

@rudcy / rudcy.tumblr.com


About Rudcy

Rules/Guidelines~ tag ten followers you’d like to get to know better! Tagged by @yuuris-piano

Gender: I don’t like sharing this information online.

Star sign: Scorpio

Height: 5′3

Sexuality: Pansexual

What image do you have as a wallpaper?:  I have a picture of Yuuri on my phone background. Very original...

Ever had a crush on a teacher? Nope.

Where do you see yourself in ten years: Hopefully working in a lab or clinic if I manage to finish med college. But I’m still on the first year so...

Coolest Halloween costume: We don’t celebrate Halloween in my country..

Favorite 90s show: I don’t really have a favorite.. maybe Star Trek?

Last kiss: I haven’t really kissed anybody, ever

Ever been stood up?: No

Ever been to Vegas?: No, I barely left my country haha

Favorite pair of shoes?: Dr Martens

Favorite fruit?: Banana

Favorite books: I don’t have a favorite, but I really enjoyed Kafka’s Metamorphosis

Stupidest thing I’ve ever done: There are so many stupid things I did. I do them every day.. but the stupidest one was maybe not turning off my phone’s alarm so it rang during my entrance exam and I didn’t make it to the college I wanted to.

Anonymous asked:

Victuuri is life and ily

The truth!Ily 2 anon!

Anonymous asked:

Just came across your account and holy shit- Your art is amazing 👌 like BOI THAT'S THE GOOD STUFF keep it up

Thank you so much anon!!


I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to post this sketch or not but I want to show my love for the amazing Siren AU that @lucycamui and @crimson-chains are creating. IT’S SO GOOD!

I wish I did it on a separate paper but inspiration strikes when it wants, so now there’s also a fab Vitya in the picture…

Anyways I wanted so see how Siren Yuri would look like with his hair slicked back.

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