ROCKS OFF ELSEWHERE.” A voice commands from the other side.
The moment being ruined fed into a lack of inhibitions in a way that wasn’t intended. Now Faora was PISSED. She hiked her skirt a bit, drawing her pocket pistol as she stood to her feet. Snatching the door open the gun was immediately pointed right between the male’s eyebrows. His arms shot in the air  as he began to apologize repeatedly. “YADA-FUCKIN-YADA, WHERE IS THE BIG COCK SON OF A BITCH YELLING OUT DEMANDS NOW?!” There was a click from her pulling the hammer of the gun as she waited his response. “I-I-I’m sorry. I just had to whiz. No problems here. No need to shoot me.” The male responded. “You have two fucking hands! The world is your toilet. FUCK OFF!” She barked before slamming the door shut. Taking a few deep breaths she then looked over to Jack before bursting into laugher that couldn’t be held in. She realized it was an overreaction but just couldn’t help herself. “We should probably get out of here. It won’t be long before that dude tells the whole party there’s a chick with a gun in here.”

Her flirtatious words were met with a bit of surprise from Jack. He was rather outgoing himself but usually found himself interacting with the shy girls, the ones who don’t really know how to talk back to you when you smile and compliment them. It was a game he played, he admitted, and he had fun. Jack was no stranger to the rule in life that new meant exciting and good. The alcohol on his brain had decidedly made him hype for her words. He hung on every syllable. He was on a manic high of new standards. She came closer, straddling him, and his heart was racing.

There were a lot of things Jack had meant to say. He had questions and theories and more ideas. He meant to agree, to tell her of his fantasies about his father’s head being bashed in by a hammer, Jack holding the handle. An axe might suit him better, he thought. Jack meant to say so many more things, honestly. The proximity of Fae, a woman who was clearly everything Jack had wanted in his life right now, caused his words to fail. She hovered closer and it only made it infinitely worse. Do you really mean that? He was just about to speak.

Within only seconds Jack was up, behind the loose cannon of a woman. He was so absolutely enthralled. The fear on the threatened man’s face tweaked something inside of Jack. How entirely satisfying. He mused, considering all of her words. The embarrassment of having never dealt with his father as he should was riling him up. She was right, she was so incredibly right. With her laughter he actually managed a real smile in response, “Me? I’ll follow you anywhere.


darling,  i'm  not  going  to               hurt  you. 

i'm  just  going  to  bash  your  brains  in!


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