
I don't have a good title for this blog


Emory | they/them | bitch | capricorn | gay | fucked your mom last night

this website just lines up perfectly sometimes @dean-winchesters-clit

How many times can we all boop Dean Winchester's clit? Let's find out!

Let’s get those numbers up he’s not quite finished


I’m booping as fast as I can!!

Keep booping, he's getting closer!

Don't stop! The day's almost over and he's so close!!!!!!




This is a stupid conversation! and I'm not going to continue it! literally so fucking correct

What I’m really proud of is the fact that he made SURE the audience understood why the caller was being an idiot. He made a PERFECT comparison, gave the caller an honest chance to re-evaluate and change his mind. His point landed, everyone knew it, even the caller (note his pause and almost hesitancy after being asked).

But when the caller decided to bulldoze on anyway, because god forbid actually listen to the other person in the conversation, the expert cut him off and refused his time. And good for him.

[VD: A tweet by @ g33kgurli, tweeted at 9:47 PM on Dec 17, 2021. It reads, "Perhaps the best clap back to antivaxxers and antimaskers." Attached is a video from The Thom Hartmann Program, where Hartmann is talking with a caller. The conversation goes as follows:

Caller: Hey Thom. Uh, I was listening to you for the last hour so, um, I heard survival of the fittest. Um, you know some of us choose not to vaccinate and uh--

Hartmann: You're nuts, Nicholas.

Caller: --because we work very hard about staying fit, eating healthy, and our natural immune system.

Hartmann: So Nicholas if you're so healthy, would you have unprotected sex with somebody who has syphilis or gonorrhea?

Caller: You're missing the point.

Hartmann: No, I'm not missing the point. They're contagious diseases. Would you have unprotected sex with somebody who has syphilis and gonorrhea and not worry about it because you're so healthy?

Caller: [pause] No, I wouldn't do that.

Hartmann: Okay, then why would you expose yourself to covid without having some protection?

Caller: Because the protection is my natural immunity.

Hartmann: No, it's not. Tell that--

Caller: Yes, yes, my natural immune system--

Hartmann: Tell that to eight hundred thousand dead Americans. Nicholas, this is- this is a stupid conversation and I'm not going to continue it.

/end VD]


Everyone who’s ever died of a disease had an immune system


I think adults need summer vacation. Like let's just close down all our jobs for three months and play outside. Please. I'm so tired.

Love to see this post getting notes again. None of us are ok.


i may just be french but do americans really not get paid summer vacations? you don't go to the beach with your kids? "There is no federal or state statutory minimum paid vacation or paid public holidays" am i reading this right? like i'm not trying to rub anyone's face in it but you're just stuck in the rat race year-round until you're old and that's normal and accepted??? in the 21st century???


99% of "mysterious disappearances" esp of people in their 20s who start acting weird for 48 hours and then vanish are not mysterious, thats just when a lot of reality-obliterating mental illness tends to kick in and it's pretty easy to get a short circuit in your brain that makes you go family guy death pose in joshua tree national park. it's not any less tragic, it's just a documented phenomenon and not particularly predictable. its a big reason the medical advice is for people with a family history of schizophrenia to completely avoid weed and psychedelics. "people just go crazy sometimes" is a principle of human health that used to be a lot more accepted prior to the american midcentury and to a certain extent thats a healthier way to conceptualize and prepare for the risk, as opposed to the modern assertion that anyone acting weird is dangerous and broken forever.

you should have a rough outline of a plan for if any of your loved ones experiences psychosis, it really does happen a lot. UTIs can cause psychosis. taking drugs, even safe drugs, or prescription drugs, can cause psychosis. i was once prescribed a heavy regimen of vitamin D because i was deficient, but the doctor never told me to stop taking it, so i moved to california, stopped being deficient, and developed vitamin d toxicity with downstream hyperparathyroidism which triggered significant hypomania that was undetected and uncontrolled for yeeeeeeears. i just slowly got Weird and started making impulsive decisions based on slightly out-of-gamut beliefs. i drove cross country by myself to have a love affair. the love affair was real, the series of decisions leading to burning down my life in pursuit of it were based on not great brain function however. etc. you see what i mean. churchill mentioned depression being the "black dog who stalks us" (one reason for Churchgrim's multi-referential name) but theres another, stealthier dog called Insanity and it's closer to some people than others but man it sneaks up on you. every time i see one of those "guy gets weird and drives into the wilderness forever" missing persons stories i think "yeah i could totally pull that off"


if this is an outdated resource, please let me know so i can stop reccing it to people, but "i'm not sick! i don't need help!" is a book about how to help a family member experiencing psychosis. the link above is the internet archive scan.


Had a 'fun' new experience today in the form of my first ever mammogram because I found a lump on my chest a few weeks ago, and when you find a lump, you get that shit checked out.

Ironically, the lump I went to get investigated turned out to be nothing, likely just a cyst that made its way to the surface, but they did find something else on the scan that requires me to do a follow-up ultrasound in six months. The doctor stressed that it is most likely a fibroid, but given my family history of breast cancer and general weird health fuckery, they're being vigilant and keeping an eye on it.

The mammogram itself was fine. The technician doing it kept complimenting me on the "pliable" nature of my breast tissue and how easy it was to smoosh me into the machine. I was like thanks, I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome; my body is basically made of only slightly more reinforced laffy taffy.

She said, "That explains that," and then proceeded to smush my tits into a pancake. Apparently, they were the most compliant tits she's worked with. I said thank you because what else can you do in that situation. And then she asked me if I wanted to know how much they weighed, and I said boy, do I?!

So she started reading off the results and was like, "17.7 lbs," and I was like, gosh, no wonder they feel so heavy, and then she kept talking and said, "And the other one weighs..."

And that's when I realized she didn't mean total.

She meant one boob was 17.7lbs.

So in case you've ever wanted to know, my right boob weighs 17.7 lbs, and my left one weighs 17.3 lbs, bringing the grand weight hanging off my chest to an even 35 lbs.

The tech was like "gosh! That's a lot for someone of your size!" and I was like "ya fucking think?!"

For a frame of reference, I weigh 136 lbs total. One-quarter of my weight is tits.

I am one-quarter titty.

And I'm telling that to the next doctor who suggests I lose weight.

Anyway. Remember to do regular breast exams, and don't be afraid of mammograms. Yes, they're checking for cancer, but they also tell you fun things like how much your chest weighs and whether or not your boobs are compliant.

My back is fucking dying lmao. My shoulders dislocate constantly and this is probably a major contributing factor.

I'm actually considering getting a custom corset made now because I feel like that's something you should do when one entire quarter of your weight is in your boobs.

I'd also like to point out that the tech said my boobs had "hidden depths."

Like she thought she was done scooping breast tissue into the clamp, and then she'd find more. Like pulling an endless handkerchief out of a sleeve or like some sort of boob-based clown car.

I feel like my connective tissue is akin to the birthday cake in Sleeping Beauty, where the whole thing is undercooked and ready to slide onto the floor at any moment, and I'm just constantly putting the candles (my health) back on top.

Also, someone in the notes pointed out that the machine could be wrong because they have large boobs and were told they weighed nowhere near that, so I'm off to do unspeakable things to my kitchen scales.

I’d also like to

point out that the tech said my

boobs had “hidden depths.”

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

official boob post


that "pear shaped" is an idiom meaning "something has gone wrong" is a scathing indictment of the british people, and their lack of proper respect and appreciation for a "thick bitch"

As someone who’s been learning to throw pots on a wheel lately, I read that and thought, ‘Ha! You’d call a cockup pear-shaped, too, if you’d ever had a pot get a torque twist and go from lovely cylinder to fat-bottomed mess!’ And then I realised that was too perfect to be a coincidence and looked it up and that is 100% the probable origin of that phrase.

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