

@jemchew / jemchew.tumblr.com

the old jem can't come to the phone right now
nsfw / 18+
Icon by noellemonade. Header by pasunny.
Anonymous asked:

Not hate or criticism, but I've seen you reblog your latest Ieyasu fic a few times now and I'm just wondering if it actually helps after the first two times.

Lmao. I literally just reblogged it, so good timing. I think it helps. If you’re proud of what you’ve produced, wouldn’t you want to reblog it so others who missed it the first time can see it? You can’t force others to consume it if they don’t want to, but don’t we primarily make content to share in the joy with others? 

I think I’ve written a good fic with good prose, and while it’s not smut/nsfw (which we all know is what most of us are here for), and while I don’t live or die by notes, I do believe it deserves more hits for being good. As do other fics/creative content that don’t get as much traffic (for whatever reason). So I reblog it.

I also don’t think it’s obnoxious to reblog your stuff, or to think you’ve done a good job. Of course, a healthy pride and self-confidence is what’s needed, not arrogance or superiority or any of that insecure negativity that puts people down so you can feel better about yourself. 

At the end of the day, it’s your blog! As long as you’re respectful and not being a dick to other people, I don’t think anyone can fault you for how you decide to handle your blog content. 


Also, timezones are a thing, and some people follow five hundred billion blogs and might not have seen it, or they weren’t on tumblr because they are working six days a week. Reblogging is good!

Never be ashamed of reblogging - and if someone has a problem with it they’re free to find that little ‘unfollow’ button right in the corner. Why is it so hard to let folks do what they want in their own corner of the internet as long as they’re not hurting anyone else?

Writing is hard. Creating content of any kind is hard. It’s disheartening sometimes to see something you are proud of fly below the radar, or rack up simply likes instead of reblogs. Society tells us women the same things, over and over - Be quiet. Sit down. Don’t talk yourself up. Try a little humility.

Screw that. This is my space.

Reblogging for both these awesome ladies and the points they make! No shame, dear anon. JUST DO IT! 🌸

Anonymous asked:

Not hate or criticism, but I've seen you reblog your latest Ieyasu fic a few times now and I'm just wondering if it actually helps after the first two times.

Lmao. I literally just reblogged it, so good timing. I think it helps. If you’re proud of what you’ve produced, wouldn’t you want to reblog it so others who missed it the first time can see it? You can’t force others to consume it if they don’t want to, but don’t we primarily make content to share in the joy with others? 

I think I’ve written a good fic with good prose, and while it’s not smut/nsfw (which we all know is what most of us are here for), and while I don’t live or die by notes, I do believe it deserves more hits for being good. As do other fics/creative content that don’t get as much traffic (for whatever reason). So I reblog it.

I also don’t think it’s obnoxious to reblog your stuff, or to think you’ve done a good job. Of course, a healthy pride and self-confidence is what’s needed, not arrogance or superiority or any of that insecure negativity that puts people down so you can feel better about yourself. 

At the end of the day, it’s your blog! As long as you’re respectful and not being a dick to other people, I don’t think anyone can fault you for how you decide to handle your blog content. 


For the flash fiction exercise, may I request Ieyasu? Please and thank you! I hope you're doing well!


Ieyasu once asked him when he knew you belonged with him, and Tadatsugu told him that he had always known.

“If you’re lying, old man,” Ieyasu squawked.

“I’m not,” he said.

“But if you are–”

“I’m not.”

But that wasn’t true, and he knew it even as he said it— he said it because it sounded pretty, like something someone would say in a book or movie, and because they were both feeling so wretched, and helpless, and because he thought that if he said it, they both might feel better about the situation before them, a situation they might have been able to prevent, but at any rate hadn’t.


Rude Awakening - SLBP (Mitsunari, NSFW)

Fandom: SLBP Pairing: Mitsunari/MC Warnings: NSFW/18+ Summary: The nighttime is long and lonely. If only there was someone willing to help Mitsunari with his ‘problem’…(4.3k words. Mentioned above but this is smut. Turn your eyes away, children.) Author’s Note: Insert the usual 'yada yada I wish for a lot of things for this fic’. I’m tired of going cross-eyed looking at it, so it’s your mess now friends. Also hey tumblr, fuck you. Thanks for your shitty formatting. Also thank you @nathygilmour for the delicious, delightul sinspiration <3

He woke up that morning the way he had for so many lately. Tangled in matted damp sheets, tatters of dreams still clinging to him like wisps of fog, refusing to fade no matter how he willed them away. Full of smooth skin and smoother thighs and the rich, bruised curve of kissed lips. He’d screw his eyes shut, roll into the nest of his ruined sheets as if he could hide from the things that haunted him…but there was nowhere to hide when the phantoms were in your own traitorous mind.

Unbidden, images sprang anew, and he clenched his jaw as they washed over him again. Leaving him restless and conflicted and wanting.

She’d kneel down and pour him tea, like she often did - the sleeve of her kimono falling back with that confounding artless elegance she somehow managed, exposing the long pure line of her forearm, skin pale and soft as petals. There’d be nothing but the sound of the cup filling, until she’d turn her head and look at him over one shoulder - coquettish. Coy. Doe-eyed. And only then would he realize how far her kimono had slid along her neckline, that the white angle of her throat was beckoning as surely as the smile she offered him.

“Come and have your fill, my lord,” she’d say, her voice pitched for his ears alone, and he would know she was not speaking of tea or manju - not when she looked at him as if he was the world, when the only thing reflected in her gaze right then was his silhouette.


Venture (Kanetsugu x MC)

I wrote this for @karalija, who graciously agreed to barter it for a prize for my upcoming follower celebration (y’all, I think this means we all win?). She also graciously agreed to the story being shared. DJKhaled’AllIDoIsWinWinWinNoMatterWhat’.gif



Heatwave (Shigezane/MC drabble)

A sweet little fluff that came into my mind that I just HAD to make. 

Especially since the unbearable summer heat is fast approaching, eh? 

Tagging @pseudofaux @han-pan @jemchew @tinydadkanetsugu and feel free to tag anyone who loves this Oshu boy. 

“Shigezane.” His name left your lips in a low whine. “It’s too hot for you to be using me as a pillow!” The man in question merely groaned, rolling off you and onto the floor.

“It’s too hot to be alive in general, doll.” He turned to look at you, the heat making his ample hair stick to his face, his cheeks flushed.

The power was out, a summer rainstorm that had sent steam up from the concrete knocking it out hours ago. The humid air sank into the house, leaving it stifling even with the windows open.

You wished it was still raining.

“Mmmmhhmm.” The heat left you out of breath, yearning to shed your clothes. You eyed the clouds, still heavy in the sky, through the open window.

How nice it would be if it would start raining again? Maybe it would lessen the feeling of you melting. A soft moan slipped past your lips at the thought. You lifted the fabric of your baggy shirt, exposing the skin of your stomach to the air.

“Ugh.” Shigezane grunted, rising to rest on his elbows. “That’s so hot.”

“Don’t you mean, it’s so hot?” You looked up at him, the question lingering for a moment.”

“Not even the weather is as hot as you.”  He moved again, too quick for you, till he was hovering over you, not quite resting his weight on you but close enough. “I want you to make that sound again.” The heat in your body flared, till you swore you matched how hot it was in the house.

“E-Eh.” You stammered, a blush forming on your already flushed cheeks. “I…what?” His nose brushed the curve of your neck, and you felt his tongue jut into the juncture of your throat, tasting the salt of your sweat.

“Shigeee” Your skin prickled with fresh sweat, and a different kind of heat in your stomach. But you needed to take off some clothes-

A crack of thunder broke the moment, a window banging in the wind.

It was raining!

Shigezane sat back and you hopped to your feet, grabbing his arm.

“Eh, Doll, what are you-“You pulled him out into the rain, not a bit of fear in your movements as you left him on the steps, running out to twirl in the street.

“Come on!” You sung out, trying to get him to join you. “It’s so much nicer than being trapped inside.” It was raining hard, your clothes sticking to you for a different reason now, the water ran in rivulets down your skin and you laughed out loud. It was a cool shower, the heat of the afternoon losing its sting under the flood.

“Ahhh,“ He rubbed the back of his neck. “But my hair-“

“Shigezane! Aren’t you always telling me to live a little? Take your own advice!”

He took a breath, all but shrieking as he bounded into the rain.

“It’s not fair to use my own words against me doll!” He grabbed you, hoisting you into the air. You laughed as he made a circle, setting you down and mocking a grimace. “You’re so heavy.” You punched his shoulder.

“Or maybe you’re just a weakling.”

“Uhhhuhh.” He leaned closer, pressing his forehead to yours. “It is nice out here.”

“I told you.” His nose brushed yours, and he sighed dramatically.

“I just have to.”

“You have to what-“He pressed a kiss to your lips, effectively silencing you. One of his hands entwined with yours while the other cupped your neck, angling your face. Your surprise faded to pleasure as your lashes fluttered closed. His teeth grazed your bottom lip and you opened your mouth.

It was all tongue and teeth, wild like the storm itself.

It was messy, a little lewd, especially when his hand snaked under your heavy shirt.  

After all, you were outside. You were in public. You were literally in the street.

Still, he was delicious, sending shivers down your spine.

When he finally pulled away, leaving you breathless, his sweet smile was like the sun parting through the clouds.

“Just like the movies, right?” He grinned, and suddenly you understood what he had been getting at. A heated kiss in the rain. Your stupidly adorable boyfriend continued to make every day sappy in its own special way. You sighed, but the noise was happy.

“Better than the movies.” You grabbed at his shirt, pulling him in for another kiss. “I think we should take this inside before it gets indecent.”

“Oh baby.” He cooed. “I’ve been trying to get you out of your clothes all day.”

“Ah, have you?” You winked at him. “I hadn’t noticed.” He reached for you, picking you up bridal style.

“Oh yes, all day, even when you were drooling all over my pillow-“

“Ack!” You swatted at his chest. “You won’t be getting me naked saying things like that, Date Shigezane.”

“Mmm, we’ll see.” He grinned.

You had a feeling he was right.


Read Saizo's Act 1 and put together the Plum Fairy Ensemble!

Plus, there’s even a limited edition Special Item Set complete with Fashion Items and Love Passes to help you! Now’s your chance to fall in love with this secretive ninja without getting stuck on Missions!

Want more shinobi love? Sakuya and Sasuke are on their way, but you’ll have to finish a Main Story from one of the first 12 lords first! Let Saizo be your initiation into the world of Shadow, and earn a beautiful ensemble at the same time!




For the flash fiction exercise, may I request Ieyasu? Please and thank you! I hope you're doing well!


Ieyasu once asked him when he knew you belonged with him, and Tadatsugu told him that he had always known.

“If you’re lying, old man,” Ieyasu squawked.

“I’m not,” he said.

“But if you are–”

“I’m not.”

But that wasn’t true, and he knew it even as he said it— he said it because it sounded pretty, like something someone would say in a book or movie, and because they were both feeling so wretched, and helpless, and because he thought that if he said it, they both might feel better about the situation before them, a situation they might have been able to prevent, but at any rate hadn’t.

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