
Gwen Penscalpel


Sonata No.1
The Love Song of Sherlock and Moriarty
Believes in Johnlock "FRIENDSHIP" If you hate Mary Watson don't comment on my posts keep your hate for something else.
1/101 proactivity

Ray Ban glasses wish you all a Happy New year! The price of a time-limited event is only $24.99.

Me: *tells parents I'm stressed*
Parents: *think I'm just lazy, get angry, blame it on the internet, Threaten shit, insist on getting one particular reason why I'm stressed, get worried, can't take a hint, refuse to leave me alone, and fail too understand I'm a hormonal teenager attending school which can be stressing from time to time*

Do you ever have those moments when you’re laying on your bed crying and all you can just think to do is look up at the ceiling and sing to yourself. You start to look at the ceiling fan light and tears are pouring down your face while the light in your eyes are too bright you start to squint and soon enough the light and your tears meet together making a kaleidoscope of light in your eyes. Your singing slows down as you quiet yourself only to hear the yelling coming from other room at you or someone else. Only to be snapped back into reality again.

Parents: constantly bitch at me for no reason, make me feel like shit, hurt my feelings, always judging me, expect me to respect you when i don't get respect in return, act hypocritical, emotionally, physically abuse me
Parents : Why don't you ever want to spend time with us? Why don't you ever come to us with anything?

Seriously, if I ever have children...

I vow to show some fucking interest in what they love no matter what it is. If my kid is into comics, I’ll buy them all of them. If they’re into Dungeons and Dragons or some other roleplay stuff like that, i’ll fucking learn the rules to that thing. If my kid is into sports, then I’ll be at all the damn games. If they’re into fashion, then I’ll read some fucking magazines. Whatever they like, I’ll show them I fucking care My parents continuously make me feel like my interests are dumb and they’ve always given me crap for it. I swear to god I’ll never make my children go through what I did.


So I walked into the dentist this morning. My dentist asked me how my weekend was. I said “Good, I watched Captain America last night. I really liked it.” And my dentist says “Oh, my son is in that movie.” At first I thought he was joking but then I realized

Dr. Robert Evans

I looked it up

My dentist is Captain America’s dad


i like how he said he’s in the movie as if he’s an extra and not the main character and also crhis fucking evans


Sherlock: *leans towards John* Can you ask if she likes me?

John: *looking at Molly* she’s your wife, Sherlock.

Sherlock: I know but still


Sooooooo cute

just a reminder of how hot Andy Samberg is 
Part 2

Sexy effect of noice short hair


STRANGER THINGS #1 kids/teens actors wallpapers

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how to deal with a break up

normal people: cry, eat ice cream, watch sad movies, cry some more

steve harrington: adopt four middle-school kids and become the best single mom the hawkins high school basketball team has ever seen

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